This kind of pretending time, of course, needs the help of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes helplessly, but still helped Tang Sanzang control the customs clearance ultimatum.

Looking at the customs clearance ultimatum floating in front of him, it was still slowly unfolding, especially the series of big seals on it, and Kou Yuanwai was again dumbfounded.

This Tetsu is a real boss! Could it be that what Tang Sanzang said is true? He is the real monk. But if Tetsu Tang Sanzang is true, then the more than [-] monks he served are a real monk. What the hell is a bald donkey?

Chapter 356: There Will Be a Murder

Although Tang Sanzang's wave forced Kou Yuanwai, but Kou Yuanwai still didn't believe it.

Just kidding, he has fasted more than [-] monks no matter what, and to say that some of them are fake and shoddy, that's the past.

But if more than [-] are fake, then it's just... hilarious.

Although he is old now, the matter of Zhai Seng started more than [-] years ago, and it is impossible for him to remain blind until today.

Therefore, even though Tang Sanzang seemed to be very arrogant just now, Kou Yuanwai still thought he was fake.

"It turned out to be a holy monk, the old man is disrespectful!"

Kou Yuanwai said respectfully.

Anyway... No matter if it is a monk or not, it is not something that mortals can do just now. It must be served, and maybe there will be unexpected harvests.

Although Kou member did not say it clearly, the disbelief in his eyes still did not dissipate.

Tang Sanzang didn't care either, Kou Yuanwai had been a monk for so many years, it would be difficult to change for a while.

However, he has decided that he must seize the opportunity to change this bad habit of Kou members.

Anyway... No one urges him to move forward when studying the scriptures in the West, so he is not in a hurry.

....."Wukong, what do you think about this?"

Although Sun Wukong said that he would let him play at will, but Tang Sanzang really couldn't do it himself, especially that Kou member looked quite stubborn.

Therefore, Tang Sanzang went to Sun Wukong to discuss countermeasures after wandering around with a few top girls.

"You can do it yourself!"

Sun Wukong frowned.

This bitch doesn't know how to freshen up and come here, it smells of sesame powder.

But the idea is quite good, Buddhist scriptures want Buddhist faithful to give up their faith.

Tsk tsk, I don't know how the Tathagata Buddha would react when he found out.

"Uh... Wukong, the teacher is still a bit counted, and it's okay to move his mouth, but the ability to handle things for the teacher is really not good!"

Tang Sanzang said with an embarrassed expression.

"It's just a matter of talking. Besides, weren't you quite majestic just now, and your ability to do things is still OK!"

Sun Wukong laughed.


Tang Sanzang's expression became even more embarrassing.

Although he was playing a lot just now, he still knew what the specific situation was.

Even if he has recovered, the shadow of the last time is not so easy to dissipate, and now even if he takes medicine, he can't achieve the state of not getting out of bed before.

However, Sun Wukong seems to have said just now that this matter can be done with his mouth! But why doesn't he feel that way? "That...what should I do as a teacher?"

Tang Sanzang asked in surprise.

"You just need to tell him that he will be killed if he continues to fast as a monk!"

Sun Wukong said with a smile.

This matter has to be committed by Kou Yuanwai himself, and the wealthy Tao knows that this age is also a dog, and he deserves to be remembered by the bandits.


Tang Sanzang's head... a question mark.

This means that something happened to the Kou member Waihui, but Sun Wukong didn't say it clearly, and he didn't know what exactly would happen.

But that sentence is enough.

Do you pretend, sometimes you don't need to say it too clearly.

...after dawn, Tang Sanzang and his party were about to leave.

And Kou Yuanwai didn't hold back either. After all, Tang Sanzang's image and style were inconsistent with the monks he knew, so he didn't hold back.

However, in view of Tang Sanzang's pretentious performance before, Kou Yuanwai is still very generous to him.

Not only did they invite many people to give them away, but they also prepared a lot of gold and silver jewelry for Tang Sanzang.

Although it doesn't look like an immortal, at least... someone who knows magic must not be neglected.

Besides, those who go to Daleiyin Temple to learn scriptures must follow the etiquette.

The meaning is self-evident, that is... I hope that when Tang Sanzang sees the true Buddha, he can give him a few good words.

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