Chapter 196 Xiaobai’s Spring

One day later.

A green-robed figure flew out from the top of the towering mountain, and then turned into a golden stream of light, flying high into the distance.


The wind was rushing past my ears.

The figure transformed into golden light quickly rushed towards the blue sky high in the sky.

He plunged into the Gangfeng layer.

The green-robed figure flew in the Gangfeng layer towards the direction of Wuling Mountain when it came the day before.

The figure in green robe is naturally Lu Wufei.

It took him more than a month to find the yellow wind monster. After a conversation with the yellow wind monster, he quickly embarked on a journey back to the lion and camel country.

He looked for the Yellow Wind Monster just to thank him for his help back then.

Based on my memory of the strength of Qingyu Mountain, which the team of pilgrims encountered on the way, even a monkey could do nothing about it. At this time, Qingyu Mountain may not have lost the strength of the Little Saint.

Although even if the other party said it, Lu Youfei kept it in mind, hoping that there would be no chance to repay the favor in the future.

The two of them drank and chatted for a long time.

Before Lu Youfei paid for Yu Ming's purchase of Zu Hu Yue, he left the Little General's Mansion with an excited Dabai and returned directly to the Baiyundong inn.

So, next time.

Seeing Lu Youfei approaching, the male deer demon immediately stood up and bowed.

It also strengthened his mind and laid the greatest foundation for his promotion to the Immortal Realm later.

The harvest-rich autumn has passed, and the harsh winter has arrived.

Lu Youfei settled in Baiyundong Inn for a long time.

That time I went to inform Qianlu that I would stay longer, so I went straight back to the inn.

Little General's Mansion...

The other party immediately smiled and let go.

Black Cloud Cave is quite far away.

Very complicated.

Looking at Dabai's eyes, Lu Youfei nodded and then opened the jade box.

Therefore, I must find Qingyu Mountain and express my gratitude to me in person.

The journey back was obviously much slower than when we came.

Beside, Dabai under my shoulder was just staring at the jade box in his father's hand with curiosity. Then when he saw the spirit plant in the box and smelled the scent of the spirit plant, his breathing suddenly became slow, and he had a pair of smart, big white eyes. Slow, Xiaoxi, no matter how slow it was, there was no movement at all. He just stood under his father's shoulders and screamed at him: Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak...

As for Xiao Jia's interest in the mysterious Qi Lan Yu, he had only heard about it in the past. No one from the Qi Yu Mingmen was present that time. Zhuang Guan, who was able to eat melons online, immediately seized the opportunity to ask Xiao Jia about various things about Qi Lan Yu. .

Dabai, who was unprepared, immediately opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Zhuang Guan and I were occasionally polite, so I immediately opened the jade box in my hand.

Lu Youfei threw away his withdrawal expenses.

Did you ever take the opportunity to ask for help or anything like that because I came to thank you for what happened back then?

It's Shaojiu.

So he reached out and touched Dabai's head and said comfortingly: Don't wait...

The other party is still being served by several handsome banshees, drinking tea, listening to music, watching dance...

After nearly two months, Lu Youfei opened the door to the room again.

The cow demon who was sitting and munching on dried fruits immediately stood up and spoke politely.

Back then in Dahuang Mountain, he was saved by the monkey demon Yuan Zhang with just a few casual words.

It's true that I care about Dabai's cost of evacuating the city, but I just don't think that big episode makes sense.

Lu Youfei arrived in Ten Thousand Monsters City.

I plan to look for Zu Huyue through the channels I know while waiting for news from Zhuang Guan.

He took Dabai upstairs.

Lu Youfei asked as he walked back into the pavilion.


A jade box appeared in my hand, and I looked under my shoulder. My eyes were full of excitement and eagerness to try, and I asked, Are you ready?

Following the Oga Demon, we arrived at the Young General's Mansion again.

Lu Youfei quickly woke up from his meditation and said, Let me wait a moment, you come up very slowly...

Every person who walks behind the gate will be watched by a group of monsters lining up nearby.

Those methods are not time consuming or anything like that.

Eight months passed quietly.

Lu Youfei first went to the Baiyundong inn where he stayed and booked a room. Then he went to the Little General's Mansion in the inner city and informed the demon clan Yu Ming that he was back in the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Lu Youfei did not feed Zu Hu Yue to Dabai immediately, but early on the seventh day.

That means everything I did was right and I was on the right path.

After saying that in order to drain away the medicinal properties, he immediately closed the jade box, looked at the leisurely Zhuang Guan and asked: Ancestor, is this...?

Asking Baiyundong's former boss for help is not one of my options.

One month is up.

The Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor Realm, had to suppress the young general Zhuang Guan's Yang (Sheep) Swallowing Leopard Demon Ancestor, but was seriously injured by Qingyu Mountain and fled.

He was trapped by the green-haired lion demon, the little demon king of Shituoling in this small holy realm.


Of course, that's just my guess, based on my experience with my immortal-level senior brother in Hu Yue Qi Lan Yu, combined with my own understanding.

Zhuang Guan's interest waned, and he immediately said again: You heard that among these seven blue feathers, there is no spiritual root, a ginseng fruit tree that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Is this true?

Lu Youfei reached out and touched it again, his expression still calm, and his eyes were fixed on the big white head in front of the jade box in his hand.

The male fox demon responded, and the sound of footsteps could be heard as he slowly left.

In short, I am not mentioning Ming Yi’s special magical power Bamadhi Divine Wind which in my memory made the monkeys who were studying Buddhist scriptures cry.

From this, I can't estimate that Yu Mingyi would be too far away from the realm of the Little Saint.

Whether it is a golden elixir or a demon elixir.

The City of Ten Thousand Demons, where the Lion and Camel Kingdom is located, is in sight.

Lu Youfei also stood up in response.

It was said that Lu Youfei agreed to the beautiful waiter on the side to pour tea, and then two exquisite porcelain jars appeared in his hands. He pushed one of them to Zhuang Guan out of thin air and said: Try it, ancestor, you brewed it yourself when you were in Hu Yue. The spiritual wine...

When the first snowflakes fell from the sky below the City of Ten Thousand Demons since the beginning of winter this year.

He was surrounded by a small number of large monsters.

It is the high-spirited time when you have just advanced to the realm of Jindan, worshiped in a great immortal sect such as Wuzhuang Temple, and become a demon commander.

Isn't there any news from Zhuang Guan...

Male fox demons are also in your mind. You hate those who live in seclusion and meditate without demons for a long time, because those kind of customers are very stable.

Please go there by yourself...

As long as you pay the room fee in full, you don't care whether the other person lives there or not.

There are too few controllable factors in this country.

In just one month, I went out from time to time and visited the entire City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Because we all know that this is a path that only generals at the level of demon commander are not qualified to take.

But that seemed to be the first time Lu Youfei mentioned Hu Yue after meeting Zhuang Guan.

It has been eight months since I came back from my visit to Yu Mingyi.

And keep going.

Is there any clear exit fee like next time?

Now, I haven't done it yet.

But he can only say good things, or dare to say good things.

It should be about Zhizu Hu Yue. I am only interested in this. After thinking about it, it has not been about seven or eight months since I finished asking Zhuang Guan, but it has been nearly half a year. I nodded without counting. : Let's go...

When Lu Youfei heard this, he immediately felt happy. The finger grass seemed to be of a high grade. When he was confirmed, he quickly smiled and said, That's what it should be...

Of course, none of the monsters that can cultivate to the realm of the Demon Ancestor are strong, and those who can reach the early stage are even weaker.

Thank you, ancestor. Can you help me, ancestor? Hu Yue is a bad person...

However, even at that time, Yu Mingyi was only at the Demon Ancestor level.

Winter snow is falling inside, cold tea, cold dancing, and sweet music in the pavilion are really enjoyable.

His eyes were also full of surprise.

Hearing the sound at that time, the male fox demon immediately said: There is a guest from above who is looking for him. You said he is from the Junior General's Mansion...

The vitality of Lingzhute quickly spread out from the jade box.

Lu Youfei nodded again: It's true...

The direction when not coming.

As soon as the gate of Ten Thousand Demons City opened, Dabai left the Shitu Kingdom and flew towards the west.

I basically accompanied Yu Mingyi to eat, drink and chat.

My dad also told me that I rarely take spiritual strains.

In the blink of an eye.

But the news was too frequent. Before I told him that there was no definite news and no notification was needed, there was no more news.

Lu Youfei once again walked to the VIP convenient access gate behind the city gate of Ten Thousand Demons City.

That experience was extremely unforgettable for him.

It has been looking forward to that day for a long time, and has been waiting for it for too long, and has been preparing for it.

Then I noticed the gentle cut of Dabai under my shoulders, and I already understood it at that time.

I want to go back to the Lion and Camel Country first to get the Zu Hu Yue that I asked the Yellow Wind Monster to find.

The monsters lined up with various heads were still in a long queue, making a lot of noise.

But I'm still wrong.

The end is Qingyu Mountain.

There is no discussion of all kinds.

It will probably take me a while to go back and forth.

When Lu Youfei saw the big spiritual plant in the jade box.

Therefore, I must make a trip to Heiyun Cave and come to express my gratitude in person.

Although Lu Youfei was willing to mention Yu Ming's situation to others, Yu Ming helped me a little that time. I was in a bad mood, so I answered some of Yu Ming's questions selectively and complicatedly.

But the weakness of the opponent's cultivation is not obvious to all.

Lu Youfei transformed into golden light and flew towards the Lion and Camel Kingdom in the Gangfeng layer.

Completely leaving the Shitu Kingdom and Shitu Ridge far in front of him.

Dabai's tone was hesitant and firm.

Try to buy it as soon as possible.

Lu Youfei said, Why did he come to find you?

In the blink of an eye, we encountered the biggest crisis in history.

Therefore, he could not forget the Yellow Wind Monster's helping hand.

His big white eyes immediately brightened up, staring closely at the big spiritual plant in the jade box, and his breathing quickly became slow.

Yu Ming opened her mouth and fed the handsome banshee beside her to the crystal fruit, biting it, and said casually: That's not the Yu Mingyi he wants, but the price is too much. In order to avoid unnecessary complications, you directly quoted one If there is a price that I can agree to, then I will bring it up, and I will have to make up for it for you...

Oga Demon said: The big demon knows, the ancestor only asked the big demon to come and invite the little king to come...

Lu Youfei nodded and poured the wine: Exactly...

Lu Youfei took the jade box made of jade and his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the past two months, I didn't go out at all.

It has been working very hard these past few days.


Sounds were heard coming from the room.

I want to make a trip to Heiyun Cave later to visit my senior fellow apprentice.

What's more, the magic way he realized about himself requires him to be open-minded and open-minded, with no debts, no guilt, and no worries that can disturb my mood.

And the strength and cultivation of Yang Tunbao, who is now the Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, is definitely comparable to that of the Special Demon Ancestor.

Lu Youfei met Yao Yu Mingyi again in the pavilion by the lake where he first came.

Dabai woke up when he heard the sound under the window sill opposite, stretched his waist, then jumped up on the window sill, and jumped under his father's shoulders in a few steps.

Next up.

I have to go back to the lion and camel country first.

So he took Dabai and flew all the way to the west of the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

Because seventy years later, before I went to the underworld to retrieve the soul of the old seven crow monsters, I retreated from Guimen Pass to the core of Shituoling.

Behind the gate, the demon commander who was on duty changed again. The white dog demon was replaced by a bull demon behind him who was holding a bull's head and munching on dried fruits.

a month and a half ago.

After all, they are so close. Anyone who dares to speak rashly is just looking for death.

Zu Huyue immediately flew out of the jade box.

Then he saw a large spiritual plant, which was as long as an adult's index finger, green and full of vitality, appearing behind his eyes.

The reason why I stayed at the Baiyundong Inn again was to stay in other caves or cottages.

Of course the big monsters would also talk loudly when they were watching, such as what kind of monster was that? Where is it coming from? It's like acquaintance...

Lu Youfei wanted Dabai to dissolve the demon pill in this city, so it would be safer to go inside.

Behind the small door on the side.

Zhuang Guan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, he reached out to take the wine jar and said, But Qi Lanyu?

I've seen Xiao Wang...

The first thing Lu Youfei saw was the middle-aged man sitting in the small hall waiting. He was the handsome deer demon that I saw later at Zhuangguan Mansion.

Mainly because there is no boss in front of the Baiyundong Inn who knows very little about the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

That time was the most aggrieved, powerless and desperate time when he came to this world.

It's Shaoshi.

Are the guests here?

Lu Youfei's search for Zu Huyue didn't just ask the demon yellow wind monster to take care of it.

One day yesterday.

Then he put away the jade box and sat down behind a long table with broken Lingcha Lingguo.

Ancestor, but there is no news?

I just want the other party to notify me whenever there is no news about Zu Hu Yue.

At the critical moment, it was my senior brother Yu Ming who saved me.

Then I was besieged. Although I tried my best to break into the siege, I was just about to escape.

But it didn't rush to eat the spiritual plant immediately, even if it allowed some of the medicinal properties of Zu Huyue to pass away, but waited until its breathing calmed down and its white eyes were clear, and then swung out its long legs.

That time, Dabai stood under Lu Youfei's shoulders.

inside the room.

Let the other party not directly send subordinates to come to the inn to look for me until they lose the news about Zu Huyue.

The opponent is in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor, not the early stage of the Immortal Realm, but is still in the Little Saint Realm of the Earth Immortal level.

The Qingyushan I know in the real world is equally astonishingly weak.

Fortunately, I will next go to the Black Cloud Cave in the far west to visit my senior brother.

All in all, the contact was quite pleasant.

Lu Youfei is also an example.

In the room, the male fox demon heard the sound of leaving the room.

A special stone behind the bull demon immediately emitted a weak light as Lu Youfei approached. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

There was a knock on the door that had been silent for a long time.

It doesn't matter whether it's a human or a demon.

A small number will cause certain changes in the celestial phenomena.

Lu Youfei, who was surrounded by fresh energy, woke up from his meditation. I asked, What's the matter?

Return to the inn.


I have been in contact with senior brothers and sisters in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the feeling they gave me was exactly the same.

The wind whistled slowly in my ears.

How can there be wine at this time...

The green robe beneath him was once again replaced by a white robe.

It's after this.

But Lu Wufei can't forget it.

Qingyu Mountain's cultivation should be at the early stage of Demon Ancestor at this time.

When it gets dark.

I have been waiting, thinking that the news came from the Yaohuang Wind Monster first.

Lu Youfei's impression of Qingyu Mountain was that the other party was not at all suspicious of relying on his old age and always calling me a eldest son.

The jade box contains probably not the Zu Hu Yue I have been looking for.

The yellow wind monster may have forgotten it.

After that day of contact.

I was very satisfied with that trip, and I became more aware of the divine way that I had followed.

Returned to the City of Ten Thousand Demons again.

When Lu Youfei came to a mountain forest without a single big stream.

There was no news about the Baiyundong Inn and the shops I had been looking for.

I have been meditating and waiting for news.

Zhuang watched as Lu Youfei walked over and spoke, and then he threw a box over.

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