One day later.

In the afternoon.

The golden sunset illuminates the towering Taiping Peak beautifully.

Sea of ​​clouds high in the sky in the distance.

A huge cloud group moves from far to near.

In just one or two breaths, he quickly flew from the horizon to the top of the towering Taiping Peak.

The visitors were naturally the three Lu Wufei brothers who went to Langlang Mountain to pick up the red-skinned mother and brother.

When you go there, you need the crow demon to fly fast and lead the way, but at a slightly slower speed.

You won’t need it when you come back.

Lu Wufei flew back from Langlang Mountain in about half a day at full speed.

Your Majesty...

Your Majesty...

Bai Yunxiao, who was waiting in the spacious square of Taiping Peak, saluted the monsters around him.

Lu Wufei led the demons down, nodded towards his brother, then looked at the pig mother aside and said: Auntie, this is Taiping Peak...

From now on, you can live here with peace of mind...

If you need anything, aunt, just tell third brother or me...

Mummy Pig immediately saluted slightly and said: Thank you, Your Majesty...

As for the behavior of Hongpi, a very reasonable mother, Lu Wufei said before that he didn't care anymore and said with a smile: This will be Auntie's home from now on, Auntie can do whatever she wants...

There are many things to do, so I won't stay here. Third brother, please make arrangements for your aunt...

The red skin immediately nodded and said: I can do it, brother...

Mother Pig also said: It's more important to deal with things, it's more important that the king goes to work...

Lu Wufei nodded.

Then he led Bai Yunxiao and the others towards the Taiping Palace.

Watching the eldest brother leave together.

There are still red skin and the second brother crow monster left in the square, as well as another crow monster flying fast, as well as the mother and two brothers.

Hongpi immediately looked at his mother and said, Mom, let me take you and your brother back to my cave first...

Mother Pig's eyes returned from the luxurious Taiping Palace in the distance, and then circled the entire Taiping Peak scenery. Then she sighed: Son, I never thought that one day I would live in such a big mountain. You really It is the pride of our family...


Faced with her mother's praise, Hongpi smiled innocently again.

The crow monster said from the side: Auntie, the future will be better...

Hongpi immediately answered: Yes, mother, the future will definitely get better and better. Didn't the third brother want to follow that king before?

Let him and my second brother follow me, and I will take him to practice...

And mother, you can practice the same way as your son, so that mother can always be by our three brothers' side...

Red Skin finished speaking.

The expressions of his two younger brothers immediately became excited. The third brother, who was slightly taller and more lively, immediately asked: Brother, can I be like you in the future? Grow so big?

Red Skin smiled and nodded: Of course...

The second brother has a dull personality, somewhat similar to the red skin. When he heard that the elder brother wanted to take them to practice together, he was excited and his emotions were infected. He also said: Brother, I want to learn to fly, just like you led us before? Can it be done? ?

Hongpi smiled and reached out to touch his second brother's head and said with a smile: Of course you can. As long as you practice better, you and your third brother can...

The third brother immediately said: Then I have to learn to fly on white clouds like the king...

But he didn't finish his words.

His head was knocked by his elder brother, and Hongpi said with a serious face: I can tell you the first lesson of practice right now, don't be too ambitious...

Wait until you learn what I'm going to teach you first and then think about other things...

When the big brother drank, the lively little wild boar shrank his head and said: I know, then I will learn from the big brother first, and then learn from the king...

This time, the red skin did not knock his brother again and said: Then it depends on your hard work. Cultivation is not just about talking...

The lively little wild boar Lao San immediately said: Brother, just watch, I will definitely be able to do it...

Watching the eldest son educating the younger son, the third son was enjoying himself.

Mummy Pig felt more and more happy.

A few days ago, she could only take her two sons and hide in the small cave. She was always worried about her eldest son, whose life or death was unknown.


This is the thought.

Mummy Pig couldn't help but burst into tears.

When Hongpi saw it, he immediately said: Mom, the hard days are over, and things will get better and better in the future...

Watch this scene.

The crow monster, which was still somewhat active, also fell silent.

Not long after.

Hongpi took his mother, two brothers and his family and flew down the mountain.

The crow monster stood there, watching the third brother's family leave. He envied the relationship between the third brother and his family. He couldn't help thinking that there was no need to think about his parents. They were mortal beasts. They would have died long ago without even leaving their bones. .

I can give birth to some crows. Then, wouldn’t I have a family?

Right, that is it!

Wait, for so long, even though I have worked hard, I still haven't seen my two wives getting pregnant with little crow monsters.

But a bull-demon leader he knew was looking for a female demon behind him, but she got pregnant in front of him.

Isn't my way wrong?

Or is my method wrong?

Forget it, just ask your elder brother.

Anyway, the eldest brother knows more.

I must know this too.

Think of this.

The crow monster's slightly sentimental thoughts immediately dissipated, and he walked towards the Taiping Palace with great interest.

Not long.

Inside the main hall of the Taiping Palace.

You said you wanted me to teach you how to get your wife pregnant?

Lu Wufei, who was discussing the Taipingshan territory with his brother Bai Yunxiao, listened to the second brother's question and looked at him speechlessly and asked.

Seemingly realizing that there was something wrong with his question, the crow monster immediately lowered his voice a lot, but still said: Brother, you know so much, you must also know this, right?

I think Third Brother's family is very envious, so I plan to give birth to some crows for fun...

Give birth to some crows for fun...

Hearing what the second child said, Lu Wufei wasn't too surprised. After all, he didn't find it strange even if the sixth child said something outrageous.

Just very speechless.

I can't help you with this matter...

As he spoke, Lu Wufei waved to the second crow monster and said with a look of disgust on his face: Go down...


I heard a somewhat impatient tone from my elder brother.

The crow monster responded, not daring to make his elder brother angry, so he immediately left and ran away decisively.

Lu Wufei then looked at Bai Yunxiao under the main seat and said, Brother, please continue, where did you just say?

Bai Yunxiao: I just talked about holding a competition...

Yes, it's a competition, right...

Lu Wufei nodded when he heard this and said: I agree to this matter. I will just follow my brother's arrangements and let him do it...

As he spoke, the things explained by Senior Brother Yu, the Sixth Mansion Master, immediately came to mind.

Lu Wufei couldn't help but rub his head and said: Brother, I won't be back in the mountain for long this time. I have to go out for a while. It may last for a while. I'll tell you everything else about the territory...

Hearing Brother Xian say that he was going out again, Bai Yunxiao sighed in his heart, but it wasn't much of a surprise.

The huge territory of Taiping Mountain is supported by Xiandi alone.

The last time Xiandi returned to his master, he hurried back within less than a year.

In order to deal with the attack on the territory and the black leader issue, I went to Beihai Dragon Palace and then to the underworld. I was really busy.

Fortunately, there has been nothing going on in the territory recently. Except for the battle at the junction of Dahuang Mountain, our side accidentally killed the late leader of several demon generals on the Dahuang Mountain side, which caused a lot of sparks to be fired on both sides, so he said: There is nothing else going on in the territory, but we The fight with Dahuangshan was a bit fierce...

The fight was a bit intense...

Hearing this, Lu Wufei was stunned for a moment. There were so many things in his mind that he couldn't think of anything at the moment. He quickly realized what his brother was talking about and asked, Has any general died?

It was Bai Yunxiao's turn to be stunned by the question, and then shook his head: That's not true...

No, it's okay...

When Lu Wufei heard this, he immediately waved his hands and said, As long as there are no monster-level casualties, just fight...

The battle at the junction of Taiping Mountain and Dahuang Mountain was tacitly approved by Lu Wufei.

In order to hone the combat effectiveness of the little monsters under his command, it also puts the brakes on the rapidly growing number of little monsters, and the survival of the fittest.

As for the Dahuang Mountain side.

The Hu Yue Demon Ancestor didn't care about the life or death of the little demons under her command. She was more just doing it for her own face.

Just like the rabbit demon who gave all the power of Dahuang Mountain to his disciple Hu Meiniang can see it.

Although I didn't talk to Na Hu Yue about this matter.

But as long as the demon commander level general is not dead, it doesn't matter at all.

Even if you die.

It's not a big deal.

With his current strength and the Qingtian White Jade Pillar in hand, he really is not afraid of the Demon Ancestor Hu Yue.

And he can feel it too.

Hu Yue had no interest in Dahuangshan, as long as he could make an offer.

He estimated that Hu Yue would probably sell the Dahuangshan site to him.

However, the Taipingshan area is already quite large.

Lu Wufei is not one of those other monsters who regard their territory as their destiny. He is not overly obsessed with the territory, it is enough.

However, Hu Yue was quite happy working with him.

It's nothing important, and he doesn't want to get into trouble with the other party. Read a book

Given the current situation in Taiping Mountain, it is still early for a second demon king to be born.

He also needs Hu Yue to help him take care of Taiping Mountain.

As long as there is no death of a demon-level general, there is no need to report it in the future...

There is also the previously arranged rule that each general will hand over and garrison at the junction of the Dahuangshan territory according to the time stipulation. You can supervise this matter...

Lu Wufei explained again, and then asked: Is there anything else?

Bai Yunxiao shook his head: No more...

Lu Wufei nodded: That's it...

After saying that, he stood up and walked toward the back of the hall.

Looking at Wandashan standing aside, he said: I'm going to take a bath now, help me prepare some food...

I know dad...

Wandashan nodded immediately, turned around and went to make arrangements.

Lu Wufei walked towards the bath with Lingshan who was like a follower beside him.

Your Majesty...

Your Majesty...

Amidst the salutes from both sides, Lu Wufei walked straight towards the back of the palace.

When you walk naked into the semi-open-air bath with rising mist.

Feel the hot water surrounding your skin.

Lu Wufei lay in the bathtub and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Then, he felt the comfortable soft fingertip massage on his head.

Yes, the craftsmanship has improved compared to before...

Feeling Lingshan's massage techniques behind him, Lu Wufei closed his eyes and spoke.

Lingshan, who was wearing a light green dress behind her and had an outstanding temperament, immediately smiled on her face when she heard the sound. She noticed that the king was tired and said nothing, but started massaging even harder.

Lu Wufei lay in the bathtub, feeling physically exhausted.

Let’s break down the things he has been busy with during this period.

I returned to the teacher's school last winter, and then I was lucky enough to go to heaven with my teacher for a peach feast.

Then I went back to the teacher's door, but my butt was still hot.

I had a nightmare that something happened to my second child, the crow monster.

Then, he hurried back to Taiping Mountain, and after understanding it, he rushed to Beihai without stopping, and after a fight with Beihai Dragon King Ao Shun and a group of old and mature sea tribesmen.

He went to the underworld without stopping to retrieve the soul of his second son.

Fortunately, Senior Brother Gui Cao Yu Caisheng was there, so it didn't take much effort to fish out the second soul.

Then, he was transferred to Shituoling by the Ghost Gate.

The battle was really thrilling.

Fortunately, I met Senior Brother Lan Yu for help, so I was able to avoid danger.

In addition, as soon as he came back, he didn't take a break and immediately took Hongpi back to the original Langlang Mountain to pick up his mother and younger brother.

Such a trip during this period of time really made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Even if it is not good, the harvest is not bad either.

It was natural to gain a lot of rewards by joining the underworld ghost Brother Cao Yu and the Earth Immortal boss Lan Yu.

And the epiphany I had on Langlang Mountain yesterday was equally astonishingly valuable.

Finally, there is the Dinghai Divine Treasure Optical White Jade Pillar brought from the North Sea.

He has already experienced the power of this divine weapon.

One stick directly hit the demon king of the same level, seriously injuring him and almost destroying him.

Then, in conjunction with Fa Tian Xiang Di, another stick hit the Demon Ancestor, whose name he didn't even know, directly from the sky.

With just two sticks, the power of the White Jade Pillar has been clearly revealed.

Lu Wufei was extremely satisfied with it.

That's what I was thinking about.

Lu Wufei immediately felt a white light fly out from the robe on his side.

It is Qingtian Baiyuzhu who cannot bear loneliness.


At this time, a familiar cry came from outside, and then a big, white and tender mouse rushed in quickly and plunged into the bath.

Seeing Xiaobai coming, the amazingly spiritual Optimus White Jade Pillar immediately passed through Xiaobai's head.

Xiaobai screamed and stretched out his claws to pull Qingtian White Jade Pillar.

For a moment, water splashed wildly in the bathtub.

Watch these two guys having fun.

Lu Wufei sighed in his heart, his thought of meeting An Jing was in vain.

At this time.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Lu Wufei turned around and saw Wandashan walking in with a food tray. On the food tray, there were wine bottles and various exquisite delicacies.

Come on, there's no need to be quiet...

Lu Wufei turned over and sat up, and started to eat with Lingshan serving him.

In the next month.

Lu Wufei spent most of the rest of his time in the Taiping Palace, except for a trip to find Demon Ancestor Hu Yue in Yingya.

Had a good rest.

One month later.

early morning.

At Taiping Peak Square.

A large group of monsters gathered.

After Lu Wufei explained to Wandashan, the red-skinned man, and the crow monster, he immediately looked at Bai Yunxiao and said, Brother, my journey to the human world may not be short, so I will leave Taiping Mountain to you...

If something big happens, just go directly to Demon Ancestor Hu Yue. I've already said hello...

On general matters, just watch and make decisions. If you really can't make a decision, put it off until I come back...

Bai Yunxiao nodded solemnly: I will do it, Your Majesty!


Lu Wufei nodded, and after explaining clearly, he stopped inking, turned around and took a step towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

Then it turned into a golden light and shot towards the eastern sky.

Not long.

The golden light penetrated directly into the vast blue sky.

He went to the human world this time to fulfill the task entrusted to him by his senior brother Guicao Yu Caisheng before leaving the underworld, to find his bloodline to stay in the human world.

The other party didn't know anything except that there was a mole mark on his palm and his approximate age.

No name, no gender.

Oh, there is another piece of information, that child should be in Nanzhan Buzhou.

This is also the reason why Lu Wufei wants to fly east.

Quickly identify the direction.

Lu Wufei quickly flew towards Nanzhan Buzhou.

One month later.

late at night.

Lu Wufei, who was speeding through the Gangfeng layer, suddenly felt something.

Then turned around.

The figure immediately left the Gangfeng layer and flew towards the sky below.

Not long after.

Below is a dark wilderness.

A huge city with bright lights, as eye-catching as fireflies in the dark night, appeared in Lu Wufei's sight.

Jinhua Mansion.

Lu Wufei and this city are quite close.

Therefore, he chose this place as the first stop on his journey to find his baby without hesitation.

This time. Find Shuyuanwww. zhaoshuyuan. com

Lu Wufei no longer walked around at night in splendid clothes like before.

Not yet here.

The monstrous aura, like an abyss or a sea, poured into the Jinhua Mansion below like an overwhelming force.

Jinhua Mansion.

Above the highest attic.

Liu Jing, an old Taoist in white robe who was practicing in a quiet room, suddenly woke up from his meditation and his expression changed drastically.


At this time, along with the loud sound of the door opening, another voice came in from the door: Senior brother, is that breath the True Lord's visit?

Liu Jing appeared in the living room. He looked at the white-robed monk who opened the door and walked in. He immediately said: Junior brother feels good. The aura is the visit of the True Lord. I will set up the platform to welcome the immortal. You quickly go and inform the city lord...


The monk Li Yuanchun who just walked in the door immediately turned around and left.

Not long.

Above the highest pavilion of Jinhua Mansion.

Golden elixir monk Liu Jing, his junior brother Li Yuanchun, and a group of disciples stationed in Jinhua Mansion in Kunlun stood in the air with the elderly city lord.

Looking at the golden stream of light above Jinhua Mansion, I felt the overwhelming and majestic aura of terror.

Everyone looked nervous and apprehensive.

Receiving the True Lord is an extremely difficult task, especially when the True Lord is a stranger and one does not know whether he is a friend or an enemy.

Even veteran Liu Jing was equally uneasy.


Just breathing time.

The golden stream of light fell in front of the Kunlun Sect disciple.

Before they could see the opponent's figure clearly, everyone led by Liu Jing immediately bowed and saluted respectfully: Welcome to the true king!

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