The trick of wiping the neck is Tang Sanzang begging Sun Wukong after his resurrection in Xuanying Cave.

There is no way, Xuanyingdong's experience is a bit tragic, the tight hoop has completely become a burden to him, and death is not a happy death.

But since you can't get rid of it, you have to keep it.

But the mechanism of protecting the master is so tasteless, although he saved his life, but every time he lost half of his life, he might as well just die.

With no other way, Tang Sanzang had to ask Sun Wukong for help.

Sun Wukong couldn't help being entangled, so he gave Tang Sanzang a bad idea.

It is recommended that he carry a dagger with him, and when he is in danger and is afraid of suffering, just wipe it directly on his neck and everything will be fine.

Tang Sanzang didn't believe it at the time and didn't dare to try it.

If this doesn't work, his life will be gone, but he still prepared a dagger and put it on his body.

No, just when he saw a group of servants pounce on him fiercely, Tang Sanzang immediately thought of this method, and decisively took out the dagger and gave it to himself.

Not to mention, the effect is very good, hold on.

It's just that I didn't control the distance a little, and I still pulled a sip on my neck, but fortunately, it's not a big problem.

At least.......Prove that Sun Wukong's suggestion still works.

"Come on, if you don't kill the poor monk today, you're all grandchildren!"

With the protection of the golden film, Tang Sanzang became arrogant.

The housekeepers were instantly furious.

What's so special, they dare to be so arrogant in their territory, they must fight him! Isn't it just a layer of film, maybe it will be broken if you poke it.

The servants looked at each other, and then moved towards Tang Sanzang again.

Tang Sanzang looked disdainful.

With the protection of the hoop, as long as there are no monsters intervening, he is... invincible! "Bang bang bang"

......The servants of Kou Yuanwaifu had a meal: After the ferocious operation, they gasped and stopped.

What the hell, they really can't do anything about this layer of film! It's a shame.

Member Kou's eyes almost popped out.

This is a god man...!!!, such a person appeared in his Kou mansion, that is his good fortune! Isn't it just the meat and the girl immediately.

Arrangements! "Leave me all!"

Kou Yuanwai hurriedly ordered the servants to move out of the way, and then ran up to Tang Sanzang to make amends: "This old man has eyes but no pearls, and I hope I can forgive my sins if I don't know the holy monk!"

"Come here...!!!, prepare a good feast for the holy monk immediately, a full meat feast! Then go and invite some top cards of Wanhualou, and entertain the holy monk!"

Tang Sanzang's eyes lit up immediately.

Top card! It seems that I can enjoy it this time.

It seems that this bandit member is very good outside, this wave of pretending is very successful and satisfied.

......After bathing and changing clothes, Tang Sanzang and his party were invited to the lobby by Kou Yuanwai, and a good banquet table was ready.

Moreover, Kou Yuanwai also kept his word, and really called Tang Sanzang some girls to accompany him.

He looks good, at least....... quite in line with Tang Sanzang's wishes.

Such a good member actually believes in Buddhism, just that group of... sanctimonious guys, if there is anything to believe, he must be corrected.

"The holy monk is really a monk"

Seeing Tang Sanzang eating his mouth full of oil and wanting flowers, Kou Yuanwai still asked suspiciously.

His wish is [-] vegetarian monks, Tang Sanzang, it doesn't seem to count! The food he eats is not vegetarian, and he doesn't look big: like a monk.

"Amitabha, such a poor monk is the true face of a monk."

Tang Sanzang said indifferently.

Anyway... no one refuted it, let him play.

Besides, what's good about being a monk, not to mention being a vegetarian, and having to miss so many young ladies, it's a waste of life.

And there is nothing good about the Buddha, and he has tricked him many times.


Kou Yuanwai looked at Tang Sanzang in shock.

How can this fat fat man think that he can represent all the monks, even if you say that you obey the will of the Buddha, but it is only what you say, who believes it anyway... He doesn't believe in Tang Sanzang words.

If it weren't for Tang San's hiding in a golden envelope and looking like a golden egg, he wouldn't be bothered to pay attention to Tang Sanzang.


Kou Yuanwai gave Tang Sanzang an awkward but polite smile.

"Why, don't you believe me, look at this and talk about it!"

Tang Sanzang saw Kou Yuanwai's disbelief and didn't care, he directly took out the customs clearance ultimatum from his arms, threw it at Kou Yuanwai, and at the same time gave Sun Wukong a cryptic look.

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