It seems that all things are revived in spring.

Infinite fortune-telling vitality breeds and erupts in it. .

Chapter 239


Ancestor Ming He opened his eyes in horror.

Dingding looked at the liquid Zhong Xuan poured on the lotus seeds on the ground at will.

"Hey~~ This creature's fortune-telling vitality is even more terrifying than that of the Sanguang Shenshui?"

Styx can't believe it, there is such a thing in this flood?

The Sanguang Shenshui was already the limit of the opportunity he knew contained in the creation.

But what was in Zhong Xuan's hands at the moment.

That chance of creation, Sanguang Shenshui can't catch up even if it beats a horse.

It is simply that one is in the sky and the other is in the eighteenth hell.

Zhong Xuan didn't care, and said, "Calm down, it's just a little water spirit that opens the sky, what's there to make a fuss about?"

He was speechless.

Why is everyone's eyes suddenly bursting when they see this Kaitian water spirit for the first time.

Mouth wide open.

Makes it look like it has never been seen before.

You are not annoying, I am so annoying, okay?

Not affected by Zhong Xuan's pretense.

Ancestor Ming He quickly grabbed Zhong Xuan's hand and continued pouring water down.

With a painful look on his face, he jumped three feet high on the spot, and jumped his feet and said, "Brother Dao, you are a waste!"

"If this kind of divine artifact is used on the [-]th-grade karma fiery red lotus, it will definitely increase several ranks, and it will be easy for this red lotus to open the third-grade!"

Ancestor Ming He had a pity on his face.

Now that the Kaitian water spirit has fallen, it has been absorbed by the lotus seed.

In the blink of an eye, it took root directly.

The huge fortune-telling inspiration came from that lotus seed.

blink of an eye.

A red lotus seed has grown into a tenth grade karma red lotus.

Even, that good fortune spiritual machine has not been absorbed.

"Hey~~ Daoist brother is short-sighted, this is nothing to make a fuss about!"

Tongtian put Ancestor Ming He around his shoulders and pulled him away.

Zhong Xuan continued, pouring out all the spirits of Kaitian Shui.

Gather like a huge pond.

The red lotus seeds were wrapped by the Kaitian water spirit.

Countless terrifying inspirations are allowed to be absorbed by the red lotus seeds.

In the blink of an eye, it has grown from a tenth-rank karma fiery red lotus to a [-]th-rank karma fiery red lotus.

"This... this me..."

Ancestor Ming He was so excited on the spot that he didn't know what to do.

A pair of eyes looked at Zhong Xuan, and then looked at the fiery red lotus of the [-]th grade.


He slapped himself hard.


Half of the face is directly swollen.

Zhong Xuan and Tong Tian were stunned for a moment.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Why are you slapping yourself in the face for no reason?

Is he crazy?

Ancestor Ming He slapped his face with a slap, and his face was filled with pain.

Involuntarily, he covered his right cheek that was being pumped.

Painful face.

But in his eyes, there is ecstasy that cannot be concealed.

"Hahaha~~~ This turned out to be true, this turned out to be true?"

Carefully feel the breath on the fiery red lotus of the new [-]th grade karma, and make sure that he is not dreaming.

Nor was anyone under the illusion.

But really, these twelve karma fiery red lotuses are right in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, a fiery red lotus of the twelve rank karma was achieved.

Such magical powers, such good fortune!

Oh my God!

Ancestor Ming He looked at Zhong Xuan and Tongtian again, and there was no sarcasm or conflict in his eyes.

Full of joy.

"Big chance, this is really my grandfather's big chance!"

Immediately, Styx seemed to think of something.

Smile suffocated.

Carefully asked, "Brother Dao, can you give me some of this Kaitian water spirit?"

Looking at Zhong Xuan, he showed no pity.

No pain in the face at all.

Styx guessed that there must be more of these fetishes in his hands.

"¨~ Naturally, as long as the daoist brother gives me this [-]th grade karma red lotus, I said before that the ghost blood sea of ​​daoist brother will be full of karma red lotus, I said that I will do it!"

Zhong Xuan smiled and nodded.

This time, it was originally to win over the ancestor of Ming He, so naturally, there is no need to be stingy about Kaitianshuiling.


Is it true?


Ancestor Ming He couldn't hold back, and slapped his left face again.


The two breathless voices came from the mouths of Zhong Xuan and Tong Tian.

"Brother Ming He (De Nuo's) is so ruthless, I don't have the courage to slap myself twice!"

Look at the swollen faces on both sides like Nima's peaches.

The bright red is not mellow.

You know how heavy he is.

You can be so cruel to yourself and slap in the face.

This ancestor Ming He is indeed a ruthless man.

After Ming He slapped himself again, he was immediately excited.

"It's true, it's all true!"

He didn't care about the burning pain in his face.

Excitedly, he looked at Zhong Xuan and said, "Brother Dao, with this thing, this fiery red lotus with full of karma from the sea of ​​​​netherworld blood is naturally no problem, and I will be able to have boundless merit and virtue!".

Chapter 240

Thinking of what Zhong Xuan said before, he would use the sea of ​​blood in the nether world to arrange a great formation.

Connected to all parts of the prehistoric, so that countless filthy evil karma all flow into the sea of ​​​​blood.

In the end, use the red lotus of karma in the sea of ​​blood to refine it and dissipate it.

This kind of huge merit is enough for him to prove the Tao and become holy.

Ah no! ! !

He's still a shitty saint now.

That thing has no future at all, and if it is to be successful, it should be Luo Jinxian of Primordial Prodigy.

At this moment, there was no longer any doubt about what Zhong Xuan said.

It is the cultivation realm of Luo Jinxian, who he has never heard of before.

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