Zhong Xuan nodded.

This Guanyin is worthy of being a senior second or fifth boy, and the kung fu of seeing the wind and steering the rudder is amazing.

On the spot, she used the three-inch incorrupt color that came from Buddhism.

Showing the skill of the lotus flower on the tongue, how did Buddhism plan Yuan Shoucheng to go fishing for the Dragon King of the Najing River.

Then how was Wei Zheng recruited by Heavenly Court to kill the dragon.

Then how did the Dragon King enter the palace where the fate of the human race is located, and directly enter his Tang King's dream.

Let him help hold Wei Zheng.

As a result, a head was beheaded.

In the end, the ghost of the Dragon King lingered endlessly, and even with the luck of the human capital, he pulled the soul of King Tang into the underworld for a walk.

After letting him go back, he had to find a Buddhist monk to do a land and water conference.

To dispel the grievances of the Jinghe Dragon King.

In the end, the Guanyin routine again led him to send someone to the Western Lingshan to learn scriptures.

After listening, Tang Wang was silent for a long time.

He felt that he was not a wise and powerful Tang emperor at all.

It's a clown that everyone plays with.

The clown is me! ! !

"Zhen... How can I be played by you Buddhists?"

Angry, unwilling!

Not only the Tang King, but also the courtiers in this hall, all have red eyes.

They were furious, as the so-called monarch humiliated his subjects to death.

"What's your purpose in doing this?"

Guanyin said, "For the great prosperity of Buddhism, in order to absorb the luck of the human race, it will be used by Buddhism!"


This thing has always been illusory.

Unless the cultivation base arrives, it can't be seen at all.

Rao is Guanyin, and her cultivation base can't see what this luck is. ,

But she has a very vague concept, the more people seem to support her.

The more people knelt down to worship her, the faster you will practice.

Perhaps, the more people who support you, the more luck you will have.

"Okay, go back when you're done!"

Zhong Xuan snapped a dozen fingers, and another space portal opened wide.

Avalokitesvara's eyes are full of astonishment, is this master's spatial law attainments already so terrifying?

After she leaves.

Only then did Zhong Xuan say to King Tang, "If you have any questions, just ask. I came here today to tell you the truth!"

Tang Wang didn't know where to ask for a while.

He could only bow his hands to Zhong Xuan, and said, "Sir, I want to know why those high above the world did not help them when they saw my human race being killed?"

"Don't they pretend to be compassionate and teach sentient beings?"

Zhong Xuan sneered and said, "The mercy of the shit is in my arms!"

"Do you know how my human race appeared?"

Tang Wang frowned, isn't this matter known to everyone in the world?

"My human race was created by the goddess Nuwa!"

"Yes, it is indeed Nu Wa who made people from earth, she is the Virgin of my human race!"

"My human race is indeed respectful to her, and it has never been less enshrined to her!"

"However, the purpose of her creation of the human race is only because my human race can help her become a supreme saint!"

"After that, she didn't care how difficult my human race was, and even her own identity was the emperor Wa of the demon race!"

What?The Virgin of the Human Race turned out to be the Emperor Wa of the Demon Race?

Everyone was shocked.

They never imagined that the sage Nuwa, who mercifully created human beings, was actually from a demon clan/

"So... so it's also her who kills the monsters..."

King Tang couldn't believe it, how could a mother let her children be devoured by the demon clan?

"The demon clan didn't get her to bring the murderer, but she couldn't get rid of it. When the demon clan killed her that day, she was a saint on top!"

"Furthermore, she had to ask her opinion about the murder of the demon clan, and she finally agreed!"

agreed! ! !

A mother who agreed to kill her own child and devoured her own child?

Tang Wang only felt a chill in his heart.

The ministers in the hall were all terrified. What kind of mother could do such a thing?

"The Taoist Lao Tzu you worshipped also stood by while the human race was killed."

"Just because they want the demon clan to have more means to deal with the lich clan, so that the two lich clans can perish together!"

It turned out that the human race was actually used as a pawn.

After being used by those high-ranking saints to use the human race to become saints.

They just let it go.

wrong! ! !

Not left alone at all, but after they were sanctified.

He even enslaved the human race, so that the gang masters would become the human race of saints.

Provide them with endless power of luck.

I don't know when I will be free, I don't know when I will know the truth.

They are ignorant and ignorant even for a lifetime.

Still kneeling to which saints.

Pray that they will protect themselves.

However, it was these saints who hurt the human race the most.

After learning the truth.

Tang Wang was speechless for a long time.

This truth is terrifying and creepy.

Even when many people learned this truth, they couldn't raise any heart of resistance at all.

After all, that's a saint.

Their human flesh and blood, how to deal with saints?

"I wait, how can I resist?"

Tang Wang was silent for a long time, and finally choked out such a sentence.

He was not reconciled.

How can a dignified human race become a pawn in the hands of others.

Being fooled by people?

Zhong Xuan smiled slightly, and he was waiting for this sentence from King Tang.

If this Tang Wang Feila is unbearable, then he might as well find someone else to teach him. .

Chapter 151

This time, he came here for the purpose of layout.

It makes no sense, those saints are high above.

They can play with the human race recklessly, and the other race can't resist.

Anyway, he is now offending all the gods and Buddhas in the sky~.

There is no problem with increasing the intensity.

If you have too much debt, don't worry about too many lice and don't bite.

"There is a chance now, I have countless innate spiritual roots in my hands, as long as you find someone to help me plant trees!"

"Not only can you get the opportunity to practice, but you can even restore the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"Those who plant trees can also gain a lot of merit!"

Finally, Zhong Xuan explained his purpose.

Planting innate spiritual roots can transform innate spiritual energy.

Once the aura is sufficient, one can naturally obtain the merits rewarded by the Heavenly Dao.

Moreover, with more spiritual energy, the cultivation of the human race will naturally be smooth sailing.

"Plant a tree?"

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