As soon as he came in, he shouted at King Tang, "Your Majesty, please don't listen to this demon's bewitching words!"

"Human Sovereign can't practice, this is the way of heaven!"

"Your Majesty, if you violate the law, I'm afraid that there will be divine condemnation on the spot, and then my Tang Dynasty will probably perish in the blink of an eye!"

I have to say, this Yuan Tiangang's acting is very good.

This kneeling, raised his head again, is already a pair of tears.

Loyalty is the appearance of a loyal official of the royal family.

Anyone who sees it will not suspect that he has two hearts.


King Tang hesitated, one was an important minister of the Qintian Supervision who had been with him for a long time.

One is an unknown character who has just arrived but has shown supernatural powers.

Which one should you believe?

Zhong Xuan looked at it like this, secretly admiring Yuan Tiangang's good acting skills.

Compared with the so-called fresh meat pigeons in the previous life, it is not even stronger.

Let him go, and all the Oscars and ducks will be captured.

At the same time, Zhong Xuan looked at Yuan Tiangang's body and soul.

He was already a dying person before, and if he wanted to count himself, the result was backlashed by Heavenly Dao.

This is the benefit of having great merit.

With merit, under the way of heaven will be covered by the way of heaven.

If others plot against you, you will also suffer backlash.

Heavenly Dao backlashed, this Yuan Tiangang should have been damned.

In the end, he didn't die. When he looked into his Primordial Spirit, he discovered the clue.

"It turned out to be an elixir taught by people. I said how could this kid survive the backlash!"

People Jiao Taishang is good at alchemy.

Possess countless medicinal pills, such as nine-turn golden pills and soul-returning pills.

The variety is very complete.

"Your Majesty, this person must be a monster, and he is going to harm my Tang Dynasty!"

"Don't listen to him!"

Seeing King Tang hesitate, Yuan Tiangang opened his throat and cried.

"Enough, I have my own decision!"

King Tang roared, suppressing Yuan Tiangang's cry.

"If this gentleman has any intentions against me, can I resist with his cultivation and mana?"

Zhong Xuan had already shown his strength before.

Directly cover the entire hall.

No one from outside can get in at all.

Such means, if there is anything wrong with him.

He should be dead by now.

Where can I sit on the dragon chair and talk?

"Smart, it seems that this human race deserves to thrive in your hands!"

Zhong Xuan glanced at the Tang King with admiration.

It is worthy of being called an emperor through the ages, and he is indeed a heroic talent.

some vision.

"Do you know who I am?"

Zhong Xuanli ignored that Yuan Tiangang, the second or fifth boy in a human race.

You can then destroy yourself.

King Tang and all the courtiers in the hall shook their heads.

Even Yuan Tiangang, who was kneeling on the ground and didn't get up, listened with a solemn expression.

For fear of missing any detail.

"I am human Zhong Xuan!"


Damn, we haven't heard of it at all!

Yuan Tiangang sneered and said, "You monster, you don't even have a loud name, and you want to come to my Tang Dynasty to find trouble?"

"I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise my disciples will definitely let you know what it means to be unforgiving!"

Zhong Xuan frowned, "I talk to King Tang, take care of your hammer!"

"Death to Laozi!"

It's annoying that this guy is too noisy, and a human race two or five children dare to speak up and let themselves die.

court death! ! !

I didn't see any movement from Zhong Xuan, just a look.

Yuan Tiangang, the second-fifth son of the human race, found out in horror.

My own feet mysteriously disappeared.

Then, the entire lower body disappeared, and then only a head remained.

In the end, even the head was gone.

All turned into ashes.


The Human Race Minister in the hall instantly became nervous.

This is such a powerful means that Yuan Tiangang couldn't even scream before he died.

"Okay, no annoying flies, let's talk again!"

Everyone in the hall clapped, nodding after hearing this.

Stand upright in your place.

He didn't dare to make the slightest move, for fear that he would annoy this gentleman and give them a look of annihilation.

"It's normal that you don't know my identity. I'm human Zhong Xuan, you just need to remember that I'm human!"

"Do you know why the Buddhist sect let Tang Seng go to study scriptures?"

Tang Wang said, "The Guanyin Bodhisattva said that this sutra is Mahayana Buddhism, and it is the supreme method of saving people in the world!"

Zhong Xuan sneered and said, "The way to save the world is just an excuse for Buddhism to restrain the luck of the human race!"

Originally, Zhong Xuan was going to explain it to them personally.

However, I didn't know where to start for a while.

Simply, just waved directly.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, a dark space portal was opened.

On the other side of the space, it is Guanyin who is working hard to plant trees in Huaguo Mountain.

When he stretched out his hand, Guanyin couldn't resist at all.

Immediately pass through the space portal and appear in the Tang Palace.

"This... isn't this Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

Yuchi Jingde saw a figure suddenly appear.

Taking a closer look, the face of the man is somewhat familiar.

Thinking about it carefully, isn't this the Guanyin who came to sell cassocks in the hall that day?

"Master, what do you call me here?"

What shocked everyone was that this Guanyin came out.

He saluted Zhong Xuan on the spot, even ignoring them, the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhong Xuan found a chair and sat down, took out a fruit and ate it.

He said to Guanyin, "You, tell them all about Fomen's plot to plan the Journey to the West!"

She didn't dare to resist, and she didn't want to.

To satisfy all Zhong Xuan's orders, as long as she can stay in Huaguo Mountain to practice.

Entering Buddhism and walking the incense of faith knew that it was her last resort.

No way, the spiritual energy in this world is becoming more and more depleted.

If you don't take this route, it is difficult to break through your cultivation base.

But the situation is different now.

There are countless innate spiritual roots in the mountain, and she only needs to plant trees every day to show that she can contribute to the greening of Huaguo Mountain.

You can stay in the mountains and absorb the innate spiritual energy that you can't think of at ordinary times to practice.

With innate spiritual energy, her hairy incarnation must go to the world to publicize and gather beliefs.

Isn't that superfluous.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'm sure I have everything to say!"

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