"I know, but so what?" said indifferently.

That. . .so what?

The five saints were stunned.

The great powers of the heavens also widened their eyes, looking at Zhong Xuan's indifferent expression in disbelief.

"He... is he mentally ill?"

a long time.

The Queen Mother next to the Jade Emperor held back a sentence.

The Jade Emperor nodded in agreement.

Yes yes.

This kid must have an abnormal brain, although his cultivation is strong.

Can hang and beat them half-step mixed power strong.

However, judging by the performance of this kid all along.

He first offended Buddhism, Heavenly Court, and other people's teachings.

Afterwards, he actually directly killed Xuandu, the leader of the Human Sect.

Even grabbed the Kongtong seal of Taishang.

It also completely strips away the luck of the people's teaching.

This is teaching people to sin and die.

Can the Supreme Saint let him go?

It is not surprising that he can say such words in the face of saints.

"Dead, dead, this kid is completely cold!"

The Jade Emperor sighed, but did not expect that the person who had been against him all along was a brainless man.

After hearing this.

Zhunti was furious, "You know I'm a saint, how dare you talk to us like this?"

"Hehe, what's wrong with talking like this? Are you capable of hitting me?"


Zhunti's expression suffocated, and boundless anger exploded in his chest.

After he became a saint of Hunyuan, his mind was firm.

I have never felt this kind of anger before.

At this moment, he completely felt it.

The Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree in his hand shot without hesitation and swiped it directly on Zhong Xuan's head.

"Death to Laozi!!!"

Countless great powers closed their eyes one after another, and this kid was completely helpless.

Zhong Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He also angered with his right fist, and the infinite mana of Jiuzhuan Xuangong shook.

Strong enough to be comparable to the physical strength of a saint.

The surrounding space was directly shattered inch by inch.

Zhunti's colorful holy light was connected to Zhong Xuan's right hand.

The powerful force suddenly exploded.

"not good!"

Tai Shang originally thought that Zhong Xuan would never be able to stop such a blow.

What he didn't expect was that Zhong Xuan not only got hit, but even delivered a terrifying blow.

It is on par with Saint Zhunti.

The terrifying power that erupted suddenly erupted towards them.

Without further ado, the Taiji map was directly unfolded, blocking the power of the sputtering. .

Chapter 189

The great powers of the Great Desolation suddenly boiled.

"No...Impossible, Zhong Xuan actually resisted the saint's blow?"

my mother!

What kind of monster is this.

Even a saint attack can't kill him.

Zhunti's face changed greatly, "You...you have such a strong body, you can actually block my blow!"

The expressions of the other saints also changed drastically at this moment.

The faces of the three of Taishang Primitive Nuwa changed greatly.

In the wild, people who have never been sanctified can resist the blow of a sage.

This is the first time I've seen this happen.

"This kid turned out to be a nine-turn Xuan Gong practice!"

Taishang looked at the original Tianzun with a look of shock on his face.

"Senior brother, this kid must be a disciple of Tongtian. Otherwise, how could he teach the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art?"

Taishang nodded solemnly.

"That's right, this kid must be from Tongtianmen, otherwise how could he have this nine-turn Xuangong?"

The original Tianzun was full of jealousy.

What a lucky day.

One of the disciples is stronger than the other.

On the contrary, the disciples of his original sect, turned out to be more than a waste.

Not to mention that the boy in front of him can resist the attack of the saint.

Even the Tathagata of the West was taught by Tongtian.

There are even the virgin virgin and others, who not only cultivate high strength, but even attach great importance to love and righteousness.

He explained that there were very few disciples under his sect.

As a result, five traitors appeared at once.

"This son collided with the saint, and he has no respect and should be punished!"

The original said coldly.

This person is under the Tongtianmen, it is even more damnable.

Zhunti nodded, for the first time in his life he felt that what Yuan said made sense.

Damn this kid.

"Hehe, you fucking went to Lao Tzu's dojo, and without a word, attacked my mountain protection formation directly. Do you still think it makes sense?"

What the heck, where are these saints?

Just a spoiled child.

In short, these people are giant babies.

What the hell are you attacking my mountain gate, it's already light for me to scold you two words.

"You...you you.々..."

The original Tianzun pointed at Zhong Xuan, tremblingly said, "Little Shuzi, how dare you disobey the saint?"

Zhong Xuan sneered and said, "You mentally retarded, get out of my way!"

After speaking, drill into the formation.

The leyline array closed immediately.

He wasn't afraid of these saints, but the moment when he cut off the Violet Qi to the sky, it was already at a critical moment.

I want to protect him myself.

"Kid An dares to be arrogant, do you think you can escape the power of a saint by hiding in the formation?"

Zhunti waved with Yuan Yuan on the spot, a Seven Treasure Wonderful Tree brazenly.

A Three Treasure Jade wishful and supreme power.

At the same time, it slammed into the Earth Vessel Array.


This time, the leyline array was not completely protected.

The overflowing power rushed to every grass and tree in Huaguo Mountain through the formation.

"Hmph~ Can't I really think that Lao Tzu is made of mud?"

Zhong Xuan snorted coldly, and the [-]rd rank golden lotus spun around from the Kaitianshui Lingchi.

The terrifying golden light greeted the sage's mighty power.

The golden lotus swayed slightly, and the overflowing power was swayed by the golden lotus on the spot. ,

dissipated into nothingness.

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