As long as this formation exists for one day, as long as the primordial energy of chaos is still being wiped out.

Introduce innate spiritual energy to the prehistoric world.

Then Zhong Xuan's merits are endless.

Looking up, I saw the dark clouds of divine condemnation that had fallen.

It has quietly retreated at this moment.

He came with claws and claws, and fluttered away. ,

In the blink of an eye, it was as idle as smoke, except for the generation of a large amount of spiritual energy in the ancient starry sky.

The aura of destruction brought by the scourge also dissipated at the same time.

A ray of merit and golden light bloomed in the ancient starry sky.

The target is Zhong Xuan, who is like a star holding the moon.

"Damn, how can this kid have such a good life, so much merit has gone to him!"

Primitive face full of jealousy.

The superiors nodded at the same time.

There are so many merits and virtues, enough for a person to directly prove the Tao and become sanctified.

Just like the back ground.

However, the merit obtained by this person can be much more than the reincarnation of the later earth.

As long as Zhong Xuan absorbed it, it would be no problem to become a saint on the spot.

"A saint has just fallen in the wild, will a second one appear immediately?".

Chapter 201

Zhunti exchanged a glance.

The new saint doesn't know what to do.

Are they working with Taishang Primitive as needed, or with this new saint?

The saints stared at Zhong Xuan.

There is no peace in the flood.

Several saints witnessed Zhong Xuan bathing in boundless merit~.

The jealousy in my heart is beyond words.

Those prehistoric creatures have never entered this place. ,

But it is not clear, they only know that a huge merit suddenly falls from the sky.

All of a sudden there were question marks.

"What happened? Why did such a huge amount of merit come down?"

First, the stars appeared together.

Afterwards, the entire flood was filled with a terrifying atmosphere of destruction.

By means of it, the curse will come.

Now, the day of condemnation has just receded.

And then there is merit.

"This day... is there a problem?"

"Why is it destroyed for a while, and meritorious for a while, to play with people?"

A cloud of merit and virtue as thick as the earth.

Almost all the stars in the ancient starry sky were covered.


"Why don't I teach my disciples to get such a huge amount of merit?"

When will he be able to do this kind of meritorious deeds?

The original expression suffocated, and it was clear that the figure under the merit was Zhong Xuan.

He couldn't help but use the Pangu Fan in his hand to give him a weather-opening blade, splitting the figure in half.

But he can't.

The golden light of merit on the top of the head is a gift from heaven.

On behalf of this person, he has just done something that has made a great contribution to the world.

Killing that person at this time, I am afraid that he will also be punished by heaven.

"Strange, there is still such a chance for the Zhou Tianxingchen Great Array to be able to operate in such a way that Honghuang produces so much innate spiritual energy?"

You can feel the ubiquitous innate spiritual energy.

There were doubts on the spot.

The stars in the ancient starry sky were not all used to form the Zhoutian star formation.

Resist Chaos erosion?

How can there be merits and virtues generated in the ancient starry sky?

The saints were stunned on the spot, and there was still a chance for merit in the ancient starry sky.

They were absolutely unexpected.

If he had known earlier, where would Zhong Xuan take this merit?

Several saints looked over attentively.

They couldn't help but wonder in their hearts how this merit came about.

at this time.

That week, the star formation finally turned around and started to operate normally.

The innate spiritual energy is like a surging river, pouring into the entire prehistoric world from the countless stars.

"I understand, this is Zhou Tianxing Chen eradicating the primordial energy of chaos!"

Taishang shouted suddenly.

He took a closer look, and Zhong Xuan didn't hide it either.

There was a clue.

His cultivation base is the highest here, but he has glimpsed the true meaning of the innate spiritual energy generated by the stars. ,

It is not at all the aura generated by the ancient starry sky.

But through the operation of the stars, the stars are equivalent to a terrifying big mill.

All the chaotic aura that entered it would be wiped out directly by him, decomposed into innate aura and rushed into the prehistoric world.

"Hey~~ Could it be that this is the real purpose of Zhou Tianxingchen?"

Saint Nuwa's face changed greatly on the spot.

He clenched his fists with both hands, his body trembling with anger.

This should be the merit of her demon clan. ,

At this moment, it has fulfilled others.

At this time, the ancient stars revolved according to the traces of the Zhoutian star formation.

· · · Flowers · · ·

Continue to wipe out the chaotic vitality.

In the starry sky, it is no longer silent.

Instead, it is filled with the innate spiritual energy that is extremely rich.

Infinite creation erupted in an instant.

Above the stars, a hint of green suddenly appeared.

This is the manifestation of the machine of creation.

"Hahaha~~ It really works!"

Zhong Xuan saw that the stars began to rotate, and they began to run according to the arrangement of the Zhou Tian star array.

He knew that the great formation of stars had been quietly arranged.

Next, he only needs to leave an avatar to suppress the Zhou Tianxingchen formation.

It can realize the automatic operation of Zhoutian and Xingchen.

Countless chaotic primordial qi will be wiped out, providing terrifying innate spiritual qi for the prehistoric world.

Zhong Xuan was already prepared for this.

From the Chaos Spring in Huaguo Mountain, a [-]rd grade golden lotus was picked.

The lotus pedestal appeared, and immediately burst into immeasurable golden light.

Shine the entire ancient starry sky golden.

Several saints were shocked, "Golden Lotus of Merit?"

"It's still rank [-]!"

"Could it be that this is a lotus platform of the innate treasure level?"

Although before, they knew that Zhong Xuan might have this kind of thing.

But seeing it with my own eyes was a little shocking.

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