On the way to practice, the Jade Emperor wanted to give up many times.

Doubt that this method is simply impossible to be successfully practiced.

Even if he persisted in the end, he has only just broken through to the seventh rank.

His disciple Yang Jian, even if the human and the gods are mixed.

It's just practice to the sixth rank.

How old is this kid?

Did you actually practice this skill to the eighth rank? .

Chapter 136

Primitive stood up suddenly.

After speaking in horror, he sat down again.

The light that had just lit up in his eyes completely dimmed.

"It's a pity, if you follow the steps step by step, you might be able to accumulate immeasurable mana for robbery and completely cultivate the nine-turn Xuan Gong!"

"Just being arrogant and arrogant to provoke karma, causing divine condemnation to come, this calamity is already impossible to pass!"

After speaking, Yuan Yuan sat on the cloud bed, closed his eyes and stopped looking at Zhong Xuan.

The day of condemnation came.

Zhong Xuan was not surprised but delighted.

Sure enough, sure enough!

Feel the nine-turn Xuan Gong riot in the body~.

He even laughed happily.

Hahahaha~~~ I knew that this method must be - OK!

Many great gods who saw this scene frowned.

This person is really a lunatic, and he is so happy to be smashed by God.

This is the first thunder.

I am afraid that if the second thunder falls, this person will be destroyed by shredded flesh, and the primordial spirit will not exist.

Zhong Xuan's body was slashed by the Thunder of Destruction.

Under the terrifying law of destruction, it was extremely difficult to even recover.

Moreover, under the shroud of divine scourge, countless spiritual qi automatically retreated.

There is absolutely no aura that can be used to attack Zhong Xuan's recovery.

At this time, everyone saw that Zhong Xuan was not panic at all.

Slowly, he took out a golden peach from the robe.

Then, he put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Gaba Gaba ate.

"Fuck, Pan Tao!!!"

Although this peach is golden, many great masters have never seen it.

However, they were somewhat familiar with the breath above.

It was the peaches they ate when they were at the Peach Club.

However, what they eat is nine thousand years old, and the smell of this thing is even stronger than that of nine thousand years old peach.

The Jade Emperor's expression changed, and he suddenly turned to look at the equally surprised Queen Mother next to him.

"How can this thing be in the hands of this evildoer?"

The Jade Emperor felt that there was a prairie above his head, and there were countless wild horses on it.

The Queen Mother covered her small mouth, which was slightly opened in surprise, with her hand.

"I am also very surprised. This thing is kept in the Jade Pond. How did this person stole the mother tree Panda?"

The number of the mother tree Peach is limited.

Each queen mother has a detailed use.

Who is it for this time, and who is it for the next time.

All have to be calculated carefully.

Because this peach is an extremely rare object, it has a very powerful effect on consolidating the foundation and strengthening the foundation.

Heavenly Court needs Pantao to recruit talents.

This mother tree peach is not for everyone to eat.

Only those who are loyal to Heaven and have great talents will have this blessing.

At the beginning, Emperor Zhenwu was tempted by the mother tree Peach.

Only then did he enter the Jade Emperor's command.

"You don't know either?"

The Jade Emperor frowned, the Queen Mother's behavior didn't seem to be fake.

So where did this peach come from?


The Jade Emperor suddenly remembered that a hilltop in Huaguo Mountain had innate spiritual roots.

"No... no way~~~"

If it was really planted from Huaguo Mountain, it would be terrifying.

The Queen Mother frowned and asked, "Why not?"

The Jade Emperor said, "There is an innate spiritual root on the top of the mountain in Huaguo Mountain. I thought these spiritual roots were other species, but now it seems that it is not!"

"And there are only ten innate spiritual roots in the flood, and there is only one peach mother tree!"

"There is no doubt about this. If there are other peach mother trees, it is impossible for Kaitian Dao to spread now after so many years!"

"The only explanation is that the kid has the ability to upgrade spiritual roots!"

Three thousand years have been upgraded to six thousand years, six thousand years have become nine thousand years, and nine thousand years have been transformed into peach trees.

No wonder that kid has a mountain of spiritual roots.

Feelings, these are all successfully planted with the remaining seeds.

The Queen Mother reclaimed so many peach pits every time she had a peach festival, but how many were planted in the end?

Less than one in a million!

This kid can have a mountain top of the mother tree Peach in a short period of time, and the method mastered must have a very high success rate.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor is gearing up.

His expression was extremely excited, "Quick, it's best to kill him that day, and I will go to Huaguo Mountain to find a way to upgrade the spiritual root!"

With this method, what kind of bullshit spiritual roots do you need, you can cultivate the entire Yaochi with spiritual roots by yourself.

Even landscape trees are innate spiritual roots.

Zhong Xuan finished eating a peach.

Jiuzhuan Xuangong ran rapidly, recovering some injuries.

But this is not enough.

As a result, he was under the eyes of many almighty people.

Once again, I found a fruit of life and ate it.

The corners of countless powerful mouths twitched, "This kid is so lucky to have this kind of spiritual fruit in his hand!"

"But even if there is a spiritual fruit, this is not enough!"

"There are still eighty scourges. No matter how much spiritual fruit this kid has, he won't be able to recover. There's no way to save him! He's dead!!!"

After eating a ginseng fruit, the body recovered a little again.

Zhong Xuan looked at the robbery clouds in the sky, where a second thunder was brewing.

· · · Flowers · · ·

The speed is very fast, and the spiritual energy that I can recover from eating one by one is limited, I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up.

So he touched it casually.

It is hundreds of congenital spirit fruits, and the net mouth is eaten together with the pulp.

The spiritual energy burst out suddenly, and the nine-turn Xuan Gong quickly revolved. ,

The spiritual fruit, which had experienced as much as a mountain before, supported the physical body, and the physical body strength at this moment.

The aura of this spiritual fruit burst is already a drizzle.

After the absorption and conversion of spiritual energy is completed, the physical body will completely recover.

All the great powers, they were dumbfounded and twitched at the corners of their mouths.

"I... I'm Nima, who is this person, and why are there so many spiritual fruits in hand?"

"Fuck, it's unfair, I worked so hard that only one [-]-year-old peach was eaten at the Peach Fair, but this kid actually swallowed hundreds of them?"


. . .

Countless curses of anger, jealousy and hatred resounded in the rooms of the ancestors of various sects.

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