He also looked at the [-]th Grade Karmic Fire Red Lotus with a look of joy.

He was smiling all over his face.

Apparently it was!

Am I drafting!

Lao Tzu's Spirit Treasure!

Ancestor Ming He dared not to speak out, and cursed the two of them for not wanting Bilian.

Not to mention stealing his own spiritual treasure.

You still want me to applaud you?

Ancestor Ming He is also a temperamental person.

Now that it's over, he knows that it's useless to say anything more.

Now, he might as well be tough for a while.

With a cold face on his neck, he said, "Is this how Daoist talks about the general trend with me and gives me a big chance?"

Styx was full of ridicule.

Zhong Xuan and Tongtian still smiled and did not explain.

Picking up the [-]th rank karma fiery red lotus, Zhong Xuan said, "Brother Ming He, these [-]th rank karma flaming red lotus are useless for you, why don't you give them to me!"

In the chaotic spring in his Huaguo Mountain.

Now, the five-party lotus platform is short of this [-]th-grade flaming red lotus.

Moreover, the Karmic Fire Red Lotus in front of him is of the [-]th rank.

Cultivate it a little, and it is not a problem to achieve the twenty-fourth grade karma fiery red lotus.

As for the lotus platform in the sea of ​​blood.

The flaming red lotus seeds are cultivated with Kaitian Shuiling. .

Chapter 238

Styx looked sarcastic.

There was no mistake in my guess.

These two just can't see their own spiritual treasures.

Unexpectedly, his ancestor Ming He also had a day of guilt.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Brother Daoist already has the most precious Pangu Fan, and there are countless spiritual treasures in hand!"

"Why do you want to snatch my [-]th-grade karma fiery red lotus?"

You have so many spiritual treasures in your hand, and you just grabbed the Innate Treasure Pangu Fan from Yuanshi Tianzun.

Why are you staring at me Styx now?

Boss, give us some way to live!

"Hehe, this treasure is very important to me, and my five-party lotus platform is the last one!"

Zhong Xuan smiled slightly and did not explain.

I believe it too much, I will see this behind the scenes next.

Old Ancestor Ming He would definitely nod his head like garlic, and the fiery red lotus of the 24th grade industry could not wait to stuff it directly to himself.

Tongtian smiled and said, "Brother Dao, this is your big chance. If you give this [-]th grade karma fiery red lotus to Dao brother Zhong Xuan, your luck will come!"

"It is Luo Jinxian who proves the Dao Primordial Profound Realm, and it is not a problem to achieve as I am!"

I have achieved Nima, ah, I have achieved!

Styx looked blankly at Tongtian Sect Master.

It's not a good thing to scold this shit in my heart.

You still want to fool me?

What kind of cultivation realm is the Primordial Profound Supreme Luo Jinxian?

Why hadn't he heard of it at all.

Na Hongjun did not mention it in his sermons.

Honghuang still has such a cultivation realm?

I do not know how?

Ming He said, "Fellow Daoist is joking, this karmic red lotus is extremely important to me, the sea of ​​blood in the nether world, if I lose this thing!"

"The countless filth and evil karma in the sea of ​​blood cannot be removed!"

"In the end, the accumulation of more and more, the entire sea of ​​blood and even the entire flood will usher in a terrifying disaster!"

What he said was very euphemistic.

In order not to offend Zhong Xuan and Tongtian, the two murderers.

I can only feel wronged and let go of the idea of ​​killing people at any time in the past.

The tone is very gentle.

As soon as Zhong Xuan heard it, he immediately took out part of the Kaitian water spirit.

A simple jade bottle appeared in the hand.

Inside is the open sky water spirit.

"Is this easy? I'll get another [-]th-grade Karmic Fire Red Lotus to give to Daoist Brother, and Daoist Brother can also rely on my treasure to plant the entire Netherworld Blood Sea with Karmic Fire Red Lotus!"

After finishing speaking, a red lotus seed was deducted from the lotus pedestal of the [-]th-grade industry fiery red lotus.

Seeing Old Ancestor Ming He's face hurts.

This is the lotus seed of the fire red lotus of the [-]th grade industry.

Usually, he is reluctant to use it himself.

This thing can dissolve karma, and if you put it on a monk, it can absorb the karma in him.

Such treasures, he has been begging for a long time to accept the Great Asura Demon King.

He never gave one.

Now, Zhong Xuan was so rudely detained.

What a waste of money, this bastard!

"Brother Dao is joking, these treasures are the breeding ground of the Karmic Fire Red Lotus, and there is only one flower in this sea of ​​​​netherworld blood!"

"This lotus seed, it's not that I haven't thought about cultivating it into a lotus pedestal, but at most I can only recreate the third-grade karma fiery red lotus, which is already the limit!"

"Brother Daoist wouldn't want to take away my [-]th rank karma fiery red lotus and give me a [-]rd rank?"

Styx sneered.

You are robbers.

Robbed Lao Tzu's treasure, and used a third-rank one to fool me.

"Furthermore, it is the karmic red lotus of the third rank, and this entire sea of ​​blood is also dissatisfied!"

If Zhong Xuan really had the ability, he would plant the whole sea of ​​blood with the third-rank fiery red lotus.

Do not!

Even if he planted a small part of the area of ​​the sea of ​​​​blood, his ancestor Minghe was willing to send out the [-]th-grade karma red lotus. ,,

But does he have the ability?

In the eyes of Old Ancestor Ming He, there is absolutely no such thing.

Zhong Xuan smiled and said nothing.

Everything is proved by action.

He threw the lotus seed that was deducted from the [-]th-grade karma fiery red lotus on the ground at will.

The eyelids of the ancestor Ming He jumped when he saw it.

That's it?

Did you say that the seed industry is fiery red lotus, but this is the result?

No pits are dug, and no soil is buried.

Don't throw anything on the ground, do you think it's spreading weeds?

It has been determined that Zhong Xuan can't grow the fiery red lotus.

Ancestor Ming He simply closed his eyes, so that he could not see.

As long as you don't see it, the heartache can be far away from you.

Remove the cork.

A powerful chaotic aura fluctuated, and immediately swept away toward the surroundings.

If it wasn't for Zhong Xuan's seal, so that the spiritual energy fluctuations hadn't escaped.

I'm afraid that the real sea of ​​blood is about to boil.

Ancestor Ming He moved his nose.

My heart is full of doubts, and the powerful aura fluctuates.

Hard to do.

Then Zhong Xuan didn't tell a lie?

Even if he is practicing the killing way, at this moment he feels the terrifying chance of good fortune contained in that spiritual energy.

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