Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 194: I have my wish, but I don’t dare to ask my ears

Chapter 195: It’s just what you want, but you dare not ask for help

The ebony tree trunk is straight and tall, with many branches and no leaves.

Looking ahead, there are countless towering black trees standing on the tops of mountains, mountains, and fields.

Lu Wufei seemed to see a black world.

Even the underground soil in that place was black, and all kinds of weeds and plants growing on the land were also black. Even the sky seemed to be dyed black.

Above the ebony mountain forest, black mist shrouded and condensed.

At first glance, it looks like a barren land with few resources, a place where even monsters don't want to stay.

But the opposite is true.

The air is clear and the spirit is abundant.

As long as you enter the path of practice.

Even the little demon with a shallow cultivation level could clearly sense that the spiritual energy in the black mountain forest was obviously richer than that in the surrounding area.

Those dark mountains and forests look a little scary.

There are many birds and beasts in the mountains and forests.

It's strange that there are no monsters in a place like this.

With Lu Wufei's eyesight at this time, he could clearly see monsters moving at the edge of the dark ebony forest in the distance ahead just by looking a little more carefully.

It should be right here...

After some observation, Lu Wufei understood.


At this time, Xiaobai poked his head out from his chest and looked around.

Lu Wufei touched the little guy's head and then flew towards the dark Wuling Mountain in the distance ahead.

When flying quickly into the edge of Wuling Mountain's territory.

Lu Wufei stood in mid-air and said forward: Ancestor Huang Feng is here, Bailang in the Wilderness Mountains. I came here to pay my respects to my ancestor!

The loud sound was like a tide, and it immediately spread towards the depths of the vast territory of Wuling Mountain.

This Wuling Mountain, which is composed of ebony forests, is very large. Lu Wufei stood on the edge in mid-air and couldn't see the end of it when he looked up.

Everything that comes into view is pitch black. Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that Wuling Mountain is like a big black ointment stuck to the vast mountain forest.

The territory is huge.

It takes time for his voice to be completely transmitted, and it also takes time for some monsters in this territory to react.

Lu Wufei was not in a hurry, he opened his mouth and waited quietly.

What he just called was Wild Wild Mountain Bailang, not Lu Wufei of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain.

It was because he came to visit as his own identity, and also because he kept a low profile.

Although this was a little different from when he first met the Yellow Wind Demon Ancestor.

Of course, no matter what name he calls, his identity will not change.

Don't wait for Lu Wufei to think too much.

Soon, a voice came from the depths of Wuling Mountain.

How come you are so ignorant that you dare to roar in our Wuling Mountain!

Loud shouts came from the dark depths of Wuling Mountain. At the same time, a huge aura figure shot straight into the sky from the ground and flew quickly in the direction of Lu Wufei.

Immediately afterwards.

Another figure flew out from the ground in the vast territory;

The third figure...

The fourth way...


The eighth channel keeps appearing...

That first figure was like a charging horn, followed by eight figures that flew out quickly from all over the vast territory of Wuling Mountain. Following that first figure, they flew straight towards the edge of Wuling Mountain where Lu Wufei was. Come over.

Where did you come from!

Wearing a bright red robe, with red hair and a ferocious face, the leader, a middle-aged monster, and eight figures behind him, landed in the sky in front of Lu Wufei. He looked at Lu Wufei and said, Dare you run wild in my Wuling Mountain?

Lu Wufei could tell at a glance that the red-robed, red-haired, sinister-looking man in front of him was Ma Lu Chengjing (Ma Lu: also known as the Hundred-Jointed Insect), an early-stage demon king.

As for the eight people behind him, they were all wearing armor and holding weapons. The tall monsters who looked a bit intimidating were all monsters at the level of handsome generals.

It sounded like the other person's tone was unkind.

Lu Wufei said with a calm expression: I am from Bailang in the Wilderness Mountains in the south. I don't mean to offend you. I just heard that the ancestor Huang Feng lived here in seclusion, so I came here to visit. I hope you can let me know...

The wild south...

At this time, the middle-aged monster in red robe and red hair finally noticed the strong aura of the figure in green robe in front of him, and there was an unfathomable feeling. When he heard the intention of the other party's voice, his tone unconsciously softened a lot, and he asked: Are you looking for Ancestor Huang Feng?

Lu Wufei nodded: Exactly, can I inform you?

The red-robed and red-haired middle-aged Malu monster shook his head, frowned and looked at Lu Wufei in front of him for a while, and then said: Although we, Wuling Mountain, are attached to the subordinates of ancestor Huangfeng, our ancestor has never had a fixed residence and his whereabouts are a mystery. Therefore, We don’t know where our ancestor is...

But your voice was not quiet just now. If my ancestor was here, he would definitely be able to hear it...

So, just wait. If the ancestor wants to see you, he will see you. If he doesn't see you, it will be useless no matter how long you wait, just like those fools before...

The red-robed and red-haired millipede monster meant what he said.

The one he was wearing just now, if the Huang Feng ancestor was here, he would definitely be able to hear it.

He just had to wait.

However, the Malu monster had something else in mind, and he immediately asked, Are there any other monsters coming to visit Patriarch Huang Feng?

The Malu monster nodded: Ever since our ancestor taught the Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom a severe lesson more than two years ago, many monsters have come to visit our ancestor Huang Feng. Our ancestor will not pay attention to those who are clueless and have no idea. I sent away all the polite guys!”

It got much better after a year, but there are still a lot of things. You are the fourth one this year...

This millipede monster is a bit chatty and has a bad temper at first glance, but in actual contact he is fine and seems to be a little bit stunned...

After hearing the other party pour out a bunch of words, Lu Wufei learned a lot of news.

Lu Wufei said at this time: I am Bailang, I don't know what to call me?

I am Red Armor...

At this point, the red-skinned and red-haired monster suddenly became alert and said: Although you seem to be more polite than those guys, don't try to get close to me, let alone think that I will go to see Huang Feng Ancestor for you...


Lu Wufei was stunned when he heard this.

His opinion just now was correct. The guy in front of him was indeed a little confused, so he thought slightly, and then said: You are too smart, you have seen through it, but I didn't want you to help me find Huang Feng Ancestor, just like you What I said before, my ancestor can definitely hear what I just said, I just want to get to know you...


Smart, see through... Hearing the other party speak so pleasantly, the red-robed, red-haired Malu Hongjia couldn't help but become less vigilant, and said, You didn't lie to me?

Hearing this, Lu Wufei became more and more convinced of his opinion, smiled and nodded: Of course, with your intelligence, I can't deceive you...

That's true...

The red-armored Malu immediately nodded and said, What you said is nice...

Not only is he stunned, but he is also a little bit heartless...

Lu Wufei became more and more enlightened, and then continued to ask: I wonder where the territory under the rule of Ancestor Huang Feng other than Wuling Mountain, can I ask Brother Malu to give me some advice?

The red-armored Malu immediately said, You are right to ask, over there...

As he spoke, he turned around and pointed in another direction: That way, it's Qiling...

Going past Qiling is Qingteng Mountain...

And the mountain over there...

The demon kings in those territories are all like me, and they all belong to Ancestor Huang Feng...

Lu Wufei nodded in his heart when he heard this. These were things he didn't know before, so he continued to ask: Can Ancestor Huang Feng be found in those places?

I have been in Wuling Mountain for a while.

If he didn't respond for so long, the yellow wind monster was either not here, or he heard it and didn't want to pay attention to him.

The red-armored Malu nodded: It is possible that your voice can be heard in my territory, but not in other places. Maybe the ancestor is somewhere else...

By the way, I remembered a place where my ancestor might be...

This is you, other monsters don't expect me to lead them...

When the red-armored Malu said this, he turned around and looked at the handsome generals behind him and said, You all should go back on your own...

Then he looked at Lu Wufei and said, Follow me...

After that, he stood up and flew back.

Lu Wufei immediately followed and said with a smile: Thank you then, Brother Hongjia is so generous...

This is the truth, most demon kings would not be so enthusiastic.

Along the way.

Lu Wufei kept asking, and the red-armored Malu also answered one by one.

After flying all the way for half an hour.

Lu Wufei followed Malu Demon King Hongjia and flew out of the Wuling Mountain territory. From a distance, he saw a towering peak rising far higher than the surrounding mountains in front of him, straight into the sky.

That's it. As far as I know, Ancestor Huang Feng will appear on that mountain from time to time...

The red-armored Malu pointed to the towering mountain ahead and said, But I will take you here. There are monsters in the place ahead that I won't deal with. You can go there by yourself...

When he heard that the other party was leaving, Lu Wufei immediately thanked him.

After some pleasantries.

The millipede demon Hongjia quickly left.

In the past, whenever something good happened to him, Lu Wufei's first reaction was to be alert.

But this time along the way, he really couldn't feel anything wrong with the demon king Hongjia.

Watch the other person's back as he leaves.

Lu Wufei couldn't help but think that even if there was really some kind of trap ahead, he would admit it and treat it as a mistake.

After all, he must see the yellow wind monster when he comes out this time.

Didn't think much about it.

Lu Wufei immediately flew towards the mountains ahead.

He quickly flew over the mountains in front of him and flew all the way to the majestic mountain. There was no monster in Gangmalu's mouth to stop him.

Lu Wufei didn't care, and stood in front of the mountain and shouted directly: Ancestor Huang Feng is here, Barbarian Bailang, come here to pay homage to our ancestor!

The loud sound was like a rolling tide, quickly spreading across the towering mountains ahead.

But Lu Wufei waited for a while, but there was still no response, and no monster came out or anything.

Lu Wufei looked into his eyes and felt happy.

The majestic mountain in front of him must be a land of ownership. When he shouted, it was normal for the red-armored millipede demon to appear like before.

There was no response and no monster came out, which spoke for itself.

So he spoke again, this time louder: Ancestor Huang Feng is here...

But the words just left his mouth.

A voice rang in Lu Wufei's ear: Okay, okay, are you bothered? Come on up!

The disgust in his voice seemed to leak out of the screen.

Lu Wufei was immediately overjoyed when he heard the sound, and immediately raised his hands toward the mountain.

Then he quickly flew towards the towering mountains ahead.

Fly quickly up the mountain.

Lu Wufei saw a wooden house at the top of the mountain. In front of the wooden house was a long yard surrounded by a wooden fence. There was a set of stones used for pounding rice in the small yard. There were also chickens and ducks in the corner of the small yard. poultry.

Another corner of the courtyard.

A short figure wearing a golden short robe was lying on a lounge chair in the shade to enjoy the coolness. Beside it, two little demons were fanning themselves with fans.

A little further away, several little demons were sweating profusely and struggling to barbecue in front of a strong bonfire.

Various roasted and fragrant meats were brought to the golden-robed figure who was lying on a lounge chair under the shade of a tree to enjoy the coolness.

Another large plate of roasted meat was delivered to the chair.

The golden-robed figure sat up, just in time to see Lu Wufei, who was dressed in green robes, landing beside him.

Barbarian Bailang, I have seen my ancestor...

Lu Wufei landed on the ground and then bowed to the Yellow Wind Demon Ancestor who sat up.


The yellow wind monster grabbed a piece of barbecue from the plate in front of him and gulped it down. Then he looked up at Lu Wufei and said, I don't know many people in the wilderness. Where did you come from?

If someone comes to seek my protection again, get out of here quickly, ancestor, I don't have that spare time...

Seeing that you can trick that silly boy Jinjia into bringing you here, I only give you three sentences...

After saying that, the yellow wind monster immediately lowered his head and started eating the barbecue.

Hear this.

Lu Wufei smiled and said: Bai Lang didn't come to seek protection from the ancestor. It seems that the ancestor has really forgotten me...

Ancestor, do you ever remember that sixty years ago, in the Wilderness Mountains, your ancestor rescued a little demon from the monkey demon Yuan Zhang...?

The words fell.

The yellow wind monster's meat-eating hand suddenly slowed down.

Sixty years ago, what were you doing... Oh, in the deserted mountains, the monkey demon Yuan Zhang rescued a little demon...

Well, I did save a monster, and one of them got lucky and became a member of the Great Immortal Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan Town, Wanshou Mountain!

For a moment.

The Yellow Wind Monster thought about it, and he immediately raised his head and looked at the kid in front of him...

Well, I actually can’t see any change in him...

The yellow wind monster was a little surprised, and his eyes immediately glowed with golden light. He looked at the green-robed boy in front of him, and saw a huge white wolf with ferocious flames immediately appearing in front of him behind him.

It turns out to be your boy!

Finally seeing through the true identity of the boy in front of him, the yellow wind monster's eyes suddenly brightened.

Without waiting for Lu Wufei to speak.

After carefully looking at Lu Wufei, he pinched the long rat whiskers beside his mouth, and then praised: You are indeed a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple and Zhenyuan Immortal. It has only been sixty years. , you actually jumped from a small golden elixir cultivation level to a human immortal... Well, the realm of the late human immortal is really amazing to me...

Hearing the yellow wind monster's praise, Lu Wufei once again raised his hand and said with a smile, My ancestor was so complimentary...

Thanks to my ancestor for helping me, otherwise Bailang would not be today...


After hearing the words of the boy in front of me, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. The Yellow Wind Monster pinched his beard and shook his head and said: With the power of the Great Immortal, if your boy's front foot was caught by that idiot Yuan Zhang, the Great Immortal will know about your back foot. There are many disciples of the Great Immortal. , it’s just a trivial matter to save you...

But I can still bear your thanks...

After reaching this point, the yellow wind monster chuckled and said: After all, I saved your kid once...

But I remember when you told me that your name seemed to be Lu Wufei. When did you change your name to Bailang?

If you had told me earlier, you wouldn't have had to deal with that silly boy in Hongjia...

It turned out that this old weirdo had heard it a long time ago, and Lu Wufei suddenly realized.

Fortunately, he didn't give up and coaxed Ma Lu Hongjia, otherwise he might not have seen this old monster today.

Ancestor, Lu Wufei is my Taoist name, and Bailang is my name in the land of the demon clan...

Therefore, I keep using this name, not to trick my ancestor...

It doesn't matter...

The yellow wind monster pinched the rat's beard and shook his head: You said you came from the wilderness, so what's going on in the wilderness mountain now?

He ran away in the first place because of this kid in front of him.

Now he is interested in how Yuan Zhang of Dahuang Mountain is doing now.

Lu Wufei said: Those three Yuan Zhang brothers have all been killed by me myself. This is Yixue's shame...

for this result.

Huang Feng was a little surprised but not surprised. He nodded and praised: Yes, revenge with your own hands is the most satisfying...

You're a nice guy. Please stay here and have a few drinks with me. Is that okay?

Lu Wufei immediately held up his hands and said with a smile: It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask my ears...

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