O Wozhnyima!

A group of wealthy families without hoes almost yelled at Zhen Yuanzi.

Is it fate to take a hoe?

Nima, are you accepting disciples or recruiting to farm?

"Would you like to follow me to My Dojo, Longevity Mountain?"

The people who took the hoe nodded again and again.

Fools don't want to, this is a fairy.

"Okay, let's go then!".

Chapter 154

With a wave of his sleeve, Zhen Yuanzi took these mortals directly with the magical power of Qiankun in his sleeve.

In the blink of an eye, they reached the Longevity Mountain and released them.

"Fellow Daoist, what should we do next?"

Zhong Xuan told Zhen Yuanzi about the oath he had made.

"You let them step forward and swear one by one, as long as Tiandao responds, this thing will be done!"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and immediately called an old farmer with a hoe to step forward.

"Now I accept you as my disciple, but you need to swear!"

The old peasant who was called was so excited that he couldn't help himself on the spot.

"I am willing, what the immortal says is what it is!"

"Now you read to me, I xx voluntarily join the line of the earth immortals, and I will be apprenticed under the great immortal gate of Zhenyuan. From now on, I will only do meritorious deeds and not karma-ridden things. If I violate my oath, I will automatically be expelled from the mountain gate and be punished by heaven. Suffering!"

As soon as the voice fell, a thunder sounded above the heavens.

This is Tiandao's response to the old farmer's oath.

Zhen Yuanzi almost jumped up with excitement on the spot.

"This, this, this, fellow Daoist, you are so amazing, you can even do this kind of thing!"

O Wary!

You can even exploit the loopholes in Heaven, as long as this method is popularized.

From now on, the whole flood will be peaceful.

The people exchanged with respect and did not dare to have the slightest fight.

Because everyone has made the oath of heaven.

You dare to provoke karma for the general clinic and damage the luck of the sect.

From the moment you did this, you were automatically kicked out of the gate of the sect, and you were no longer a member of this sect.

Gotta be bombarded with scourge.

But whoever is a cultivator, except for Zhong Xuan, who else dares to make a joke?

Although they have not yet cultivated, this kind of thing is probably beyond the control of heaven.

After all, Tiandao is not so idle, and everything is done by himself. Otherwise, what do the underworld and the heavenly court do?

But as long as you enter Zhenyuanzi's earth immortal door.

Your cultivation base cannot be low.

When the mountains and plains are full of congenital spiritual roots, the Peach Life Fruits are eaten casually.

A pig must be fed alive to become a Golden Immortal.

These ordinary people who plant trees now will soon be Da Luo Jinxian.

Now, maybe they still don't understand what this oath of heaven is.

However, wait for their cultivation base to arrive.

Naturally understand.

"Teacher, I've already made my vows. Can I learn immortality with you now?"

Everyone looked forward to it, thinking that they were about to learn to fly.

If you learn an immortal method that ordinary people can't, you will be excited.

Zhen Yuanzi was expressionless, "What are you thinking?"

"Now, take your hoes and plant all the trees on this mountain for me!"


The crowd was shocked.

Looking up, the mountain is so damn high.

This requires planting trees all over the mountain. Although there are many people, they are not enough.

I am afraid that I will be dissatisfied to the point of death.

They felt that their boundless masters had been pitted.

Excitedly, I want to come to the teacher to learn the immortal method.

As a result, there is still no escape from the fate of farming.

Zhong Xuan said to Zhen Yuanzi, "First of all, they can't use Kaitian water spirit, they can't digest the spirit fruit grown from these things."

"You build a pond on the mountain, fill it with water, and drop a drop of Kaitian water into it."

"Let them use the water in this pond to plant trees first, and then let them use the Kaitian water spirit to plant spiritual roots when their cultivation is improved!"

Zhen Yuanzi understood, Wei Wei knew it when she thought about it.

These mortals are themselves stained with vulgarity.

Moreover, his physique is not very good, even the mortal martial arts are useless materials.

How to directly devour that innate spiritual fruit?

I am afraid that I will explode and die on the spot.

"It's too much to say, I'll get some pools out!"

Most people in a city plant trees on Longevity Mountain. ,

The entire city was empty.

This place is Xiniu Hezhou, the base camp of Buddhism.

At this moment, the city was completely empty.

Naturally, no one went to the temple to worship Buddha and offer incense.

Even when he stayed, the belief in Buddhism was much less.

Tathagata frowned, how could this Buddhist gate look like a dilapidated house.

Air leaks everywhere.

First lost the luck of the Tang Dynasty.

Now even the fortune of Xiniu Hezhou on his own site has disappeared.

"Damn it, isn't this Buddhist school destined for great prosperity, how can it hit the wall everywhere!"

Tathagata could hardly contain the anger in his heart.

This is completely different from what the saint said.

The courage he took over was extremely heavy.

Ran Deng personally took action and collected the golden and silver horns in the Lotus Cave of Pingdingshan on the spot.

Even while he was waiting, Taishang Laojun's pile of magic weapons were all brought back to Western Buddhism.

At the same time, Banjiao Qingniu was also taken away.

On the journey to the west, the dilemma was lessened again.

"My Buddha, this man taught his disciples, and the poor monk was fortunately brought back with his life!"

Burn the lamp and return to the Daleiyin Temple.

Raising his hand, he released the Golden Horn Silver Horn and Banjiao Green Bull, which were still in a state of confusion.

At a glance, it turned out to be the Western Spirit Mountain.

And in front of him, there are two big bosses, the present Buddha and the past Buddha in Lingshan.

The three of them asked dumbfoundedly, "Buddha, I don't know what the Buddha brought me here?"

Now it is the people's religion that gets along well with Buddhism, they don't believe in Buddhism and bring them here.

to get them.

In the eyes of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, this attitude is like this man teaching his disciples to be arrogant.

He didn't take Buddhism in his eyes at all.

Immediately, the crowd was excited.

"What a child, came to my Buddhist Daleiyin Temple, and still acted so arrogantly?"

Maitreya's Primordial Spirit reprimanded the three.

Looking at the three disciples, he could not wait to go up and tear them apart.

Maitreya, who was gnashing his teeth, looked even more dazed.

What's wrong with me?

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