Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 162: Pig Mom: My son is finally successful...

Commander, over there...

The waves are on the land, and the mountains and forests are in the sky.

The crow demon flew quickly in front, and the red skin followed behind. The two demons flew straight towards the mountain in front.

Not long after.

Passing through the extremely dense mountain forest, I quickly pointed to a mountain stream with the sound of flowing water in front of me and said, That's it...

As he spoke, he flew down quickly and strode towards the mountain stream ahead.

The red-skinned man followed closely behind, with a ferocious pig with black tusks on his head. No emotion could be seen on his head, but he was very excited in his heart.

The crow demon flew quickly and approached the mountain stream. He picked up a few ladles of clear stream water and drank it. Then he walked quickly towards the upper reaches of the mountain stream. He still started to shout: Auntie...


Flying fast and shouting while walking.

Red Skin followed behind, and as he continued to approach the hiding place of his mother and brother, his pace couldn't help but slow down.

The excitement in my heart gradually faded away, and instead, a feeling of expectation, worry, anxiety and complexity quickly emerged.

And listening to the shouting voice flying so fast that almost the entire mountaintop could hear it, but there was no response at all from the front, and not a single figure could be seen.

This made the red skin a little uneasy, and his steps became slower and slower.

If Lu Wufei were here, he would definitely be able to see that the third red skin was in a timid state of being close to home.

But this is normal.

Red Skin was originally regarded as the most promising pig monster in his family by his mother.

His mother asked him to go out and serve the king, but he followed the king without any warning and stayed there for fifty or sixty years.

Now, he has become a powerful demon king by sworn brother.

My cultivation level has also reached the late stage of Demon General, and I am only one step away from the King Kuro who I followed at the beginning.

This time I came to pick up my mother and brother and go to Taiping Mountain to enjoy the blessings. It was definitely a return to my hometown in glory.

But the better he gets, the more promising he becomes.

At this moment, we are almost at the door of our house.

He became more and more uneasy.

The crow demon flies fast. The last time he found his mother, it took him more than a year to return to Taiping Peak.

I haven't had any feelings for him for a year.

But at this moment, he felt both anticipation and nervousness coexisting in his heart, and he became increasingly timid about being close to home.


At this time, the commander who was flying fast in front turned around and saw that the leader behind him was walking slower and slower, and immediately shouted: Hurry up, it's just ahead, at that big rock, do you see...

Fei Kuai said and walked forward quickly.

Redskin heard this and stopped.

He usually showed himself calm, but now he realized that he was a little overly worried, so he took a deep breath, calmed down, and then stepped forward.

Although he was still nervous in his heart, after he calmed down, he was even more excited and excited.

At this time.

Arriving at the upper reaches of the mountain stream, there is a land lined with boulders.

The crow demon stopped as fast as it flew. Instead of continuing forward, it stopped and waited for its leader.

Commander, under those two boulders...

When the red-skinned commander approached, he quickly pointed to the mountain stream in front of him, where two huge boulders guarded each other, forming a place and said excitedly.

Redskin reached out and patted Quick's shoulder.

You don't have to worry about whether flying fast will harm yourself, or whether there are any traps or dangers ahead.

He took a deep breath again and walked forward.

He flew quickly and followed behind him, making no sound at this time.

Red Skin stepped forward step by step, crossed the small stream, and saw a naturally formed cave under the boulder in front of him, just as Fei Kuai said.

However, the entrance of the cave was blocked by a large stone, just enough to prevent the outside from seeing the inside.

A good hiding place indeed.

My heart became more and more excited.

Red Skin took another deep breath, and then walked towards the cave ahead with firm steps.


Two steps...

Redskin walked to the boulder blocking the entrance to the cave.

With his five senses at this time, he could already detect the sound of rapid breathing in the cave not far away.

This made him look forward to it even more.

He continued forward and had just rounded the boulder.


A sharpened long stick suddenly thrust out from the cave.

Red Skin immediately subconsciously dodged sideways. Even if he didn't dodge, the sharp wooden spear couldn't even break through the boar skin on his body, let alone the magic weapon armor he was wearing.

Red Skin grabbed the incoming wooden gun and pulled it with a little force. A short boar demon with a boar head and a body wrapped in a grass skirt was pulled out together with it.

The little wild boar demon who was pulled out was very brave. Facing the red-skinned man, who was about 2.5 meters tall and extremely strong and sturdy, not only did he not let go and give in, but he grabbed his wooden gun tightly and used all his strength. He wanted to pull it away from the big monster on the opposite side and immediately shouted: Brother, come and help!

The voice of the little wild boar demon fell.

Another pig demon with a wild boar's head rushed out of the cave with a sharp wooden gun, and stabbed the red skin with the gun.

The red-skinned man was just looking at the two wild boar demons carefully, and after casually grabbing the second wooden gun, he finally said: Second brother, third brother!

As soon as he said these words.

The two wild boar demons who were struggling to tug-of-war with wooden guns were immediately stunned by the call.

Red Skin then pointed at the shorter of the two little wild boar demons and shouted in surprise: You are the second brother... Then he looked at the taller one and said: You are the third brother!

The two little brothers were still confused.

Red Skin immediately said: I am the eldest brother!

I'm your eldest brother!

I brought you grilled fish to eat when you were little, have you forgotten?

Redskin said excitedly.

But the two little wild boar demons seemed to remember something when they heard it, but looking at the armor in front of them, they looked like scary monsters, and they didn't look like their big brothers at all. They really couldn't believe it.

At this time, a voice came out of the cave.

The red skin turned his head and no longer paid attention to the two bean sprout-like younger brothers in front of him. Instead, he looked at the thin figure that he had dreamed of too many times. His emotions surged instantly. The guilt over the years came to his heart and he choked. Said: Mother!

Hongpi suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, looking at the little figure in front of him that he had seen countless times in his dreams, tears quickly burst into his eyes: Mother, I'm back...

My son is back...

In the cave, I watched the tall and strong monster kneeling on the ground.

He had already recognized the general pig mother, but then he immediately confirmed that the big monster in front of him was his eldest son who had been missing for many years.

Mother Pig's heart was also filled with emotions. Not only did her son, who she thought was dead, not only survive, but he also turned into a big monster and appeared in front of her. How could this not make her happy and excited?


Mummy Pig was so excited that her eyes filled with tears and she cried out. She quickly stepped forward and hugged Red Skin.

On the side, two dwarf wild boar monsters finally reacted and realized that the big monster in front of them was their eldest brother. They immediately followed their mother and hugged their brother who had not returned for many years.

outside the cave.

The crow demon flew quickly and looked at the red leader and his family who were hugging each other.

I felt slightly sour in my heart.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of his father and mother.

But that impression has long since disappeared.

In his hazy mortal beast memory, he remembered that not long after he was born, he learned to fly and then left the nest.

Then, he accidentally found a fruit with a particularly tempting fragrance. After eating it, he opened his mind and became a monster.

Just recalling it for a moment, he was no longer filled with emotion as he flew so fast. Watching Commander Hong reunite his family, he was already thinking about how much reward he would get after returning to the mountain this time.

Commander Hong has always been generous in his actions.

I am sure that I will get a big reward this time.

Also, leading the way for the king this time is worthy of him talking about it among his brothers and friends, even for the rest of his life.

Outside the cave, I felt extremely happy flying so fast.

Inside the cave.

Redskin has followed her mother back to the cave. Mother Pig immediately walked to a small puddle dug in the spacious cave, picked up a water ladle made of half a gourd, scooped up a large ladle of water, and handed it to He said to Hongpi: Son, you must be thirsty all the way back. Drink some water first...

Hongpi smiled naively and took the full water ladle handed by his mother with one hand.

Immediately a yellow gourd appeared in the other hand. It was exactly what his mother had made for him when he went up the mountain to follow the king.

Looking at this extremely kind gourd, Mummy Pig immediately said: I'm sorry that I still carry it with me for so many years...

Mummy Pig took the gourd, looked at it carefully and said, But this gourd is already cracked. Mom will make another one for you...

Hong Pi didn't refute that he no longer needed the gourd to hold water, he just said with a naive smile: Okay...

When the mother pig heard her eldest son's familiar silly smile, she reached out and touched her eldest son's head and said: Stop smiling, drink quickly...

The red skin nodded, raised the gourd and gourd to drain the full amount of cold water, and then handed the gourd to the third brother of the little pig demon who had curiosity written on his face. The third brother also obeyed and immediately took the gourd back to its original place. .

Mummy Pig sighed at this time: Son, where have you been all these years...

You never came back. I thought something had happened to you, but later I found out that your king was gone too...

Mom was just wondering if you all had moved away...

Hongpi heard the sound and was about to speak, but soon realized that this was what his mother wanted to say, so he did not speak, but listened quietly.

Mom, I've been waiting and waiting, but I haven't seen you come back. I'm really worried...

Before, another king came to the west. Your third brother wanted to follow that king, but mother stopped him...

You followed that king and there was no news. How could you let your brother repeat your journey...

Fortunately, God bless you, you are finally back...

At this point, Mummy Pig sighed and said happily: Now tell Mom, where have you been all these years...

Faced with her mother's worries, Hongpi smiled and immediately found two eggs-sized fruits in his hand, which were yellow and clear and exuded an attractive fruity aroma. He handed them to the two younger brothers who were surrounding him and said, Second and third younger brothers, you guys also want to try them. taste...

As he spoke, he took out another red crystal fruit with a stronger fruity aroma and a faint red light, and handed it to the mother in front of him with a smile: Mom, you can try it too...

After living for many years, Mother Pig has never eaten pork and has never seen a pig run away. What’s more, she has eaten it before. She recognized the fruit in front of her as a magical medicine and immediately declined: Son, you can keep this good thing for yourself. Eat, it's better for you...

Hongpi immediately said: Mom, I still have a lot here. My son has reached a high level of cultivation now, so this thing is nothing...

But Mummy Pig still refused.

Knowing his mother's character, Hongpi had no choice but to temporarily put away the red crystal fruit and said: My son went to other mountains with the king at first, but now, he is following his sworn brother... Coming back this time is also Prepare to pick up your mother and your second and third brothers and enjoy yourself...

When the pig mother heard that she was going to move and take her two young sons with her, she was immediately worried and said: Son, I don't want to enjoy happiness. I just hope that you three brothers can be healthy...

And your eldest brother, won't he be like the previous king?

When his mother asked about this, Hongpi smiled and said, Don't worry, mother, my eldest brother is much more powerful than the previous king, so he won't be in danger.

And I see, my son is much stronger now than before, and he can protect his mother and brothers well...

It was my elder brother who brought me back this time. He was waiting for us on Langlang Mountain...

When she heard that her son had come to pick her up, the pig mother was very happy, but when she heard that her son's eldest brother, the king, was waiting, she suddenly said nervously: It's not good for your son to wait for you, let's go there quickly...

Seeing his reasonable but nervous mother, Hongpi immediately smiled and said: It's okay to delay this little time, and I won't blame you...

Seeing her son's appearance, Mother Pig immediately taught her a lesson: Even if he is your eldest brother, he is still your king. Son, you can't just ignore him just because he is your eldest brother. This is not good...

After hearing his mother's lecture, Hongpi immediately said: What mother taught me is that my son knows it. My son will take mother and brother there...

After saying that, he immediately looked at the two short pig demons on the side and said: Second brother and third brother, pack your things...

The two little pig demons looked at their elder brother and had many things to ask.

But then the mother and the extremely majestic eldest brother spoke, and the two brothers immediately became busy.

Hongpi didn't care that his two brothers brought all the pots and pans from home.

He put away all his waving hands and walked out of the cave with his mother and two younger brothers.

outside the cave.

The crow demon who was driving the mission flew quickly and saw the commander coming out with his family. He immediately said hello and said, Auntie, do you still remember me?

I was here last year...

Mother Pig looked at the crow demon and smiled: Remember, I thought you were lying to me before...

I never thought it was true. Son, you have to thank this person...

I heard Mother Pig say this.

Flying so fast, my heart was filled with joy, but my mind was still clear, and I quickly said: This is all what I should do, aunt, I am under the command of the commander, and it was also the command of the commander last year that I could find aunt...

He heard the respect expressed by the crow demon in front of him for his son.

Mother Pig was now more convinced of what her son said, and she felt even more pleased: My son has finally made his mark...

After some simple greetings.

Dark clouds rolled under the red skin's feet.

In the extremely surprised eyes of the two younger brothers, they wrapped their mother and younger brothers in it and flew towards Langlang Mountain.



What are you looking at there?

The voice of the second crow monster came from far to near.

Lu Wufei, who woke up from his epiphany, turned his head and saw the second figure flying over and landing next to him.

I've been looking for you for a while...

The crow monster followed the eldest brother's gaze and looked at the cave in front of him and said: What's so interesting here? Let's go, eldest brother. The third brother has brought his mother and younger brothers here. Now he is in the General's Cave...


The crow monster said, and suddenly felt that the cave in front of him was familiar for some reason: Why does this cave look familiar to me?

Hearing what the crow monster said, even though he knew that this guy had a bad temper, Lu Wufei couldn't help but said, Take a closer look...

It can't be seen from the outside...

The crow monster said and stepped forward, stretched out his hand to pull away the vines blocking the stone cave. When he walked into the stone cave, he saw dust, dead branches and leaves all over the floor, as well as some thatch and broken bones, but Even though it was full of dust, the three flat stones that had obviously been dug tightly together were clearly three stone beds, as well as the clear layout of the entire small stone cave.

The crow monster finally reacted after seeing it: Hey, brother, this... isn't this our original home in Langlang Mountain?

Your eyes are finally normal...

Lu Wufei said, turning around and taking a step into the air.

The crow monster quickly came out of the cave and shouted: Brother, please wait for me...

When Lu Wufei flew to the top of Langlang Mountain with the crow monster, he heard strange voices coming from the General's Cave.

When I walked to the entrance of General Cave.

Then he saw four wild boar demons sitting in the cave in front of the fire.

One of them looked like a slightly larger female wild boar demon, which should be the red-skinned mother.

As for the remaining two relatively short little wild boar demons, they should be the two red-skinned brothers.

As for the red skin himself, he was busy cooking the food in the large pot above the fire, while the three little demons who were scared to death were busy doing some work on the side.

Lu Wufei took the crow monster into the cave.

Fortunately, the crow monster has been seen before.

And looking at Lu Wufei, who was dressed in a green robe, looked like a human being, and had an aura as pure as a fairy.

The mother pig and the two little pig demons beside the fire immediately widened their eyes.

The two little wild boars had only heard of humans, but had never seen them before. When they met, they felt an incomparable sense of terror coming from each other. They were frightened for a while, and their faces were filled with fear.

But Mother Pig reacted immediately, stood up, knelt down and saluted Lu Wufei, I've met the king!

Looking at the kneeling red-skinned mother, Lu Wufei was stunned for a moment, and he lifted up the mother pig who had just knelt down and said with a smile: Auntie, you are the red-skinned mother, right? The red-skinned mother is my third brother, and you are me. Auntie, you can’t do this by saluting...

Mother Pig looked at the figure in front of her who didn't look like a monster at all and was completely incompatible with all the monsters. She immediately said: Your Majesty is generous, my son He Dehe can become a brother with your Majesty. Thank you...

Seeing that the little red-skinned mountain demon was so polite, Lu Wufei was really surprised and said with a smile: Auntie doesn't know something, but the third brother and I are brothers of life and death who have come together all the way. I must have heard the third brother mention it before. Pass...

Yes, look for Shuyuan When my son was still on Langlang Mountain, he would talk about the king and the black leader every time he came home...

It's God's blessing that my son can become sworn friends with you two...

The crow monster was finally able to interject: Auntie, there is no need to be too polite between us, you will know later...

Yes, mother, you will know about my relationship with my eldest brother and my second brother later...

Hong Pi answered with a smile: This food is ready, let's eat first...

Looking at the red skin, he smiled happily as he had never seen before.

Lu Wufei also smiled.

For a while.

The general cave is full of joy.

this day.

Lu Wufei rushed back immediately without any rush.


The top of Langlang Mountain.

Next to the bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain.

By the small river with fast currents.

The fire was dim.

Lu Wufei sat by the fire, looking at the crow monster holding a harpoon spearing fish by the river and the red skin busy cooking on the campfire, and couldn't help but sigh, how familiar this scene was.

It's just that the bamboo fork held by the crow monster at that time is now a magic weapon-level steel fork.

When red skin is added to the cooking pot, it is no longer a wild vegetable, but an elixir that can enhance the taste.

Time is so fleeting...

Not long after.

Lu Wufei and the three crow-monster and red-skinned brothers sat in front of the bonfire and raised their glasses together at the original creek: Cheers!

The laughter and laughter spread far and wide in the dark night...

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