If it's fake, it will be replaced...

After hearing what his junior brother said, he looked at the determined expression on his face.

Yu Caisheng was so excited at this moment that it was hard to describe.

He originally thought that there were only two possibilities for his junior brother to come to him this time.

One possibility is that the junior brother wants to capture the soul of someone close to him like last time.

Anyway, this kind of thing is what they are asked about the most.

Anyone who can have some connection with him can always find him around the corner.

Not just him, but the entire underworld, including the ten Lords of Hell, down to the low-level officials, including the envoys, were the most frequently sought after for this kind of thing.

However, considering that he is at the level of the underworld at this time, looking for him to harvest souls is really overqualified and a casual matter.

The last time his junior brother called him was because of this matter. He thought it would be the same this time.

The second type is when the junior brother who has been entrusted by him has news about his bloodline left in the human world.

As for the rest, he didn't think about it for the time being.

But no matter what it was, he was very happy when Junior Brother Lu came to see him.

This is certainly beyond doubt.

From the moment you embark on the path of spiritual practice, all the original family ties, love, friendships, etc. will turn into dust as your spiritual practice becomes higher and higher.

The relationship between teachers who can always be a guiding light, teachers who can give one a real sense of family, and brothers who can learn from each other, help each other, accompany each other, and share the same goals is even more precious.

The feeling of living in the underworld for a long time...no, living in the darkness of the underworld for hundreds of years. People who have not experienced it personally will never be able to empathize with it.

In this way, if a senior brother suddenly comes to see him, even if he wants to ask for something, he will think it is an unexpected surprise.

Just like Junior Brother Lu in front of me.


What he really didn't expect was.

Junior Brother Lu actually brought him a surprise.

What a surprise!

Yu Caisheng looked at the boy curled up on the ground and sleeping soundly.

For a moment, I was afraid to speak out.

Just stared at it for a while.

Then a soundproofing spell was added to the boy who was originally covered in white aura to make him sleep more soundly.

Yu Caisheng then turned his head and walked to the long table to sit down, picked up the full glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he poured another full cup and drank it all himself.

At this time, he saw a full cup handed to him. Lu Wufei clinked the cup with him and said with a smile: Don't patronize yourself and drink...


Yu Caisheng immediately laughed and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he took a long breath.

He turned his eyes to the side and looked at the boy sleeping peacefully in the circle of spiritual light, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

Looking at the angular appearance of the child in front of him, he quickly recalled the past in his mind.

That was a long time ago.

At that time, he was still a monk in the Golden Core stage.

Once when I went out for business, I met a woman.

It turned out that he had an extraordinary background, otherwise he would not have been able to enter Wuzhuang Temple, and he had seen many beautiful women.

The woman I met that time couldn't be said to be very beautiful. She was just average-looking at most, but she had a temperament that other women didn't have. It was a wild temperament and wild beauty that was difficult to conceal.

Then, under his deliberate contact.

It didn't take long for him and the woman to have physical contact.

But he also responded to one sentence.

We don’t value anything that is too easy to get.

What's more, she is a demon woman.

The same was true for him with Yu Caisheng. After staying together for less than a month, he wanted to leave.

So he said goodbye.

The woman had a strong character and didn't say a word. She just watched him leave with tears in her eyes.

Originally, he thought this was just a small love affair on his way to spiritual cultivation.

He has always thought so.

Just a dozen years ago.

He suddenly had a whim one day, and then asked someone to do some calculations.

This calculation immediately deduced that he actually had a direct bloodline left in the world.

Because at the beginning of the mortal world, the blood relatives, parents, brothers and sisters he was born into died one after another.

He had long since lost contact with his original family.

I don't know what the family is like, and I'm not interested.

But it is unbelievable that he actually has blood that will remain in the world.

So he continued to calculate and figured out that the last bloodline had some demon blood in it.

This immediately reminded him of the brief relationship he had with the demon woman during his Golden Core stage.

There was no other possibility except that time. Read a book

But that woman did have a strong and strong character.

Even though I had a child, I never thought of looking for him as a father.

So much so that his bloodline was left in the world without any notice.

As a practitioner, the higher your cultivation level, the harder it will be to leave heirs.

What's more, he is now in the realm of gods.

No matter how hard you work day and night, it is basically impossible.

He has long since given up on those thoughts.

But when he learned that he had biological blood left in the world.

His mood at that time was really indescribable.

Shocked, delighted, excited, excited...

That feeling can only be somewhat sympathized with by those who have had children in old age.

It's just that he discovered it too late, and the bloodline he left behind was reincarnated from his hands without knowing it.

The entrustment of finding the bloodline was entrusted to Junior Brother Lu, who was the first to see him after calculating the bloodline.

If other senior brothers came to see him, he would also ask the same question.

Unexpectedly, asking Junior Brother Lu was the most correct choice.

Only half a year has passed.

The junior brother completed his commission and helped him find the only bloodline he had left in the world.

It really surprised him.

Look at the sharp edges on the face of the sleeping child in front of you.

Even if he hasn't verified it himself, he is already sure that this is the bloodline he left behind.

Because seeing this child, the girl's face, which was originally blurry in his mind, quickly became clear.

Ever since I knew I had blood left behind.

He regretted many times that he shouldn't have been so heartless.



Yu Caisheng sighed softly, turned his head, looked at Lu Wufei opposite and said, Junior brother, how can I thank you...

Senior brother...

Seeing that the emotions on his senior brother's face had finally calmed down, Lu Wufei smiled and said, This has created a rift between us senior brothers...

I'm very happy to be able to help senior brother...

Said Lu Wufei looked at Tie Zheng who was sleeping beside him and said, This child has suffered a lot, but he is definitely a good young man. I am blessed, senior brother...

This was really not a compliment from Lu Wufei.

Ever since that day I learned that a ten-year-old child actually dared to kill the middle-aged man who abused him, and he succeeded.

He became interested in Tiezheng.

Then, he found this child naturally, and it was considered that he was destined to this child.

Get along later.

Although the time is not very long.

But it gave him a clear understanding of the child's character.

For children.

Future knowledge, skills, and cultivation can all be learned the day after tomorrow.

But nature is difficult to change.

This is also the reason why senior brother Lu Wufei is so lucky.

Ha ha...

Hearing his junior brother praising his child, Yu Caisheng couldn't stop laughing and said with a smile: It's all thanks to junior brother. I originally had to look for him for five or ten years, but I never thought that this was just a matter of time. Junior brother gave me such a surprise in half a year, it is really beyond senior brother’s surprise...

Junior brother is also lucky...

Speaking of this, Lu Wufei immediately smiled, shook his head and said, Speaking of it, this time it is really luck. Otherwise, even if I look for another five or ten years, I am afraid it will be difficult to find this child again...


Yu Caisheng immediately heard the implication of Lu Wufei's words.

Based on his many years of service in the underworld and his experience of too many intrigues and conflicts of power, he immediately sensed that something was going on and asked immediately: Did something happen, or was someone blocking it?

Looking at the senior brother whose expression quickly turned serious.

Lu Wufei then roughly guessed what his senior brother was thinking, and shook his head again: No one stopped me, but there was something wrong with the child's age...


Lu Wufei told him that he was looking for someone in the Jinhua Mansion in the human world based on the information provided by his senior brother.

This included the discovery of Meng Nan, a girl who also had a small amount of demon blood.

And how he suspected the girl.

There is also the wandering life of Meng Nan and Tie Zheng together.

Then Tie Zheng was tortured and killed the middle-aged man.

Finally he found it.

When I first saw this kid, I felt that I had found the right person...

When Lu Wufei said this, he raised his glass and touched it with Yu Caisheng, drank it all in one gulp, and continued: I didn't do the blood test like before, but directly took out the jade pendant you gave me, senior brother...

As soon as the jade pendant came close to the child, it reacted on its own and emitted light...

In the end, I won the magic battle, and when the reaction of the jade pendant was more obvious than what you said, senior brother, I knew that I had found the right person...

With that said, Lu Wufei took out the white jade pendant and threw it to Yu Caisheng and said: Brother, return the property to its original owner...

Yu Caisheng took the jade pendant and put it on the table. He listened very carefully and immediately asked the doubt he had just heard: Junior brother said that the girl was forced to participate in the examination with a bulging belly. Why didn't the child go? ?”

Lu Wufei laughed immediately after hearing this: This is the problem I said, because the child is only nine years old and does not meet the inspection standards...

The words have not yet finished.


Yu Caisheng immediately shook his head and said: I asked the person to calculate all the information about this child for me. He will never go on a business trip between the ages of ten and fifteen!

Seeing his senior brother's reaction, Lu Wufei raised his glass and said with a smile: I didn't say that the information given by senior brother was wrong. The child's bone age is correct, but the child's parents died early and he didn't know his age. When he was a child, he saw people of similar age. The child chose an age for himself, which was one year off, so he was not old enough to check his age...

Yu Caisheng was silent for a while, and then asked: Is it really that he got the wrong age? And no other force intervened?

Hearing what his senior brother said, Lu Wufei nodded: I had doubts about this matter at the time, but I asked carefully and had people investigate the person who took them in. Nothing unusual was found, so that should be it...

Yu Caisheng listened, and was silent for a long time this time. He raised his glass and sighed: Thanks to my junior brother for keeping an eye on me, otherwise I don't know when it would be before I wanted to see this child. ..”

That's right, if the junior brother hadn't been cautious.

Once you miss that Jinhua Mansion.

Even if the child turns ten the next year and meets the inspection standards, normal people would never think of going to Jinhua Mansion, which has been inspected throughout the city, for another inspection.

By then, it will be really harder than finding a needle in a haystack, and he may even have a hard time seeing the child again.

Otherwise, besides looking for someone with a higher level of cultivation and greater ability to figure out where the child is;

He could only wait until the child died and reached the underworld, and then he would take action to intercept the soul.

But that was not what he wanted.

After all, every reincarnation affects too many things.

Come on, do it...

After hearing what his junior brother said, Yu Caisheng really felt that he had found the right person this time. He raised his glass and drank it, and then asked: Junior brother, what is this child's name?

Lu Wufei: Tie Zheng, his name is Tie Zheng...


Yu Caisheng listened, nodded, and asked: Where is the girl?

Lu Wufei: The girl is on me. Senior brother, do you want to meet her?

Yu Caisheng shook his head: Forget it, junior brother, it's okay as long as he has seen it, but if it weren't for the girl, the situation of the child Tiezheng might be even worse. Junior brother, just be nice to that girl for me...

Lu Wufei nodded: It's fate that we can meet each other. I will...

As he said that, he looked at Yu Caisheng and said, This kid Tiezheng, what are senior brothers planning to do in the future?

Yu Caisheng turned to look at Tie Zheng, who was sleeping quietly for a while, then turned to look at Lu Wufei and said: Junior brother, senior brother is now serving in Hades. This child will definitely not be able to follow me, and I don't trust him to be handed over to him. Others, why don't you, junior brother, take him in for me? Anyway, this kid is also my junior brother now, so I will definitely be happy to follow him...

Senior brother, please...

Yu Caisheng said sincerely, and suddenly stood up to salute Lu Wufei.

The frightened Lu Wufei quickly stood up, went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com to support Yu Caisheng, and said angrily: Senior brother, what are you doing? You can give me this kid Tie Zheng as your disciple. It's too late for me to be happy. , why should it be like this...

If you keep getting along with me like this, junior brother will be angry, so leave now!

After Lu Wufei said that, he turned around and left.

Look at Lu Wufei's unpretentious expression.

This time, it was Yu Caisheng who quickly supported Lu Wufei and apologized with a smile: Senior brother, I did something wrong. I apologize, junior brother, don't just think about leaving like this...


Seeing Yu Caisheng's apology, Lu Wufei snorted softly, sat down and said, If other senior brothers know that you, senior brother Yu, are saluting me, you won't be able to say that I don't know the superiority of others...

Ha ha...

Seeing Lu Wufei's angry look, Yu Caisheng smiled and said: Senior Brother is the one who got impulsive, but letting this kid Tie Zheng follow him was also my idea when I first met him. This kid Tie Zheng has some demon blood. , it would be more appropriate to follow my junior brother...

As he spoke, he picked up the wine bottle and filled Lu Wufei another glass.

Junior brother, I am telling the truth...

Lu Wufei picked up the wine glass and said, I like the character of this kid Tie Zheng very much. I accept him not just because of your face, senior brother...

Ha ha...

That's good! That's good!

Yu Caisheng laughed and raised his glass: Come on, then it's settled, let's do it!


Lu Wufei raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

At this time, the boy on the side woke up from his sleep, looked at the two junior brothers who were drinking happily and said: Uncle...

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