"Journey to the West: Chaos Demon Ape's identity was exposed by a monkey novel ()" Find the latest chapter! In the Cave Mansion.

Chen Fan sit cross-legged began to meditate on the futon.

Mrs. Di Yong's sudden intrusion gave him a wake-up call.

Flower Fruit Mountain is booming and changes are huge.

It is easy to attract the attention of interested people.

Chen Fan itself has Tianji Stone and hidden Divine Art to shield Tianji.

However, the Flower Fruit Mountain apes did not.

As long as Saint casts his gaze over, he will inevitably find that Flower Fruit Mountain has changed.

Chen Fan's shielding secret will also be exposed.

Although, he can hide from Heavenly God Buddha and Saint for a while now.

But it's just black under the lights.

Flower Fruit Mountain is the most important part of the Journey to the West plan, and it can be said that it is the beginning of everything.

Although Sun Wukong has gone to the Innerheart Mountain Sanxing Cave to apprentice now.

But sooner or later, I will come back one day and continue to complete the feat of making a fuss in the sky.

Those great players who play chess will never allow Flower Fruit Mountain to have problems.

It can be biased.

Chen Fan appears.

Not only did he cultivate himself to the pinnacle of Profound Immortal Realm, but he also taught the apes to cultivation.

This has deviated from the fixed number set by Heavenly Dao.

In the future, it will definitely affect the westbound plan.

Don’t say anything else.

Flower Fruit Mountain has two monkey kings, which is a major problem.

If there is no good solution.

Chen Fan has reason to believe.

Those great abilities will definitely solve him.

"What should I do?"

Chen Fan frowned and thought.

Even if he has a system and desperately cultivation, how far can he cultivation?

Basically impossible to contend with Saint.

Not to mention, resist Heavenly Dao.

"In other words, we must find a backer."

"And it is still a strong enough backer."

It is not Chen Fan himself who is pessimistic.

But Journey to the West world is too cruel reality.

See how.

How many Demon ghosts appeared on the westbound road, but the end is extremely realistic.

Those who don't have a backstage are beaten to death with one stick.

Even if you want to be a slave to the mighty, you have to work hard to show it in order to get a chance.

For example, the black bear spirit is of ordinary origin.

Kneeling and licking Guanyin Temple with eyesight, finally relying on playing a few games with Sun Wukong to show his own strength, was taken away by Guanyin and became a mountain dog.

Other monsters of incompetence, one is easier than one to die.

And those monsters with backgrounds.

But one by one is more lively and nourishing.

For example, King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn, I don’t know how many humans they ate and how many bad things they did in Pingdingshan.

In the end, it was because it was the flame-burning boy of Supreme Taoist. He didn't have anything to do, so he went straight back.

Let alone punishment, there is not even a reprimand.

Reality is cruel and frightening.

"No, I will never be able to fight against Heavenly God Buddha on my own. I must find a backer that is large enough."

Chen Fan made up his mind and slowly calculated it.

The journey of Journey to the West will make many Demons either killed or caught as slaves.

Perhaps, he can use this to convince the demons.

Even Empress Nuwa!

You know, Nuwa is a Monster Race Saint.

He is the leader of Monster Race.

If she is left alone, the entire Monster Race will become a vassal of the gods and Buddhas.

Then, how will she be like Monster Race Saint?

Does she also want to become a vassal of the gods and Buddhas?

Monster Race is now in a terrible situation.

Since the Great Battle of Witch and Demon, it has been devastated.

Monster Sovereign and Crown Prince died tragically. Even Nuwa's elder brother Fuxi has also been reborn as Saint Sovereign.

The only remaining Monster Race was distributed to North Club Reed Continent, struggling on whilst at death's door.

It's no longer a climate.

On the contrary, at the foot of the Western Buddhist Spiritual Mountain, the Great Lion and Camel Country gathered.

There are hundreds of millions of Monster Race entrenched.

The kingdom of lion and camel is known as the kingdom of ten thousand demons, but it is actually controlled by Buddhism.

If this continues.

Monster Race is no longer Nuwa's Monster Race, but Buddhism's lackey.

"This is the reason."

"It should be possible to persuade Nuwa Saint to beg her to end."

Chen Fan sighed.

I always feel that I have no choice at all. Even if I ask for Nuwa, I am a little uncertain.


Suddenly, the divine light flashed in Chen Fan's mind.

"Lion and Camel Country!"

The identities of the three demons of the Lion and Camel Country are extremely special.

Great King Blue Lion King, Second King White Elephant King, Three King Golden Wings Great Peng Carving!

The Leo is the mount of Manjushri Bodhisattva.

The white elephant is the mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle is the uncle of Tathagata.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the Lion and Camel Kingdom was able to create the Great Demon Kingdom at the foot of Spiritual Mountain, and even received the asylum of Buddhism, allowing them to do evil.

Because, they themselves represent Buddhism!

Buddhism has always admonished others.

The world is originally Sea of ​​Bitterness, only believing in Buddhism can be liberated.

But, this Sea of ​​Bitterness, is it not a disaster that Buddhism deliberately brought to the world?

While indulging his subordinates to do evil, while showing divine might save sentient beings from the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Buddhism is really a good plot against, a good method!

It is simply disgusting.

That's why Chen Fan hates Buddhism so much.

But he was thinking about something else at this time.

The Leo and the White Elephant.

In addition to being Bodhisattva's mounts, these two demons once had a more prominent identity!

That is the seven companions of Heavenspan Cult Lord!


is one of Heavenspan Cult Lord's seven servants, Qiu Shouxian!

White elephant.

is the spirit tooth fairy who is one of the seven servants of Heavenspan Cult Lord!

And, Bodhisattva Guanyin's mount, the golden-haired reel guides the strings and Caiqiao to beg the scorpion and the stubbornness to beg the sang of Mu Lu sang

It can be seen from this.

How cruel Buddhism is.

Those who are unwilling to surrender will become the mounts of Bodhisattva.

Even, some have been castrated!

Received great humiliation.

Those who are willing to surrender, such as Daoist Abundant Treasures, have become the present-day Tathagata Buddha.

Viluxian became Vihujana Buddha.

The sinister villain with long ears Dingguang Xian became Dingguang Joyful Buddha.

After the Great Tribulation of the Conferred God.

Buddhism is known as the 3,000 people in the world, which is enough to see the ambition of Buddhism.

Journey to the West.

Buddhism will definitely have greater ambitions, not to mention that Buddhism invaded and occupied the territory of Taomen.

Even swallow the entire Monster Race!

It turns out that there is also the Saint asylum of Section Cult Heavenspan Cult Lord.

But now, no one can shelter them anymore!

As the nominal leader of Monster Race, Nuwa is indeed irresponsible.

Even malfeasance.

Thought of this.

Chen Fan has a new plan.

"If you can save the dísciple of Section Cult."

"With this as a bargaining chip, maybe you can get the support of Heavenspan Cult Lord."

Even though Heavenspan Cult Lord cannot leave Purple Heaven Palace now.

But a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse.

Section Cult Wanxian came to the dynasty back then.

Dead to death, defected defected, and the rest were also caught.

However, in Three Realms, there are still many dísciple clergymen who can get away with it!

Among them, there is one of the five Great Saint mothers, not the Holy Mother!

If you can contact Wudang Holy Mother.

In her capacity, summon Section Cult to survive the dísciple, and then draw other Demons.

It will definitely form a huge force.

It is even possible to get help from Section Cult disciples on Investment of the Gods!

But all this must have a premise.

Chen Fan can get the support of Heavenspan Cult Lord.

In this way, the disciplines of Section Cult can stand firmly behind him.

Become his strongest backing!

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