The disciples who were guarding outside were so frightened that they were shocked.

The ancestors are so deeply resentful!

Hundreds of peaches were swallowed.

The injury caused by the first thunderbolt of the divine scourge was under the operation of the nine-turn Xuangong.

Zhong Xuan recovered almost instantly.

The cracks in the body have completely improved, and the body is as smooth as new.

"Damn it, I see how many spirit fruits you have to eat!"

Inside the Wa Palace, Lu Ya smiled instantly as he watched the condemnation fall.

It's a pity that he couldn't crush the evildoer to death with his own hands.

It is also good to have God's condemnation to do it for you.

But at this moment, he saw that Zhong Xuan swallowed hundreds of spiritual fruits in one gulp, and then came back to life full of blood.

His face turned blue with anger, and he cursed fiercely, "Eat it, let me see how many spiritual fruits you can have!"

"There are still [-] thunders of scourge, and one is stronger than the other. How long can your spirit fruit last?"

Soon, the second tribulation thunder was also conceived.

Compared to the first tribulation thunder.

The second one is more powerful.

The aura of destruction contained in it almost overflowed.

Before the thunder could fall, the surrounding void was twisted and shattered.

Zhong Xuan's eyelids jumped.

Strangely shouted, "My God, do you want to play like this this day?"

The perception of the first thunder and the second thunder was so huge.

This power has been increased by more than ten times.

The first thunder cracked his body and was seriously injured.

If the second thunder falls, wouldn't it directly shatter the flesh?Inch.

Chapter 137

Everyone can see the brows raised.

This is the first time they have seen the live broadcast.

I've heard it before, but I've never seen Naluo T being hacked by the gods.

This time, it can be regarded as a long experience and opened eyes.

Seeing it is really a godsend.

In the future, you can also brag to your descendants. Your ancestors, I was a mother, but I have personally seen the curse of the gods.

In the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor sighed slightly, "This kid is dead, the Queen Mother, I will go to Huaguo Mountain. As soon as this kid dies, I will directly grab the spiritual root of that mountain and get the planting spiritual root to upgrade. The Spiritual Root Method!"

Jade Emperor's eyes flashed with huge ambition.

It's almost unabashed.

With these things, Heavenly Court grew into the first force.

That's more than enough.

The Queen Mother was also moved, nodded and said, "The Jade Emperor is very true, I might as well leave a clone here, and the real bodies of the two of us will be in the lower realm!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Qi Qi used a clone method to come out, leaving a clone that was exactly the same as him in appearance and aura. ,

The real body traveled through the Thirty-Three Heavens and went straight to the lower realm, Huaguo Mountain.

In the main hall, except for Taishang Laojun's brows.

None of the other immortals noticed anything unusual about the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

"These two people suddenly descended, what is the so-called?"

Taishang Laojun's eyes lit up, staring at the figure of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother who hurried through the realm.

Seeing the direction they were heading in, he was so shocked that he almost broke his chin's beard.

"The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother move very fast, hehe, I can't take a step too slow!"

The same trick, Taishang Laojun also left a fake body.

The real body followed and went to the lower bounds.

In the ancient starry sky.

The second terrifying thunder tribulation finally fell.

The pitch-black thunderbolt carries the potential of endless terrifying destruction.

Directly exploded the void, and countless chaotic energy was saved from the broken space.

That thunder was unusually fast and landed on Zhong Xuan's head.

His eyes narrowed, and Zhong Xuan gritted his teeth.

The mana in the body rapidly rotates nine-turn Xuan Gong.

He roared loudly, "Fuck it, go for a bike and turn it into a motorcycle!!!"

With both hands facing upwards, he greeted the thunderbolt with a sudden punch.


Countless space fragments exploded directly around Zhong Xuan.

Bursts of spatial turbulence emerged from the shattered void.

The surrounding stars, as long as they get closer, suffer on the spot.

Among the twenty-eight constellations, the Eastern Azure Dragon Spica star was crossed by the shattered void fragments on the spot.

A large piece of stars was directly separated.

Jiaomu Jiao, who was so frightened, jumped up on the spot. ,

Blue veins burst out on his forehead, if this Zhong Xuan was not the benefactor of their interception.

I'm going to scold my mother on the spot.

"I'm swearing at you... My benefactor is so powerful that even the scourge of heaven dares to harden steel!"

When it comes to the drafting of the mouth, it is replaced by the great benefactor.

Even his Spica star was directly split into a small half of the space debris.

This is just the leftovers from the battle between the benefactor and the curse.

It is equivalent to cutting a star in half for anything that affects Chiyu.

Could this be great?

Thunder dissipated.

Zhong Xuan's figure gradually appeared.

The whole body was charred black, and it exuded bursts of meaty fragrance.

That's the smell of grilled meat.

Pity, no cumin chili noodles.

"Are you dead?"

All the great powers craned their necks to pay attention to this side.

Zhong Xuan was chopped down by the thunder, but he didn't disappear directly.

Although it was pitch black, it looked miserable.

However, everyone still admires it.

That is the thunder of divine scourge, such a terrifying thing.

He even caught it.

Even dead, this fleshly body is scary enough.

"Hey~~~ This kid's body is too terrifying, stronger than the ancestor witch back then!"

At the entrance of Wa Palace, Lu Ya patted his chest to suppress his shock.

This person's physical strength is simply too strong.

He secretly said, fortunately, this person did not kill himself, otherwise he would never live now.

Everyone was looking forward to it, Zhong Xuan's figure scorched black by the scourge of heaven.

Finally moved.

"Fuck~~~~Is this the scourge? It's too scary!"

Zhong Xuan opened his mouth and said a lie.

The sound is not big, but in the ears of many great powers, it is like thunder in the ears.

There was a direct explosion, and they were so shocked that they almost fell on the spot.

Good guy, this level of divine scourge and thunder tribulation can't even kill him?

What kind of body is this kid?

Is there any reason?

Listen to what he has to say and look at his demeanor.

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