If you are in the hereafter, if you start a company like this, you will starve to death sooner or later.

For his own reward, Zhou Tianxingchen array.

Zhong Xuan quickly held down the hoe in Zhen Yuanzi's hand.

"Daxian, listen to me, you should do this!"

Zhen Yuanzi was puzzled and asked, "What should I do then?"

"You go down the mountain immediately and go to the city of the human race to act as a coercion."

"Then start to recruit disciples, as long as you are willing to bring them back to the mountain, distribute hoes to them and let them plant trees!"

This method is undoubtedly the fastest.

I thought that Zhen Yuanzi would go to the world and pretend to be a coercion with a happy face.

Who knew he would wave his hands again and again after hearing this.

"Impossible, the sect master who taught the sect is a lesson from the past. Such a random acceptance of disciples will damage the sect's luck sooner or later!"

Planting the spiritual roots on the top of the mountain in a short period of time requires an extremely large amount of manpower.

It is even more than the number of people who intercepted the influx of ten thousand immortals.

With such a huge crowd of disciples, how can he keep the luck of his Earth Immortal lineage?

Zhong Xuan was stunned for a moment, and Zhen Yuanzi was worried about this.

But also, the Conferred God Battle that year left a deep impression on them.

The end of the teaching was not very good.

Naturally, it must be taught by the great powers to keep in mind.

"Da Xian, with me here, why are you worried about luck or bad luck?"

"Listen to me, go and pretend to force a wave of human disciples, and then plant all the innate spiritual roots on Longevity Mountain for me!"

Zhenyuanzi shook his head again and again, "No, no, no, if there are too many people, it will inevitably lead to poor management, and then there will be great disasters!"

Zhong Xuan said, "It's easy to handle. You can directly set up a canon, and anyone who commits a crime will automatically be expelled from your earthly immortal lineage, and then let those disciples who have entered the stage make an oath of heaven!"

"As long as they commit crimes and have more karma than merit, they will be automatically expelled from the sect on the spot!"


Zhen Yuanzi looked stupidly at Zhong Xuan in front of him.

a long time.

Only then did he exclaim, "Fuck you, Daoist Zhong Xuan, you're treating the Dao of Heaven as a tool, and this is just a piece of shit!!!"

This Nima, this kind of method can be thought of.

It can only be said that he is indeed a man who dares to be angry with God.

What the hell is that?

That is the existence that the entire prehistoric life must look up to and respect.

How dare they have the idea of ​​using the way of heaven on weekdays.

As a result, Zhong Xuan didn't care at all.

He could even come up with a way to let Tiandao be a tool man for him, which is really extraordinary.

"Dao... Fellow Daoist, are you sure this method will work?"

Zhen Yuanzi is still worried, that is the way of heaven.

If he knew you were using him as a tool man, would he let you go?

Zhong Xuan's face was full of indifference, "Relax, didn't Tiandao want to make Honghuang develop better?"

"You are now accepting countless disciples in order to plant the innate spiritual roots and improve the prehistoric spiritual energy!"

"Isn't this a great merit to the prehistoric world? This is a good thing of boundless merit. What's wrong with you being a tool person who manages disciples and disciples with the help of heaven?"

"Tiandao knows, it will only reward you, and certainly will not have any opinion on you!"

Tiandao has no consciousness at all and acts purely by instinct.

But after Hongjun Daozu joined the Dao, he made the Dao of Heaven a little mysterious.

It gives them the feeling that this Heavenly Dao is not a manifestation of the laws of the prehistoric world, but rather like a humanized consciousness with emotions.

But Zhong Xuan knew that the way of heaven was the collection of all the rules of this world.

His instinct is to make the world develop better.

Apart from that, there is nothing else in Heaven.

"This... is that really the case?"

Zhen Yuanzi asked cautiously.

Zhong Xuan suddenly became impatient, "Fellow Daoist and I will find some people to try, don't you know?"

"Don't worry, there will be divine condemnation, and I will block it for you!"

Slapped his chest loudly.

Zhen Yuanzi felt at ease in an instant, yes, this is a ruthless man who can even survive the scourge.

If the sky is falling and he can withstand it, what are you afraid of?

With his chest straight, Zhenyuanzi said, "Go, I'll go down the mountain and go to the human capital to act as a force!"

I've been with Zhong Xuan for a long time, what does this pretending mean? ,

With his ingenuity, he had already figured it out.

After going down the mountain, Zhen Yuanzi didn't say a word, and directly chose a larger city in Xiniu Hezhou.

He flew above and bloomed with boundless light.

People in the entire capital heard Zhen Yuanzi's voice.

"I am the Great Immortal of True Yuan, and I am accepting apprentices here today. Anyone who is destined can take a hoe and come to the south gate of the city to apprentice!"

When Zhong Xuan heard this, he was instantly happy.

This Zhenyuanzi is awesome, and even the hoe is saved this time.

In the light of Zhen Yuanzi's blooming, the supreme mana was used.

He himself is the innate spiritual root, the master of the birthing opportunity of good fortune.

A ray of light bloomed, and countless human races suddenly felt comfortable.

The symptoms of old cold legs, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, etc., will be cured immediately.

Who can live without one or two old people?

At this moment, I saw with my own eyes that my father and mother were lying on the bed from the elderly.

Being irradiated by this light, he rolled over and got up from the bed.

The agility of movement is more agile than the average young guy.

I don't know where, I have met a real fairy.

He quickly took the hoe at home and went straight to the south gate of the city.

Along the way, I did not forget to call my friends and call my friends, "Let's go, my chance has come, and I have met a goddess!"

"Quickly go to apprentice!"

In the entire city, no matter how big or small, no one was left except the king and the others.

"This... this... I fucking..."

Looking at the empty palace, the king looked like a concubine in mourning.

He finally made it out and waited until his father died.

It's just been enthroned.

Even the dragon chair under the buttocks is not warm yet.

Here came a god, who took away all the people in the city as apprentices.

"Well... I'm not going to do this as an emperor anymore, take a hoe and go to apprentice!"

In an instant, the entire city was empty.

Empty, like a ghost town.

Everyone resisted the hoe and came to the south gate of the city.

Immediately, he saw an old man with an immortal style, stepping on an auspicious cloud and floating in the air.

"Meet Daxian, and ask Daxian to accept me as a disciple!"

Zhong Xuan gave Zhen Yuanzi a look.

"Look, these are all laborers. With so many people, your Longevity Mountain will be full of spiritual roots within two days!"

Zhen Yuanzi was instantly moved.

He gave Zhong Xuan a thumbs up, admiring him, "Fellow Daoist, if you want to say this is a scumbag, you are the best!"

"Cough cough~~~"

"Wait now, the one with a hoe in his hand is standing on the left, and the one without a hoe is standing on the right!"

Everyone obeyed and stood up.

Those with hoes are all common people, who rely on farming for a living.

There are naturally hoes at home.

For those big families, their hoes were all snatched away by the servants.

Even if they wanted to resist the hoe, they had nowhere to look at this moment.

"Okay, the confidence without a hoe dissipates, and you have no luck with me!"

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