His ancestor Styx did not have any wool.

"Brother Dao, I'll go inside later!"

Tongtian knew what it meant for Zhong Xuan to invite Old Ancestor Ming He to come and watch the human race of Nanshibu Continent.

It is to give enough confidence to Styx.

Let him fall completely on their side.

A mortal family may not make him believe in C.

Immediately invited Styx to go inside again.

The three immediately rushed to the next village.

The human race over there is much stronger than what they have seen before.

"This... how come there are more merits and virtues of the people here?"

Zhong Xuan said with a smile, "This is because these people participated in planting trees earlier, and naturally gained more merit!".

Chapter 255

At first, King Tang only started to plant trees in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Although Datang is powerful, its land area is limited after all.

The power has not yet been completely spread over the entire Nanshabu Continent.

Naturally, some human races will take the lead, and they must first participate in planting trees.

The merit obtained is naturally more.

"Brother, please see, this village is full of people who participated in planting trees at an early age!"

Ming He looked in the direction of Zhong Xuan's finger.

Good guy.

In that village, at first glance, all of them were shining with golden light of merit.

The whole village is full of golden light.

Looking at it at a glance, with the cultivation of his ancestor Minghe as mana.

You can't even see through the houses and buildings in this golden light of merit.

It just feels like a piece of gold.

From a distance, this is simply a big pile of merit.

Very dazzling!

"Hey~~~ A little kid is a big Luo Jinxian!!!"

There are countless little kids who are bouncing QQ, pissing and muddying each other.

The breath on the body is all Daluo! ! !

Although they are Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, their mana has not been restrained in the slightest.

Exposed as much as possible.

Obviously, they have not practiced the exercises.

The realm of mana in this body is all improved by virtue.

They don't even know how to use these magic powers one by one.

The old peasant still wanted to be like the mortals, the sun rises and the sun sets and rests.

Live an ordinary life.


The corners of Ming He's mouth twitched wildly, this group of quasi-sacred powerhouses.

I still want to live like a mortal.

Nothing fancy.

"Fellow Daoist, shall I go inside later?"

Zhong Xuan looked at the somewhat sluggish ancestor Ming He and smiled knowingly.

It's this effect.

It is to make Ancestor Ming He feel shocked.

Only in this way can he give him sufficient confidence and let him stand firmly with them.

Unconsciously, the three of them walked all the way from the edge of Nanshibu Continent into the Imperial City, the center of the human race.

The power of humanity.

Condensed into a golden dragon of human luck, hovering over the human imperial city.

Where to stay quietly.

Although the dragon's eyes were not opened, the pressure was extremely powerful.

It made the ancestor Ming He feel very depressed.

This is only on the edge of the Imperial City, and has not entered the city.

It was pressed into such a shape by the luck of this human race, if it entered it.

Couldn't his cultivation be able to play out at all?

Human race, when did it become so terrifying?

"Okay... What a powerful human race's luck, my mana has been delayed!"

Ancestor Ming He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

This human race is too strong.

Unconsciously and silently, it developed into this.

Really surprising.

"Do you want to go in and have a look, fellow Daoist?"

This. . .

The fate of the human race is strong, I am afraid it is comparable to a saint.

If he entered the human imperial city of the human race, whether he could come out of Styx would still be two words.

But since it was Zhong Xuan's invitation.

Then you should try it yourself.

Ming He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said, "Okay, I'll go in with the two Taoist brothers to see how this human race has developed?"

The three entered the Human Imperial City, the capital of the human race.

This was originally Chang'an City.

But since Zhong Xuan told Tang Wang and others about the origin of the human race and the ancient history.

This place was changed to the Imperial City.

He Tang Wang is the emperor, not the emperor.

Just stepped into the gate of the Imperial City.

The golden dragon of luck seemed to sense the infinite killing intent on the ancestor of Ming He.

Opening a pair of eyes, the terrifying coercion made Ming He tremble.

Could barely stand.

"What a terrifying coercion, is this the strength of the human race?"

Whether the luck of the human race is strong or not is closely related to the strength of the human race.

If the strength of the human race is stronger.

Naturally, the power of luck is getting bigger and bigger, and the power of the golden dragon is also more terrifying.

Conversely, when the human race declines, the Golden Dragon of Fortune will degrade in strength.

Today's human race has been planted with innate spiritual roots.

Restored the ley lines of the prehistoric land.

The merit obtained is very terrifying, and the cultivation base is not low.

And it's not that a certain human race's cultivation base is strong.

But all the human races in the world, their cultivation base is very powerful.

Such a terrifying chain reaction.

It is this human race's luck golden dragon that directly broke through the shackles of the quasi-sage to the saint.

This luck golden dragon is already comparable to a saint-level existence.

Maybe even stronger than those saints.

This is the realm that the ancient Heavenly Court Emperor Jun has never reached.

Even if it was the demon clan that occupied the entire thirty-three days, they were at the height of the day.

Can't keep up with the human race at the moment.

Maybe not even one percent.

Ancestor Ming He sighed in his heart that the human race now only has the appearance of a protagonist.

Before the human race, even Daluo Jinxian was very few.

According to what Hongjun Daozu said, the general trend of the human race as the protagonist of heaven and earth does not match at all. .

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