Primitive didn't have so many thoughts, and directly shot to break this formation.

He said coldly, "It doesn't matter what kind of formation he is, it's damned to hinder us from waiting for saints!"

Three Treasure Jade Ruyi in hand, hit the next.


The innate vitality was turbulent, and those chaotic auras in the leyline array violently rioted.

The powerful defensive ability of the formation method can resolve the original blow in less than two breaths. .

Chapter 188

The five saints were taken aback.

They never imagined that this formation could block the original Three Treasures of Enlightenment, Ruyi.

"There are some ways in this formation, let me try it!"

Zhunti took out the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and brushed down the colorful Buddha light.

Yuanyuan frowned, this Zhunti wants to show his face in public?


The mighty vitality rioted, and the large formation of the earth pulse fluctuated a few times.

Then it was silent.

Zhunti's face was ugly, but he used [-]% of his strength this time.

The purpose is to break the formation so that the original face can be dropped in public.

That knows, his [-]% strength can't get rid of this formation. ,

"Haha~~~ The daoist who set up this formation is of extraordinary strength. I think you should not try it!"

Seeing that Zhunti was deflated, Yuan Yuan smiled slightly.

I just love to see his expression like eating a dead fly.

"I don't believe it anymore, why can't I help your little formation?"

As soon as Zhun raised his temper, the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree in his hand had accumulated [-]% of its power.

A terrifying light blooms in his hands.

Looking like an angry Buddha, he said angrily, "Open it to me!"

The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree brushed down, bombarded with mighty holy energy.

The turbulence of the formation was even more intense.

but. . .

This formation is still not broken.

I am grass~~~

Zhun mention almost scolded mother 24 directly.

He couldn't break the formation with all his strength.

"I think this formation method should be a new understanding of Taoist Tongtian in recent years!"

Unable to break, he forced himself to find an excuse.

This formation is arranged by the sky, so it doesn't matter.

Anyway, suddenly it is the first formation of Fa Da people in the flood.

It's normal to not break.

At this time, a hole opened in the formation.

Zhong Xuan's figure appeared.

With an impatient look on his face, "Are you fucking finished?"


The five saints were stunned when they saw Zhong Xuan on the spot.

This person is not Tongtian, nor is Tongtian's three-corpse clone.

It is a wild practice!

For the first time, Zhong Xuan's identity was confirmed.


The five saints were furious.

"You bastard, who are you talking to?"

The original Tianzun was full of anger.

It was the first time someone had spoken to him like this since he became a saint.

Does this kid want to die?

"Come on, the saint is amazing?"

Zhong Xuan looked impatient, "Others see you as saints to make you feel a little bit, but I'm not used to your virtue!"

"Huaguo Mountain is my chassis. If you come to worship the mountain politely, I welcome them!"

"If that bastard dares to start a fight without saying a word, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"


How dare this bastard speak to a saint like that?

This time, the Jade Emperor of Heaven, the Western Buddha.

Even Old Ancestor Ming He and others all widened their eyes.

Looking at Zhong Xuan in Huaguo Mountain in disbelief.

This scene of angering the saints simply stunned them.

"This... this kid doesn't know that the five are saints?"

Yes yes.

This kid is a rising star, the first person under the worthy sage of the Great Desolation.

When he was born, the Conferred God War had long since ended.

All the saints have never appeared in the flood.

It's normal for him not to know.

"Hehe~~ There's a good show to watch now, Zhong Xuan's child contradicts the saint, let's see how he dies now!"

The Jade Emperor's face was full of joy.

This kid Zhong Xuan is looking for death, and this time he offends the saint.

How can there be a chance to live?

It can be expected that Zhong Xuan will hang up next.

Under that saint are all ants.

The saint was angry, and he would die if he slapped him casually.

comfortable! ~!

The Jade Emperor leaned back on the Heavenly Emperor's chair comfortably, his face full of relief.

The Western Tathagata also has this expression.

"Amitabha, this kid died, my Western Buddhism finally got revenge!"

As you might think.

The original and others were furious on the spot.

Zhunti asked uncertainly, "Boy, don't you know our identities?"

Yuan Yuan and others knew that this kid was not among the three thousand great powers of Zixiao Palace.

It was also the first time they had seen this man.

It must be because they don't know these saints, that's why they speak in such a tone.

If they knew their identities, they would be so frightened that they would kneel down and beg for mercy.

"I know!"

Zhong Xuan's face doesn't matter, who doesn't know that you are saints.

However, this has nothing to do with me, Zhong Xuan.

What about saints?

It's just a puppet controlled by Tiandao and Hongjun.

"you know?"

Lord Zhunti had disbelief written all over his face.

You know how dare you speak to us like that?

"I am a saint!"

Zhunti introduced to Zhong Xuan, "I am a Western Buddhist Zhunti, this is the receptionist!"

"This is the sage Nuwa, this is the supreme sage, this is the original sage!"

I thought that Zhong Xuan was going to be surprised.

But it didn't.

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