Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 220: Wukong recognizes his master and opens the gourd with one stick!

Chapter 221: Wukong recognizes his master and kills him with one blow! 【Please subscribe】

The sky-high white jade pillar stretches across the void.

At the moment when the golden-winged roc completely transformed into its true form, the huge jade pillar like a pillar of heaven slammed into the head of the roc with two wings on its back, star eyes and leopard eyes, and a human body with a Kun head.

Lu Wufei's stick came quickly and urgently, and it happened to be stuck at the moment when Dapeng's transformation was completed.

Dapeng returned to his true form, and the immense strength in his body made him roar.

When he saw the jade pillar descending from the sky, his expression suddenly changed. It was just that his true body was 1,600 feet tall at this time, and the jade pillar was equally astonishingly thick. He couldn't react at all, so he opened his eyes wide. The pillar suddenly hit his head.

This stick serves as the head.

Even the giant Dapeng, who was as big as a giant holding the sky, couldn't help being shaken by the impact and cried out in pain.

With Dapeng's true body at this time, he could still take the stick, but he was a bit dizzy after being hit on the head.

But even though his head was dizzy, Dapeng reacted very quickly. He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd, which also grew in size rapidly, and hit it on the white jade pillar that held the sky.

A big advantage in one blow.

Earthquakes shook the mountains within a radius of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people.

Two little demon monkeys borrowed wine from the battlefield.

Seemingly going in the wrong direction, the Star-Eyed Leopard rolled over several somersault clouds, and then he discovered the two white wolves fighting on the horizon nearby. The white wolf was as majestic as a mountain. It’s just the right time, it’s just the right time!”

Even though I'm here, I can hear the whine coming from the opponent's halberd.

Haha, Brother Gang is trying to belittle himself. He needs to know that this spiritual power comes from Qizhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain, and he is a lowly disciple of Zhenyuan Immortal!

Star-Eyed Leopard frowned: I'm sorry, I just don't think this wolf monster is strange...


At that time, it was even more important to give the opponent a chance to breathe. He picked up Qingtian's golden wings and rushed back.

The arrogance and flamboyance brought by Dapeng before had already alarmed most of the powerful monsters in the wilderness.

Hey, this is...

A moment.

Dozens of figures have not yet gathered.

My ass sat down with a bang.

The white wolf was 1,800 feet tall, and the slightly shorter Ancestral Realm Peng took eight steps forward with the Dapeng King Halberd in his hand.

It's close.

Look at the halberd!

He looked at the white-haired wolf with a look of shock and anger.

The fire exploded like thunder!

Why, are you here?

The wolf monster on the opposite side attacked like a violent storm, leaving no room for it at all.

The roaring sound resounded like thunder in all directions.

The Dapeng King Halberd in Pang Ran's hand shattered with the sound, and Qingtian's golden-winged club shattered the halberd, and hit Du Shan's head with a huge force.

Only wounds can heal.

Star Eyed Leopard also raised his glass.

Suddenly, sand, stone, and dust began to fly up to a height of hundreds of feet.

After that, I quickly got closer, found a better position, and sat under the clouds to observe.

That time, Lu Youfei's mind changed slightly, and he held the golden wings and tried his best to greet the Dapeng King Halberd in Pang Ran's hand.

After all, with the current strength of Little Saint Bai He, if he wants to deal with this Ancestral Realm Peng, he has to use his true form to enter the battle.

This guy has turned into a golden light and fled towards the northern sky!

There's something strange about it, drink...


Opposite him, King Yu Tao raised his glass and said, Brother, let's have another drink...

Mulao Gui, is he here too?

One, two, eight, seven...

Dushan Lepeng immediately snorted when he heard the sound, and quickly swept the white cloud stick in the hands of the wolf demon opposite him. He was indeed not envious.

In the middle of the small hall, under the long table, two beautiful little demons with fur all over their bodies and faces, one like a hozen and the other like a pony monkey, were sitting opposite each other behind the long table, still eating wine.

You have to pass through the nearby mountains and forests of that territory.

The same goes for Weapon Baby!

Groups of gorgeous and terrifying firelights are constantly flashing in the sky!

A terrifying wave of air that was almost visible to the naked eye immediately spread crazily in all directions and exploded in all directions!

At that moment, Du Shan's eyes narrowed, but I couldn't avoid it at all. I could only watch the white jade giant pillar hit my head again.

Say it.

Wait a minute, this... this spiritual power is from the same disciple as Qingyu Shan, a fellow disciple?

In the small courtyard.


Knowing that the damage to the Dapeng in my hand is serious, I still continue to use it.

I stretched out my hand to wipe it away, but my hands were filled with dark golden hot blood.

I touched my head again, only to find that there was a small hole under my head where it had just been hit, and hot blood was gushing out from the wound.

As for this little bird, it has golden wings on its back, white jade pillar eyes, and a Kun head and doesn't look like the rumored King Peng, the ancestral king of the Lion and Camel Kingdom...

Who knows that this behemoth doesn't have a front hand or something.

Ancestor, he said that this little bird is the lord of the lion and camel kingdom...

Looking at the opponent, he felt angry. From that blow, it could be seen that Pang Ran's strength seemed to be equal to his own, or even stronger.

The two thousand-foot-long wolf-headed man with astonishing spiritual power gave Zu Zhijing Peng a hard kick.

The surging spiritual energy rolled back like a long dragon.

at that time

But he never thought about it in the direction of King Peng in the Ancestral Realm.

Star-Eyed Leopard's eyes were shining brightly and he said: Brother, if the wolf is so turbulent, it must be fighting somewhere, and the noise is so loud. Why do you go to see the silence? It's not bad to have a drink by the way!

Pang Ran, whose heart was filled with rage to the extreme, held Dushan's halberd and faced Dushan, who was seven hundred feet lower than me and held up the sky for less than a full head. He shouted: Today you will kill him!

That's more than a full blow.

If I didn't have the Dapeng King Halberd in my hand, Qingtian's golden wings would be less painful than the wolf demon's fist.

Finally, he could no longer stand firmly and sat down on the small ground.

South of the wilderness, the extreme south.

Du Shanle nodded: Brother doesn't make sense, come on, drink...

Looking at this gigantic dwarf, Lu Youfei's confidence skyrocketed, and the golden wings of Qingtian in his hand quickly turned around in a stick pattern.

Pang Ran raised his hand and blocked Du Shan Leji behind him.

The golden wings of Lu Youfei's Qingtian also fought with the Dapeng King Halberd of Ancestral Realm Peng.

Otherwise, this special magic weapon will not hurt the opponent at all!

The handsome little Saint Bai He, who was dressed in a white robe, was looking at the small battle between the two shocking white wolf avatars nearby, with a simple expression on his face.

The Demon Ancestor for many years quickly guessed and reacted, and he was even a little surprised.

Pang Ran, holding the Dapeng King Halberd, jumped up and rushed straight towards Zhitiandu Mountain.

Who said it is...

Just looking at the posture at the rear, the true form of the Ancestral Realm Peng is still as white as a wave, and it seems to be faintly in the upper hand, and it almost looks like it needs him.

Although the true form of Peng in the Ancestral Realm is a bit smaller than that of Lu Youfei, in the Little Saint Realm, he has deeper strength, can withstand beatings, and is extremely thick-skinned.

Although I know that this little bird can fight with it if it is also a mortal.

This spiritual power is at the level of Demon Ancestor, and Sun Wukong has only been a demon for a full year!? You have dealt with this lion and camel king, and his strength and cultivation are even better than yours. At least he has reached the middle stage of the Little Saint. Brother Ghost, he Are you kidding me?

Far across the way.

Eight figures were standing at the bottom of a mountain, watching from a distance the two giants in the sky that looked like gods and demons.

A stream of red light flew through the low sky and landed next to the Star-Eyed Leopard.

The old ancestor said, turned around and flew closer.

This white-haired wolf has so little power that the Dapeng King Halberd in my hand is actually trembling. I can feel the Dapeng weapon in my hand trembling at that moment.

Zu Zhi Jing Peng was hit with stars by that stick. He was seriously injured. Seeing Du Shan charging fiercely again, he could no longer hold on. He immediately threw a white object casually, and the white baby rose in the wind. , instantly transformed into a huge white shield with rich white energy to block behind him.

Under the slow wind and low altitude, two figures stood in a white cloud, looking into the distance, and their voices were broken.

This Lan Yu was very majestic when he fought in Liuyun Mountain, and now that one is even more outrageous. When he first joined the Demon Ancestor, he was able to fight on par with the Lord of the Shitu Kingdom. It is really impressive to be able to join these small sects of immortals. I’ll make you envious!”

at the same time.

Zhenyuan Immortal's disciple, that's what it is!

But in front of the shield, there is no Ancestral Realm Peng anywhere.

Brother Gang, you can tell that this one with golden wings on his back and white jade pillar eyes is not the Lord of the Lion-Camel Kingdom, the Peng King of the Ancestral Realm, but who is this spiritual power? Look at how I compare to this one. The Lord of the Lion and Camel Kingdom is even more terrifying, but his strength seems to be just about the same?

Seven huge and small turbulent waves of the wolf wave quickly swept through the sky under the low cliff and spread towards the West Sea.

Immediately on the top of the mountain below, there were rocks flying and earthquakes shaking the mountains, startling countless birds and beasts, and the little demon was frightened and ran for his life.

In the middle, a woman with a slender figure and fair skin who had looked like many years spoke up: Have you guessed that this spiritual power needs to go through Bailang, the master of Taiping Mountain who has recently become famous throughout the wilderness? Bailang even gave it to the Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom. Kill him, he dares to take the queen?

Pang Ran's face suddenly became angry.

Lu Wufei took the opportunity to retract the white jade pillar and looked to the opposite side.

That movement...

What's more, the scene behind me was beyond my expectation. It was an absolutely pros and cons situation. If I didn't have the opportunity to deal with this huge bird monster, how could I let it go.

It is adjacent to the West Sea and goes straight into the sky under the low cliff.

Suddenly, in the northern sky, a turbulent wave suddenly swept across the sky below the low cliff.

I haven't noticed that there are many figures gathered around me from all directions.

King Yu Tao drank the wine glass in his hand in one gulp. He heard the brothers beside him muttering and asked, What's wrong, brother?

Hey, it depends on whether he has the strength or not!

Although Lu Youfei has an advantage due to his lower body size, the advantage is not small.

The entire battlefield, hundreds of miles away, was beaten to pieces by the two shocking giants.

Xiaozhan became calmer and calmer, apparently not retreating into the white cold state yet. .

Now it seems that I was wrong.

There must be something wrong. As long as this person from Qingyu Mountain is also from Qizhuang Temple, we should not be brothers in the same discipline...

I am ashamed of myself!

Looking at the two Dushan real bodies fighting fiercely in the distance, King Yu Tao also said happily: It seems that you came in time...

Now that I think about it, it becomes more and more certain. The terrifying power from now on can only be found in the Little Saint Realm, not Bailang.

Before a peaceful exchange of ping ping pong.

Zu Zhijing Peng also casually returned a large rock to Lu Youfei, knocking him to stagger.

The demon ancestor of many years nodded anxiously: I'm afraid that's the case...

The two masters.

Qingtian's golden wings, which had beaten his opponent away, let out a proud scream, and then flew towards his master right behind him.

I immediately jumped behind him, and as soon as I did somersaults, my figure had already disappeared.

It's not that Du Shan's men have any other weapons, but that the worst thing about me is not the halberd. The other halberds are almost the same. If I replace them with a few weapons, they will be smashed by this wolf demon. smash!

Just these few steps.

Can't come at a better time!

Another thunderous strike.

I know that the weapons in the hands of the wolf demon are more powerful than mine. Otherwise, how could I be in such a mess in today's battle?

Such a fierce battle at the level of a minor saint was something Chong Yi could only see if he had no luck.

At that moment, the eyes of the Star-Eyed Leopard, who had been shaking his head, suddenly flashed, and he didn't look like he was drunk and dizzy afterwards.

Pang Ran took a few steps forward with the Dapeng King Halberd in his hand before he stood still, shook his head, and then he felt that there was no cold current gushing out from under his head.

As we all know, eh, it seems that you have been drinking in his wild place for too long, so that such an outstanding senior knows...

Big boy!

Lu Youfei rushed over slowly, raised Qingtian's golden wings, and hit the white shield with a stick, causing the shield to split into pieces in an instant.

Just looking at it, Star Eyed Leopard was a little surprised despite the white wolf's comparable spiritual power and said: Why do you feel that the aura of this wolf demon is not unfamiliar?

At this time, the two little demons were fighting in close combat.

Very close to the horizon.

That time, there was a dull sound that penetrated people.

Now, the battle with this wolf monster, especially the transformation into its true form, the two sky-holding giants, has shocked the entire wilderness.

Now, Bailang has indeed done it.

Countless Dushan Mountains rolled back and exploded, and there was no chaos yet.

Seeing Pang Ran coming towards him again with his halberd brandished, Lu Youfei gave a small shout and immediately came down with Qingtian's golden wings in hand.

Lu Youfei wanted to gain the upper hand, but when he saw that Peng's forehead was opened by him again, the dark gold blood surged violently, and even more so after that.

Just wait until I have time to think less and ask less.

It's Shaojiu.

King Yu Tao's face was slightly startled, but he was not afraid of the stage at all. His body immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed straight to the north.

Star Eyed Leopard chuckled: You are just being polite...

King Yu Tao smiled immediately, raised his glass and said: Drink...

Say it.

I just saw that Bailang's true form was so small, far larger than the special demon ancestor, that I hadn't even been shocked once.

We either stood or hid in the clouds and strong winds, staring at the places we passed through with narrowed eyes. The fierce battle between two terrifying figures, one with shocking spiritual power and the other holding up the sky, was very exciting. .

I want to wait until this behemoth shows signs of fatigue, and then I will attack in one fell swoop, catching me off guard and determining the outcome in one fell swoop!

The white wolf's real body, which was as low as 1,800 feet in the ancestral realm, was hit hard by the sky pillar, causing my white wolf's figure to shake violently.

At that time, the middle-aged and thin figure who had been silent until now suddenly said: Is this ancestor Bailang fighting against the Peng King of the Ancestral Realm of the Little Saint Realm?

Several monsters with various heads were lying crookedly on the ground, taking naps and smelling of alcohol.

In the blink of an eye, he saw the trace.

Qingtian's golden wings and the blow of the Dapeng King Halberd!

When Lu Youfei held Du Shanle with both hands, he suddenly shot up and hit the Ancestral Realm Peng opposite.

Those two are naturally the Star Eyed Leopard and the Tamarin King.

Bang bang bang bang bang!!!

Lu Youfei's incarnation's astonishing spiritual power fought hand-to-hand with Ancestral Realm Peng, fighting each other, punches to the flesh, and blood was drawn from every move.

The shame of being hit on the head with a stick by a senior generation and causing bloodshed is irreparable.

I shouted loudly, held the stick in both hands, and slammed it at the flying Ancestral Realm Peng.

Hmm... It seems that this big man's skills are ordinary, but judging from his aura, it seems that he is still in the realm of a minor saint... Hmm, are you mistaken?

The same thing happened to King Yu Tao across from him. His eyes suddenly became clear and he said: It should be that there are no little monsters in the wild land to take action...

Hearing Pang Ran's roar, Lu Youfei curled his lips and smiled warmly. After changing his true form, I was still not afraid of this Pang Ran. But now, before using Dharma of Heaven and Earth, my body is bigger than that of Ancestral Realm Peng in the Little Saint Realm. The original figure is even lower than 700 feet, a whole lower, a little smaller.

Within a cloud.

At this time, there are no figures approaching through the sky around the seven directions, and prepare to see the silence.


Big boy!

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

However, since I agreed to this Bai Lang, I, Bai He, will naturally keep my word.

The two little demon kings drank for eight days straight, where did they end up?

Haha, Brother Gang, did you see something wrong? On the contrary, Brother Gang was wrong. This big boy is the Demon Sun Wukong, and he has only been the Demon Sun Wukong for a full year. How about it, have you thought about it? Haha. ..”

The two little demons were talking nonsense, and then flew down to low altitude together. King Yu Tao looked right and looked again, then pointed to the north and said: It's not in the depths of the wilderness. Come on, your brother should go and see the silence...

King Yu Tao raised the cup to his mouth as he spoke, about to take a swig.

King Yu Tao smiled and said: It depends on experience. You think this wolf demon should have lost. When we finish the fight, my brother will go up and ask if it is true.

Ancestral Realm Peng took the Dapeng King Halberd and immediately noticed the wail of his Dapeng weapon and the bruises all over his body, and his expression suddenly changed.

This little bird is the leader of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, King Peng of the Ancestral Realm of the Little Saint Realm!?

On the opposite side, Lu Youfei looked at Pang Ran and said again: Hey, you thought the Lord of the Lion and Camel Kingdom was extraordinary in strength, but it seems he is too much!

Xing Jingbao heard the sound and laughed. As he spoke, a big wine table appeared next to the two little demons. I raised my glass and said, Now it's more beautiful than serving wine at my brother's house...

Small war center.

In front of him, two figures hurriedly followed. The middle-aged, stout woman looked at the terrifying mountain-like sky-supporting giant in the distance, her eyes filled with fear and helplessness.

He's looking for death!

I originally thought that Bai Lang called my senior brother Lan Yu, but he probably wanted to rely on himself to deal with Ancestral Realm Peng.

Pang Ran, who was getting more and more angry in his heart, shouted loudly, held the Dapeng King Halberd in his hand, and flew back again.

At this time, the battlefield was in chaos.


King Yu Tao smiled and said, That's not difficult. Come on, my brother, I'll invite you first...

A series of shocking and terrifying air waves centered on two towering mountain-like and god-like giants, spreading and exploding in all directions.

Lu Youfei, who had a figure as majestic as a white wolf mountain, took seven steps forward carrying Du Shanle, who was as special as a Tianzhu.

But my wounds covered by platinum feathers also recovered very slowly, almost repairing themselves quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The other direction.

Lu Youfei took Qingtian's golden wings and immediately felt the pride and joy in the weapon spirit.

The terrifying force caused the two figures to fall in simultaneously.

The two giant white wolves each took a step forward, and then saw their respective weapons flying back.


Of course, he knows you don't mean it...

The golden-winged roc held Fang Tian's painted halberd in front of him to protect him, and took several steps back with a bang.

After hearing what the Star Eyed Leopard said, the eyes of the Tamarin King, who was originally very little interested, suddenly brightened up and said: What my brother said is true, let's go and serve the wine in silence, serve the wine in silence!

There is a way!

Lu Youfei laughed warmly, without any fear, picked up Qingtian's golden wings and smashed them down.

Even though Pang Ran knew that the weapon in his hand was severely damaged, there was nothing he could do.

Hey, Brother Ghost, don't overestimate this spiritual power. This guy's reputation in the wilderness has been rumored to be great in recent times. Can he see this guy's strength and cultivation?

The center of the battlefield.

It is the sound of thundering gold and iron.

It's Shaoshi.

The Ancestral Realm Peng gave a sharp shout and rushed at him again holding the Dapeng King Halberd.

So he said hotly: Weapons are very important, but it also depends on whose hands they are!

I'm going to wait a little longer.

Wait a minute, it's been a long time since Bai Lang killed the prime minister of the Lion and Tuo Kingdom. The king of the country, King Dushan Lepeng, has no intention of coming to avenge me!

The shocking crashing sound echoed through the sky and throughout the wilderness.

Lu Youfei suddenly became happy. Looking at the state of the Ancestral Realm Peng's hand, he could tell that it was a stable Dapeng King Halberd, and said: Hey, it seems that his baby was a little bit worse, and he was almost beaten to death by your baby!

It was just a stalemate with the two weapon masters. Looking for the book Dushan Leji, who originally had the upper hand in the master's hands, clearly had the upper hand against Qingtian's golden wings.

Haha, you are joking, that is what you wild people all know!

Star-Eyed Leopard loves silence the most. When he saw that he was about to hurry, he rolled his eyes and said immediately: Brother, how about you and your brother compete to see who gets there first?

Bailang not only needs to rely on my senior brother, but also needs to rely on himself. But I can fight on par with this ancestral realm peng on my own. No wonder he dares to say that he is planning to call me senior brother.

As a result, Lu Youfei became more and more energetic, waving the golden wings of Qingtian in his hand with less and less force, and his moves were full of force!

Star Eyed Leopard also smiled slightly: Let's go together...

We all saw a scene that was very embarrassing for me.

Come on, stay away!

Say it.

It's Shaojiu.

Amidst beautiful mountains and forests.

One of the middle-aged and weak women looked calm and said: Ancestor, are you just watching us fight in your territory? Your residence is not there yet, so we have to continue to fight. Your entire territory I’m afraid everything will be completely destroyed!?”

It’s just that there are no limits to anything!


In the hall of a quaint little house.

Anyone can save you!

Low in the air.


It is necessary to go too slowly.

The Dapeng King's Halberd whined, turned around and flew towards its owner who was nearby.

ps: This chapter has 5,900 words. It’s the last day of the month. I’d like to ask for a few monthly votes to make up the total of 1,000 votes. I’d like to draw a prize next month. I’d be very grateful~~

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