
The boy spoke.

The two brothers who were drinking turned their heads together.

Are you feeling unwell?

Looking at the boy in front of him, Lu Wufei asked.


Tie Zheng shook his head and said, looking curiously at the layer of white light attached to his body, and stretched out his hand to touch it.

It was just that faint layer of white light that enveloped his entire body, moving along with his arm movements, and he couldn't touch it no matter how hard he tried.

Tie Zheng, haven't you always been curious about why I want to find you?

Lu Wufei continued: Now, he is in front of you...

As he spoke, he gestured towards the opposite side.

Opposite him, Yu Caisheng looked at the child who woke up, looking at the angular contours of his face, his face was a little moved, and he was speechless for a moment.

Tie Zheng looked at Yu Caisheng.

Looking at this man whom he had never met before but felt friendly to, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

He then looked at Lu Wufei and said, Uncle, I wonder who this uncle is...?


Hearing Tie Zheng's words, Lu Wufei smiled and shook his head: He is not an uncle...

Tie Zheng continued to ask: Then who is he?

he is...

When Tie Zheng asked, Lu Wufei was stunned for a moment and paused as soon as he started speaking.

What should Tie Zheng call Senior Brother Yu?




That's not right either...


It's almost the same, because Tie Zheng is the blood of Senior Brother Yu.

But, this is not easy to say...

Therefore, Lu Wufei had no choice but to look at Senior Brother Yu opposite him.

But Yu Caisheng just looked at Tie Zheng, his eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

At this time, he noticed his junior brother's gaze and came back to his senses.

Lu Wufei sent a message at the right time: Senior brother, what should this child call you?

What do you call me...

Hearing the message from his junior brother, Yu Caisheng was also stunned.

But he was prepared after all. After thinking for a moment, he looked at the boy in front of him whose face was similar to the girl in his memory and said softly: Son, please call me Dad...

Dafu means grandpa, meaning grandfather.

Lu Wufei listened and nodded. Although he was an ancestor, it was really inappropriate to call him an ancestor.

The children will understand when they grow up.

Tie Zheng was already smart, and he had always felt that the person in front of him was inexplicably kind even though he had met him for the first time. When he heard the other person's words, he quickly understood and without any pretense, he immediately knelt down and saluted: Father...


So good!

Looking at the child kneeling in front of him and saluting, Yu Caisheng was really happy at this moment.

At this time, he finally understood what his junior brother said about this child being sensible.

He is very content to have descendants like this.

I am also very glad that I made the decision to search for this child, and look at my junior brother who found the child this time with even more gratitude.

After some affectionate interaction between the grandfather and Sun Xian.

Tie Zheng was put away by Lu Wufei again.

This is the underworld, even in Senior Brother Yu's mansion, there are many dead people and ghosts waiting on him.

Tie Zheng is still a mortal. Although he is protected, it is not good to be outside for a long time.

It would be even worse if you were scared.

Lu Wufei put the child away casually.

Yu Caisheng withdrew his eyes from his junior brother's sleeves, and then raised his wine glass.

For him, it was a surprise for his junior brother to come to see him.

In the end, he never thought that his junior brother would give him an even bigger surprise, which really made him happy.

After a hearty drink.

The two brothers were chatting.

Lu Wufei quickly talked about something: Senior brother, after returning to the human world from the gate of hell, can we only let the magic circle teleport us?

Is there any other way?

Lu Wufei still clearly remembers the fact that he was tricked by the ghost gate and was teleported directly to the depths of Shituoling last time, and he is still frightened.

That green-haired lion monster is too highly cultivated and too strong.

He just opened his mouth and tried his best to break free.

If not for the help of Senior Brother Lan Yu.

He must have been caught by the green-haired lion monster at that time, and now he doesn't know what his situation will be like.

If he goes back this time, he will definitely be on guard.

Hear Lu Wufei ask this.

Yu Caisheng immediately laughed and said, Junior brother, why do you have this question...

As soon as he spoke.

Looking at the expression on Lu Wufei's face, he immediately thought of something and said with a smile, It seems that junior brother had some troubles when he went back last time...

That's true of the Ghost Gate Array. It's not meant for strangers to use...

If junior brother's cultivation can reach a higher level and reach the realm of gods, he can have some influence...

Junior brother, wait a minute...

Saying that, Yu Caisheng paused.

A trace of spiritual thought entered the storage space and quickly rummaged through it.

Not long.

A pure black bead the size of an adult's thumb appeared in Yu Caisheng's hand, and he threw it to the junior brother opposite.

Lu Wufei took it and felt his hand suddenly sink.

This small black bead may seem inconspicuous, but its weight is quite heavy.

He looked around and saw that it was neither iron nor stone nor gold, so he said, What is this?

Yu Caisheng picked up the wine pot, filled the glasses for his junior brother and himself, then raised his glasses and said: Yin beads are a small gadget, but they have special effects...

Junior brother, take this thing with you next time you leave. When you step into the gate of hell, junior brother will be able to affect the direction in which you are teleported. It has a certain effect...


After hearing Senior Brother's explanation, Lu Wufei's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, If you have this thing, why didn't Senior Brother take it out earlier?

This way I won't have to encounter that bad thing last time...

Yu Caisheng smiled, drank it all in one gulp, and said, Junior brother, you didn't even ask...

By the way, what happened to Junior Brother last time when he went back that made Junior Brother brooding about it?

Yu Caisheng poured wine again and asked, Tell me...

I heard my senior brother ask about this.

Lu Wufei seemed to remember something and immediately said: By the way, does senior brother know senior brother Lan Yu?

Senior Brother Lan Yu...

After hearing what his junior brother said, Yu Caisheng frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said: I have heard that it seems that he and his junior brother are both from the demon clan, but senior brother Lan Yu was in the temple a long time ago. When I entered the temple, Senior Brother Lan Yu had already left the temple. I had only heard about it but never met him...

Junior brother, why do you mention this?

It seems that Senior Brother Lan Yu came to the observation earlier than he thought.

But think about it, Senior Brother Lan Yu is an Earth Immortal level master, and it will definitely take a long time to achieve such a great level of cultivation.

Thoughts quickly flashed through Lu Wufei's mind, and he immediately asked: Last time I left Senior Brother, did I meet Senior Brother Lan Yu?

Meet Senior Brother Lan Yu?

Yu Caisheng's eyes immediately lit up when he heard the sound, and he suddenly became interested and said immediately: Tell me, tell me, what's going on?

Lu Wufei then said: This starts from when I was directly teleported to Shituoling by the ghost gate...


Yu Caisheng was even more surprised when he heard this name and said: Junior brother was sent to Shituoling. Senior brother Shituoling has some understanding. The two big monsters headed by them, the green-haired lion and the yellow-tusked old elephant, are both earth immortals. A level monster that eats countless people and is extremely cruel. The junior brother was sent there and with the junior brother’s cultivation level, it is extremely dangerous...

you do not say...

Lu Wufei nodded and sighed: As soon as I arrived there, I was immediately surrounded by several demon kings...

When I got one, I wanted to get out as soon as possible, but I was stopped by a demon ancestor-level monster again...

I finally defeated the Demon Ancestor, and when I was about to escape, I met the green-haired lion again...

The green-haired lion's mouth is so magical that I can't break free...

Fortunately, Senior Brother Lan Yu appeared in time and rescued me...

Speaking of this, the scene at that time immediately appeared in Lu Wufei's mind, and he couldn't help but praise: Senior brother Lan Yu is really majestic. He saved me. The two brothers, the green lion and the white elephant, didn't dare to take action...

That's how I escaped from the Lion Camel Ridge...

After listening to what Lu Wufei said, Yu Caisheng nodded and said: It is indeed dangerous, but fortunately, junior brother is very lucky and can meet senior brother Lan Yu...

The green-haired lion and the white elephant have been entrenched in Shituoling for a long time, and their reputation is not weak, but they dare not take action against Senior Brother Lan Yu...

I can imagine the majesty of Senior Brother Lan Yu, but it's a pity that I couldn't see him in person...

Yu Caisheng's eyes were longing, as if he could imagine the scene at that time, and he sighed and spoke.

Lu Wufei answered at this time: Senior Brother, what's the problem if I want to see Senior Brother Lan Yu? When I went back, Senior Brother Lan Yu told me that he lives in Qingyu Mountain...

When I have free time, I plan to go to Qingyu Mountain to see...

Senior brother, you can go with me then...

But senior brother, with your status, can you walk away?

Hearing what his junior brother said, Yu Caisheng shook his head and smiled bitterly: That's the problem. I really can't leave in a short time...

As he spoke, he raised his glass again and drank it all in one gulp.

Putting down the wine glass, Yu Caisheng said at this moment: Speaking of what happened during the ghost gate teleportation, senior brother remembered one thing, which was the same as the previous situation of junior brother...


Lu Wufei became interested and asked, Who is that unlucky guy?

Yu Caisheng said: There once was a monk, but I heard that he was in the realm of gods. When he left the underworld, he was transported to the Lion and Camel Kingdom by the magic circle. Does Junior Brother from the Lion Camel Kingdom know about it?

Lu Wufei nodded: I didn't know much about the lion and camel country before it was occupied by the golden-winged roc eagle, but I know a little bit about it after it was occupied. My junior brother has also been there. It is completely a country among monsters...

Yu Caisheng nodded and continued: It was transmitted to the country among monsters, and it was also teleported to the morning meeting hall where monsters gathered...

Lu Wufei was immediately shocked when he heard this. Isn't this similar to his previous situation? No, it was even worse. He immediately asked: What's the result?

What other results could there be...

Yu Caisheng shook his head: Surrounded by so many monsters, especially the golden-winged roc sculpture of the leader of the monster kingdom, the monk was just delivering the goods to your door, and was caught on the spot...

It's completely conceivable what the consequences would be if you fell into the hands of those monsters...

Lu Wufei suddenly fell silent after hearing his senior brother's words.

He has been to the Lion and Camel Country. There, human corpses are equivalent to currency, used for barter and exchange. When it comes to eating human flesh, there are many more ways to eat it than in the Lion and Camel Ridge. After all, Shituoling also wants to purchase humans from Shituo Kingdom.

The monk in the Immortal Realm was caught, and one can imagine his fate.

It's like those demon kings and demon ancestors were caught by other monks.

He had seen it in the lion and camel country, and he could think of some ways to eat it in his mind.

The best outcome would be to be caught by those big monsters and die directly.

Otherwise, being skinned and fleshed out alive would definitely be comparable to the torture of the eighteenth level of hell, or even more terrifying.

In the end, it may be difficult to even go to the underworld because the soul cannot escape.

Where is the other party's sect?

After the silence, Lu Wufei spoke again: A monk in the Immortal Realm died like this. Didn't his master seek revenge behind his back?

Yu Caisheng shook his head: I heard that some monks later found the Lion and Camel Kingdom. As for the result, no one knows, but the Lion and Camel Kingdom is good, doesn't it mean the result...

That's true...

Lu Wufei nodded.

I am also glad that I met Senior Brother Lan Yu last time.

Otherwise, if he is caught by the green-haired lion of Shituoling, his end will definitely not be easy.

He would really like to thank Senior Brother Lan Yu in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Wufei couldn't help but say: Fortunately, I met Senior Brother Lan Yu...

Junior brother is a demon clan...

Yu Caisheng smiled and said: Senior brother Lan Yu is also a demon clan. Junior brother can really get closer to senior brother Lan Yu...

With Senior Brother Lan Yu's reputation, I believe that if Junior Brother encounters those big monsters again, he will have some room for maneuver...

This is true.

Recalling the day when Senior Brother Lan Yu faced off against the green-haired lion and the white elephant demon.

Apparently they all knew each other.

If you encounter those big monsters again unexpectedly, reporting the name of Senior Brother Lan Yu might be more effective than reporting your own sect.

What senior brother said is very true...

With another piece of support, Lu Wufei smiled and raised his glass, saying: Let's do it...


This time.

Lu Wufei stayed in his senior brother's residence for more than a month.

Mainly because Senior Brother Yu wanted to get closer to Tie Zheng, whom he had just met.

After all, the underworld is far away.

Lu Wufei himself is busy and cannot come to this underworld often, especially after leaving the underworld's ghost gate. Lu Wufei is still afraid.

Although he now has the Yin Bead given by his senior brother, he still doesn't know how effective it will be.

Leave the underworld this time.

I don’t know when it will be next time.

Yu Caisheng was determined to stay with his only bloodline for a while longer.

But Tie Zheng is still a mortal, and even if he is protected by spiritual light, he cannot stay in this underworld for much longer.

In the blink of an eye.

January passed quietly.

early morning.

Although the sky in the underworld has remained the same for countless years, it is always gloomy and foggy.

Lu Wufei stood in the lobby of the mansion and waited quietly.

Not long.

Yu Caisheng came from the rear side hall holding his hand covered in pale white spiritual light. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

Junior brother, morning...

Yu Caisheng stepped forward and said, I'm sorry to trouble you, Tie Zheng...

Lu Wufei knew that Senior Brother Yu valued this child, and said: Senior Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of him...


Yu Caisheng nodded, and then handed Lu Wufei a black sign in his hand, saying: Junior brother, if you come back in the future, you only need to show this, and those brats will never dare to disturb you again...

Lu Wufei took the black token and nodded. He had mentioned this to Yu Caisheng before. It was really annoying to be pestered by those brats every time he came here.

Goodbye, eldest father, grandson will come see eldest father next time!

Before leaving, Tie Zheng knelt on the ground again and kowtowed to Yu Caisheng.

Lu Wufei casually put it into Qiankun in his sleeves.

Then he said goodbye.

Under the guard of two ghost soldiers with bull heads and horse faces.

Lu Wufei left the Senluo Hall where the mansion was located and headed towards the Ghost Gate.

However, this time he went not to the Nanzhan Buzhou building he visited when he came, but to the Xiniu Hezhou building.

Arrive at the Gate of Hell.

Previous experience.

Lu Wufei took out the Yin Pearl in his hand and stepped into a tall ghost gate with an astonishing aura and surging black spiritual light.

The entire body disappears in an instant.

When I opened my eyes again.

Lu Wufei was already in a lush mountain forest.

He quickly took a look at his surroundings.

Immediately, his body swayed, and his whole body quickly turned into a handsome black eagle, flying towards the sky.

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