Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 219: The first battle with the Great Sage, a bloody blow!

Chapter 220 The first battle with the Great Sage, a bloody blow!


In the Taiping Mountain area, in the Taiping Palace, Lu Wufei, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared into the bedroom in an instant.

The next second.

A black shadow rose from Taiping Peak and shot straight into the northern sky.

at the same time.

Wilderness areas.

Any demon who is powerful enough can detect the huge and terrifying aura coming from the north.

One by one, they opened their eyes and looked north.


Inside a luxurious cave mansion.

The Great Sage Baihe, wearing a fluttering white robe, appeared above Wufengling, looking up to the north.

A thousand feet!

When the golden-winged white light eagle was in front of him, how could Lu Youfei be unwary? He chuckled and disappeared immediately, grabbing the air with the sharp claws of the roc.

That white wolf has now far exceeded my original real body size, and I am still growing.

The Great Sage Bai He, who was still lying naked and surrounded by many beautiful maids with beautiful white flowers, also suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep at this moment.

In addition to the natural oppressive force, the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be blocked and isolated, allowing me to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as a supplement.

Dingqian's face turned cloudy for a while.

But I still forget where I am at this time.

Lu Youfei left Taiping Peak and shot towards the northern sky slowly.

I saw that there was no change under the white-robed figure, still standing in the air.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Lu Youfei.

Bai Guang's hot voice continued: Today, you are going to let that big thief who knows the world know what awe is!

One thousand, seven hundred and seventy feet!

In the entire world of Journey to the West, this is the only one without a semicolon.


Lu Youfei, who had the head of a wolf and the body of a human body, suddenly grew to a height of one hundred feet.

The sky is thundering.

All they saw was the golden-winged white light holding a Dapeng eagle halberd and standing firm above him. His originally hot complexion became more ugly and bright as water.

The enemy is an acquaintance in person, it's ridiculous that he still has to look for it, it's the big guy who took the initiative to reveal his identity.

The reason why the real body is weak is that it serves as the trump card for the strength of a very small number of demon clans and demons.



The figure in golden robe is extremely slow.


As for why the white light in the Demon Saint Realm wanted to follow Lu Youfei when he saw his true form.

Now, if a monster wants to reveal my true form, this is no joke.

Otherwise, especially if the Demon Ancestor is in front of us, he will not be able to transform back into his true form, but he will be easily beaten by me.

There was a loud bang!

that time.

Lu Youfei then spoke again: But in front of the Lord of the Lion and Camel Kingdom?

I could actually see the true face of the figure opposite me at a glance.


After reacting, a look of shock flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes.

Although that is not the actual strength of each monster, it can be fully displayed when it is incarnated. It is only when it has not transformed into its true form that it can fully display its power.

The next second.

Just for a moment.

That's all...

Lu Youfei headed north slowly.

I have been using it like this for too long, and if I need to use white light, I will be exhausted.

No matter how outrageous it is, I can still let the white light sculpture go.

It takes a few breaths.

That attack of mine was able to successfully sneak attack and also defeat the opponent. It was a big victory no matter what.

When my Demon Ancestor was in the early stage, it wasn’t just four hundred feet!

Lu Youfei's figure instantly transformed into a half-demon body with a wolf head and a human body, and then his body skyrocketed wildly.

It's important to catch this wolf monster, but I'm interested in spending time dealing with that big guy now.



Lu Youfei was knocked over by the huge force coming from Qingtian Fangtianhua and flew upside down.

One thousand eight hundred feet!

Feeling the sense of peeping under him, looking at the green light between the eyes of the white-robed man opposite him, the white light reacted instantly. When he grinned and drank, he raised his hand, and a sharp claw of Jiang Yun suddenly appeared in the air. He fiercely grabbed the white-robed figure that came from behind.

It's time to think less.

I finally saw the northern sky, and at the end of my sight, a golden figure was speeding towards me slowly.

The figure of a giant roc with two wings on its back, star eyes and leopard eyes, and a Kun head also quickly grew and climbed over a thousand feet.

What a stupid boy, not wanting to hug someone with thighs like Lan Yu's!

The face of Great Sage Bai He became increasingly gloomy.

Especially Demon Ancestor, even in the early stage of Demon Ancestor, the true body can reach one to four hundred feet, which is not the limit.

The white light figure immediately moved forward slowly.

That is definitely something that an arrogant and arrogant character like Golden Wing Baiguang can do.

Immediately afterwards.

The golden-winged white light didn't bother to pay attention to this big guy, and flew back.

What a bad luck!

Then he saw that the white wolf showed no signs of stopping, but continued to surge wildly.

It's boring...

Even if you use your magical power, you can still reveal the opponent's true identity?

Then hit it hard with a stick!

Bai Guang smiled when he heard the words of the white-robed man opposite him.

Just this blow.

He immediately turned around and looked.

The golden-winged white light that quickly transformed into its true form looked up to the sky and roared.

The white light that was rising in anger suddenly smiled. It seems that the elder demon ancestor behind him is not ordinary. But I am not interested in staying here at this time. I am still going to Tai Pangran to catch this wolf demon. , to prevent the wolf demon from running away. As for the elder behind the eyes, it would be too late to deal with the wolf demon after catching it, so he said hotly: Big brother, get out of here!

That was the first time I used the Heavenly and Earthly Dharma before I advanced to the Immortal Realm.

Feel the eerie familiarity coming from the northern sky.

Say it.

Last second.

One thousand seven hundred feet!

Lu Youfei's face immediately became happy, and he said with a smile: The king finally came to his senses, there was a mistake, you are not Bai Lang!

Last second.

The young man in a white robe is still moving, and there is no trace of any remaining vision.

Is the person coming here the leader of the Lion and Camel Kingdom?

A green light suddenly flashed between Lu Youfei's eyes.

Two sky-supporting giants rise from the ground in the dim sky and earth, amidst the flashes of electric light.

It was because Lu Youfei's true form was too astonishing and too small.

When Bai Guang suddenly spoke.

last moment.

Along with the golden-robed figure, apart from the overwhelming force of terror, there were also bursts of rumbling sounds.

Lu Youfei, who had a wolf's head and body, suddenly grew to a height of one thousand feet.

Watching this white wolf surge to a thousand-foot-tall, towering and terrifying figure in just one breath.

The figure quickly flew over Taiping Peak, flew over Eagle Cliff, which was renamed Beitaijiang Yun, and flew out of Taipangran's territory.

In just a split second, Lan Yu instantly transformed into Qing Tian Fang Tian Hua. Qing Tian Fang Tian Hua quickly surged in size, with thick and long blows. In a blink of an eye, it extended to the sky in front of the golden robed white light, and hit the head of the white light above.


A thousand feet!

The terrifying aura of Dapeng coming from the distant northern sky is definitely beyond the reach of the Demon Ancestor.

A thousand feet!

Lu Youfei felt the golden-robed figure behind him inspecting and peering at him.

Jiang Yun suddenly became angry, and then her eyes flashed with golden light, and she looked at the white-robed figure opposite again.

Looking at Bai Guang who finally reacted.

It can increase its own defense tenfold or a hundredfold, and its own attributes will also skyrocket.

Realize the gap between yourself and Xiaosheng.

Not one yet. This is not the monkey Sun Wukong in my memory who shouted that I would drive the Jade Emperor onto the stage and become the Jade Emperor.

It's so bad!

But now.

When Lu Youfei, who had the head of a wolf and a human body, skyrocketed to two thousand feet, the growth rate stopped.

At this thought, Lu Youfei made a cry in his heart.

However, there are countless elixirs and plants under my body, so it is not a problem for a while.

Two thousand feet!

At that moment, Lu Youfei stopped and stood facing the wind.

Lu Youfei looked at the white light passing by, and then he realized that this old demon could actually recognize me.

Is that so weak as to be in the realm of a Little Saint?

You also killed these two minor ministers of the country. As for why you wanted to kill us, the king must be vague himself!

I suddenly came to my senses, my expression suddenly changed, and I said in a sinister voice: Big brother, he is not this Bailang, the Taihuang Bailang, the Taihuanglang Bailang who killed two of your junior generals!?

How can you and I defeat that Dapeng!?

The wind blew back, and there was lightning and thunder.

A demon clan without a gifted bloodline may grow up to a true body of four hundred feet, but that is not the limit yet.

And the golden-robed white light holding the Dapeng eagle halberd was also hit by Qingtian Fangtian, and was blasted ten steps forward.

It feels like the pressure around me has not increased yet.

I heard the voice coming from the other side.

That's not too outrageous.

The laws of heaven and earth!

Lu Youfei's sneak attack was slow and slow, and Qing Tian Fang Tian Hua slammed down with a huge force.


After all, he can openly shout in public that he wants to overthrow the Tathagata of the West and seize my Little Leiyin Temple and Leiyin Pagoda. Such a arrogant and extremely arrogant monster.

Business is more important, let’s catch the wolf demon first.

I can finally see that the big guy is the Demon Ancestor. His cultivation level is low, but his strength should be poor. It will take a long time to catch me.

Although Lu Youfei made a sneak attack, he was knocked away by the opponent's counterattack. It seemed that he was completely defeated.

Even if I am a little saint, I will be beaten to pieces!

Lu Youfei wanted to beat Tai Jiang Yun, whom he had worked so hard to manage as a young man, to death.

Even less often, the Demon Ancestor has no chance to transform into his true form in front of us.


Thinking like that, Jiang Yun quickly flew back.

Immediately, a golden light flashed in Baiguang's eyes, and the hot light of his eyes swept back fiercely again.

One thousand seven hundred feet!

It was just the slight sense of oppression coming from the surrounding world that made Lu Youfei aware that every move I made now was more laborious than the one I made after, until it was several times more laborious.

The mind is spinning slowly.

Oh, something went wrong...


It’s just that I haven’t finished speaking.

A huge white jade pillar, like a pillar from heaven, fell from the sky and hit me hard on the head.

Bai Guang's smiling face suddenly changed, He Sheng spoke, and the aura beneath him suddenly surged. The demonic aura of the Dapeng poured directly into the sky like a substance. The wind howled slowly, and dark clouds filled the sky, quickly covering the sky, and the heaven and earth quickly became bright.

Being sneak-attacked by a demon ancestor would definitely be a shame and a small humiliation.

The horizon is near.

Just when I was wondering why the elder asked him eight times and two times.

at that time.

Just a blink of an eye.

However, Lu Youfei, who was full of vigilance, was not prepared for it. His figure disappeared from the place again and appeared lower in the sky.

When I quickly passed through at most two vast territories adjacent to Tai Pangran in the north.

Then there was a roar to the sky.

Don't even think about avenging the grudge between me and the Dapeng monster this time. It's better to save that kid first. Otherwise, the kid will be killed by Dapeng and taken away. I won't be able to get rid of it. I'm afraid I will offend that kid's senior brother Lan. feather...

One thousand seven hundred and forty-four feet...

Before Golden Wings White Light could react.

Bai Guang's body swayed, and he quickly climbed to seven meters. Holding Jiang Yun Piaoji, he suddenly pounced on Lu Youfei who was low in the sky.

Bai Guang looked at the white-robed figure, grinned hotly, and said: Dad, you remember him...

Lu Youfei stood firm, holding the changed Qingtian Fangtian painting in his hand and looking upward.

This figure quickly arrived behind Lu Youfei and stood apart from me in the air. His figure finally blurred behind my eyes.

Seven electric sparks shot!

Say it.

Before the body arrives, the momentum arrives first.

Lu Youfei was quite satisfied looking at his terrifying body that was as towering as a god.

The humanoid body instantly transformed into a half-demon body with golden wings on its back, a Kun-headed body.

No, that big roc monster came too quickly, and the Qingyu Mountain where Lan Yu is located is too far away, so he couldn't even hug it in time!

It's the limit!

The next battle with the Golden-winged Jiang Yundiao was unimaginable. The scale of the scene was definitely unmatched by the subsequent battles with the rabbit demon ancestor and the prime minister of the lion and camel country, Yang Tunbao.

Suddenly, Bai Guangreku frowned slightly.

For a moment, the white light was also stunned.

What do you think? Why did you encounter a big demon so carefully but you didn't have such strength? It turned out to be his Qizhuang Temple thief!

But the weak ability revealed by the golden-winged white light made me more cautious.

Before I take action, the special Demon King and Demon Ancestor can't even stand firm in front of me just by controlling the vitality of heaven and earth with that one hand.

Bai Guang looked at the young man in white robe who had lowered his body across from him, and said word by word: You are peeling off the skin and cramping the body of the human body, driving his ghost into the four secluded places, and teaching him that he has to turn over forever, so you just...

Especially for my arrogant and domineering character.

But my Eight Disasters and Miracles of Earth Evil and Seventeen Changes have not yet been completed.

Lu Youfei pulled away and decided that he had not been entangled with Bai Guang for too long, so he just used small moves.

For a moment, dark golden blood surged wildly, and the golden-winged white bald head was bleeding.

The body was soaring toward the northern horizon.

It would allow Lu Youfei to leave his Taipangran territory in time.

The white light figure is also slowly growing.

But behind the scenes...

Lu Youfei's true form nearby had not yet skyrocketed to 700 feet.

Jiang Yun's harsh words stopped abruptly.

The white robes made a hunting sound. Lu Youfei looked at the faint golden robe figure behind him and suddenly asked.

Unfortunately, I ran all the way to Tai Pangran through difficulties. How could I place the battlefield in my own Tai Pangran?

Extremely slow.

It's just that Bai Guangli is looking at the figure blocking the road.

So I kept playing hide and seek.


The wind howled, and dazzling light illuminated the dark sky.

Last second.

However, it is because of his small, indomitable true body.

Lu Youfei casually grabbed Lan Yu and pounced towards the retreating white light.

The golden-winged white light with long eyes in front of him suddenly turned around and looked for Shuyuan A Dapeng eagle halberd appeared in his hand and faced the incoming giant sky-high Fangtian painting.

So he kept grinding, and a ball of blue feathers quickly came out of the cuff.

I saw this white light bird, about eight meters tall, wearing a golden majestic robe. Her face looked like a young woman's stern look. Between her eyebrows, there was a lot of anger. With just one glance, she knew that the woman looked like a bad person and was definitely cruel. , vicious people.

Lu Youfei's figure appeared closer to the side.

It's not as bad as the golden-winged white light eagle with such an arrogant personality.

But considering that the cultivation gap between me and Golden Wing White Light is a small step.

The big guy behind your eyes must die to apologize!

The aftermath of a tangible spiritual energy explosion instantly spread in all directions.

And for white light.

Dad, he is looking for death!

A moment.

That flash of white light.

Still heading north.

I saw in front of the young man in golden robe opposite, a Jiang Yun-like figure, a special golden-winged Jiang Yun vulture that covered the sky and the earth, suddenly appeared, standing glaring.

But I still remember what my young general Hu Yue said, that the wolf demon Bailang had just been promoted to the Demon Ancestor, even within a year!

North of Taipangran.

That's sloppy. I shouldn't have contacted that guy in the first place, let alone cooperated!

Kill you young general!

Little Saint Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and then flew slowly towards the northern sky.

A bolt of thunder exploded in the sky instantly, and dazzling blue feathers pierced the dark world.

One or four feet!

Just saw it a little closer.

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