Next, there will be stars all over the sky, directly exposed to the eyes of all living beings.

Then, the barrier of the prehistoric world was broken.

Countless chaotic primordial chaotic storms poured into the prehistoric world. ,

The whole prehistoric world is now filled with the aura of destruction.

Already on the verge of breaking.

To say that this matter has nothing to do with Zhong Xuan, who would believe it?

"¨~ No, I have to go and see!"

The Jade Emperor was uneasy, the ancient starry sky was above the head of Thirty-Three Days.

If there is a change, the first one to suffer is Heavenly Court.

He Jade Emperor, definitely can't run.

In the blink of an eye, thirty-three days passed and entered the ancient starry sky.

Even far away, he could feel this terrifying fluctuation.

The Jade Emperor stood outside the ancient stars.

Watching the chaotic storm that madly passed through the cracks and poured into the ancient stars.

Almost didn't get scared out of his breath.

However, the Jade Emperor could only be in a hurry, the barrier of the prehistoric world was broken.

Not that he can fix it.

Chaos (get Wang Zhao) outside the chaos.

The five saints who failed in their pursuit of Hongmeng Ziqi.

Quasi-Saint hurried back in dejection.

Just entered the frontier world next to the barrier.

Then I saw a pure white fist, carrying an infinite and vast force.

Suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

Yuan et al were taken aback.

Taking a closer look, that person actually shattered the barriers of the prehistoric world.

Rao was five saints, and his heart trembled when he was frightened.

That's the barrier of the prehistoric world, that dog day's boldness actually wants to drag the prehistoric to be buried with him?

The barriers of the world are broken, and there is an endless storm of chaos.

You can enter the prehistoric world through this broken crack.

At that time, the prehistoric world will really be over.

No one can stop it. .

Chapter 200

"Where is the evildoer, how dare you dare to do such a treacherous deed?"

Yuan Yuan hurriedly took out the Pangu banner, and made a stroke towards the chaotic storm that was surging into the flood.

Chaos Storm couldn't hold back the weather blade, and it turned into nothingness on the spot.

At this time, Zhong Xuan was not happy.

Dissatisfied, he said to the five saints, "Do you have any problems?"


The five saints were full of question marks on the spot.

I am so defending the floods, why is there something wrong?

"It's you kid!!!"

Zhun raised his eyelids and looked through the shattered Chaos Storm.

Isn't the figure on the other end the same kid Zhong Xuan who made their teeth itch with hatred?

Looking around, the barriers of the world have been broken.

Only this kid was there.

It must have been his doing.

"Good evildoer, you dare to smash the barriers of the prehistoric world, you should be punished!"

Zhun Ti is overjoyed, now I see how your kid is still alive.

At this time, the curse has come.

The scourge this time is undoubtedly more terrifying than the previous one.

Obviously, Zhong Xuan's move annoyed Tiandao.

"Boy, you break through the barriers of the prehistoric world, and wait for the scourge to kill you!"

Zhunti said with schadenfreude immediately.

The previous scourge couldn't kill Zhong Xuan, but it didn't mean that the current scourge still couldn't kill him.

The karma created by Zhong Xuan now is even more terrifying than the evil spirit brought by the release of trillions of human race grievances before.

At most, it is to pull the flood into the calamity.

But at this moment, this chaotic vitality invaded the prehistoric world.

The damage caused is likely to be earth-shattering.

The prehistoric world is dying.

"Too much injustice will lead to suicide, this evildoer was hacked to death by divine scourge, it's really cheap for him!"

The original Tianzun gritted his teeth ruthlessly.

Since the beginning of the world, no one has dared to speak to him like Zhong Xuan.

I wanted to extract Zhong Xuan's soul and put it in the Yuxu Palace.

Used as lamp oil for glazed lamps.

Who knows, this kid's own death has attracted more violent scourge.

Let him die under the curse, it is really cheap for him.

The scourge of black clouds gathers.

Zhong Xuan didn't panic at all.

However, this time he did not face the scourge.

His physical primordial spirit has been tempered by the last divine scourge.

I saw that he was not in a hurry.

With the law in hand, Zhou Tianxingchen will run on its own.

Open a mouth and swallow all the chaotic vitality that poured in.

"What is he doing?"

Seeing that Zhong Xuan did not respond to the divine condemnation that was about to be approved, but instead drove Zhou Tianxing to devour these chaotic vitality?

For a time, none of the saints understood.

If he doesn't deal with the scourge, isn't he asking for his own death?

Look further.

The stars driven by Zhong Xuan, after the chaotic vitality and chaotic storm poured in.

Suddenly it was like a tight mill.

Divide the primordial energy of chaos into each star, and then the stars rotate to obliterate them directly.

Countless innate auras were generated from the ancient starry sky under the watchful eyes of the public.

"I... FUCK~~~"

The sage Zhunti exploded on the spot.

This week, what happened to Xingchen has such a function?

The sage's eyes narrowed.

"What a powerful method, to practice all the stars of Zhou Tian together, and let them make a great formation!"

"The ancient demon clan used Zhou Tianxingchen to fight against the enemy, and this person actually used Zhou Tianxingchen to earn merit for himself!!!"

Can the ancient stars still be used like this?

If everyone from the ancient demon clan could see it, their faces would turn green with anger?

That Emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi might be able to come back to life with anger.

And, give yourself two slaps.

Such a huge opportunity lies ahead.

His demon clan did not cherish it.

It is conceivable that it is not only this curse that has to be returned by oneself.

Even, countless merits have to be given to Zhong Xuan.

Such a huge innate spiritual energy was injected into the flood.

Moreover, it is still the Zhou Tianxingchen array that can continue to operate.

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