Envy others for what?

Immediately, Styx suddenly realized.

He looked at Zhong Xuan with fearful eyes.

   He can make his sea of ​​blood full of karmic red lotus.

Does that mean that the entire Jinao Island can be planted with the same innate spiritual roots?

"Brother Dao, is your Jinao Island also full of innate spiritual roots?"

His sea of ​​blood can be, so Jinao Island is probably the same.

Tongtian didn't explain, just said, "If Brother Dao is interested, why don't you let me go outside?"

Just saying it is still not as shocking as taking Old Ancestor Ming He to see it with his own eyes.

After all, he will be the enemy of Hongjun Daozu in the future.

It is best to take Old Ancestor Ming He out for a walk.

Let him see with his own eyes that the ground is full of innate spiritual roots.

The strength of the entire human race.

He must have greatly increased his confidence and stood firmly on the side of Zhong Xuan and him.

"Okay, today I will go out with the two fellow Taoists and open my eyes!"

Ancestor Ming He knew that these two brothers were showing their cards to themselves.

Naturally, you have to go and see it for yourself. .

Chapter 254

Zhong Xuan smiled slightly.

He waved his hand and opened a space channel directly at the bottom of the blood sea.

"Brother, please, I'll go to the Nanbu Continent to take a look first!"

After speaking, Zhong Xuan took the lead in stepping into the space passage.

Tontine followed closely.

Following, Styx did not hesitate.

Step into the space channel and show it in front of the ancestor of Ming He.

It is an extremely abundant innate spiritual energy.

In front of him is a small human village.

The human houses here are full of smoke.

Apparently the Terran inside was cooking.

However, the trees planted in front of and behind the house.

Impressively, it is an innate spiritual root.

It is still the innate spiritual root that the ancestor Ming He is extremely familiar with.

Looking dull at the fruitful peach tree in front of him, Ancestor Ming He reached out and stroked it.

Tremblingly, he asked, "This,...is this a Peach among the Ten Great Innate Spiritual Roots?"

Tongtian naturally knew that Styx was not asking about the Pantao in Tianting Pantao Garden.

But the peach mother tree.

"That's right, this thing is the peach tree. This kind of tree is already very common in the whole Nanzhubuzhou!"

"Almost every household has planted a few peaches to satisfy their hunger and eat some peaches!"


Styx was almost out of breath.

Tongtian said lightly.

But this thing is the only thing in the whole Honghuang.

It was only used by mortals as a craving fruit?

When, the famous Pan Tao.

It has also become such a pointless point?

"Hehe~~ Daoist brother, what is this, look over there 々.!"

Tongtian Yi pointed to a bamboo forest next to the house.

It is bitter bamboo.

It happened that a farmer took a knife and chopped the bamboo, and was weaving bamboo strips.

"Hey~~ The bitter bamboo with the ten innate spiritual roots was cut down to make bamboo strips?"

I am grass~~~

Styx couldn't help but report it directly.

Bitter bamboo with ten innate spiritual roots.

For weaving bamboo strips?

Used as Shau Kei these farm supplies?


Compared with this small farmyard, the ancestor Ming He suddenly felt that he was a poor man.

People can use the congenital spirit root to make daily necessities.

Is it arrogant?

Very arrogant! ! !

"Fuck, that farmer turned out to be a quasi-saint?"

Ming He's cultivation base naturally saw at a glance the countless golden light of merit and virtue that bloomed on the farmer who was knitting bamboo strips.

And his cultivation realm, it is the initial stage of quasi-sage. . . .

The golden light behind the head is the golden light of merit.

"Old man, it's time to eat!"

At this moment, a peasant woman came out of the kitchen in the house and shouted to the farmer who weaved bamboo strips.

Styx looked over.

This person is also a quasi-sage, and the golden light of merit behind his head is not bad at all.

Even their little grandson.

A little kid who is still wearing open crotch pants and is playing in the mud.

That is Taiyi Jinxian cultivation base.

The golden light of merit in the back of the head is also very dazzling!

"Dao... Dao Dao brother, why is this, these people were all mortals from Nanbu Continent?"

Old Ancestor Ming He's lips were trembling.

There is no terrifying image of the arrogant and murderous Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood in the past.

This scene really shocked him too much.

A little boy, he looks only three years old.

Also wearing crotch pants.

It turned out to be a Taiyi Jinxian, and the golden light of merit and virtue behind his head made people's eyes hurt.

Zhong Xuan nodded with a smile.

"Yes, they were ordinary mortals a few years ago, but I let them plant innate spiritual roots!"

"As a result, I have obtained countless merits, and it is not difficult to achieve a quasi-sage with merits and virtues!"

"After all, the territory of Nanbu Continent is so large, it's too slow to plant people with innate spiritual roots!"

Is this too slow?

Ancestor Ming He looked at Zhong Xuan, all of which told him that he was a prodigal.

Really a loser.

If he replaced Styx himself.

The innate spiritual roots of this Nanbu Continent should be planted by himself.

Never fake someone else's hand.

A three-year-old child can obtain the merit of becoming a Taiyi Jinxian by planting trees.

Even his merits have not been exhausted.

It is conceivable that if he were to plant the entire Nanshibu Continent with innate spiritual roots by himself.

That merit, directly proving the Dao Primordial Primordial, there is still remaining!

"¨~ Dao.. Daoist friends can... but I'm really willing!"

Ancestor Ming He's face was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Looking at the human race in that room, their eyes are full of jealousy.

Is it.

With so much merit, these mortals (De Nuo Zhao) actually earned it.

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