Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 150: The Dragon King presents a treasure, a happy reunion!



Countless large black objects continued to fall off from the white jade pillar supporting the sky in the distance, smashing to the ground, making a rumbling sound and causing water mist to fill the sky.

this moment.

Not only Lu Wufei and Dragon King Ao Shun, who were inside the treasure house, felt the violent tremors coming from all directions around them.

The entire underwater area was trembling.

Outside the Dragon Palace, countless schools of fish panicked and fled for their lives.

In the Dragon Palace, there were all kinds of crashing sounds, panic, and screams, and it was a mess.

Dinghai Shenzhen!

There is also a Dinghai Shenzhen in the North Sea!?

Lu Wufei followed Dragon King Ao Shun and flew forward quickly.

Recalling what the Dragon King said just now, my mind was filled with surprise.

And that Dinghai Shenzhen never appeared sooner or later, but it just happened to appear when I was hunting for treasure...

Is it possible that it is destined to be with me?

This came to mind quickly.

Lu Wufei was really surprised, shocked, excited, surprised... all kinds of emotions were agitated and excited.

Even though he was still awake in his mind, he knew that Dinghai Shenzhen's awakening and strange movements might just be a coincidence.

But he couldn't help but think that it was because of his own reasons, and there was still a scene in his memory where the monkey borrowed a treasure from the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea and got the Dinghai Shenzhen Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

How similar it is to this time!

Such a coincidence, how could he not have such extravagant hopes!

Lu Wufei flew forward quickly.

At this time, the surrounding sky was completely dark, with only the faint light emitted by the giant white jade pillar supporting the sky in the distance.

There is no light of treasure visible around.

Lu Wufei didn't know if the place he was at was still within the treasure house.

He didn't even know if he was still within the scope of the Dragon Palace.

Because it was pitch black all around, when I looked back, it was also dark. Only in the very distance behind me could I see a little light.

Obviously, even if he is still within the scope of Beihai Dragon Palace, he should not be in a normal place at this moment.

Dragon King Ao Shun is in front.

Lu Wufei followed closely behind him.

Not long after.

The white jade pillar supporting the sky quickly grew larger in sight.

In order to avoid being affected by the large piece of black material falling from the top of the giant pillar, Dragon King Ao Shun dropped down far away from the pillar supporting the sky.

Lu Wufei followed closely and landed beside him. He quickly calmed down as he looked at the giant pillar that held up the sky with a gleaming light, like white jade and like a diamond.

Dragon King Ao Shun looked at the giant pillar, his eyes were amazed, and he couldn't help but murmured to himself again: Why is this divine object moving strangely at this time...?

Lu Wufei heard this and immediately asked the doubt in his mind: Dragon King, you said before that this is one of the sacred objects left by Dayu's flood control. Can you elaborate on it?

What on earth is this?

Also, is there more than one thing?

I don't understand this, so I would like to ask the Dragon King to clarify...

Hearing Lu Wufei's question, Dragon King Ao Shun took a long breath, looked at the pillar supporting the sky in front of him with complex eyes, and slowly said: This divine object turns out to be Lihentian and the Supreme Prince of Tushita Palace who are thirty-three days away. Originally, there was only one stick refined by Tianzun, but it was later obtained by Dayu. At that time, the waters in the world were overflowing, and floods were constant. Dayu used the sacred treasure he asked for to calm the floods in the East China Sea, but there were four seas in the world, and the light was still there. The East China Sea could not stabilize the raging waters, so Dayu prayed to the Supreme Heavenly Lord again. The Supreme Heavenly Lord took pity on the people of the world and refined the other three, which were fixed by Dayu at the eyes of the West Sea, South China Sea, and North Sea. From now on, the water situation in the world has calmed down...

Listen to the Dragon King slowly explain the reason.

Lu Wufei listened with a calm expression, but was surprised and surprised in his heart.

However, in his memory, there was Monkey's magic weapon Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which was left in the East China Sea by Dayu when he was controlling the floods.

But he didn't expect that there were actually four of the sacred water-controlling golden hoops, not only in the East China Sea, but also in the southwest and north seas.

This really made him gain knowledge.

But at this time, the Dinghai sacred treasure that is still inserted in the eye of the East China Sea is called Ruyi Golden Cudgel. The other four sacred treasures of the same level should not also be called Ruyi Golden Cudgel, right?

After all, the one in front of me is as white as jade, and there seems to be no trace of other variegated colors, so it has nothing to do with the golden hoop.

When Lu Wufei's thoughts quickly dispersed.

I only heard Dragon King Ao Shun's voice, which continued without stopping: It's just that this magical object has never moved in the past many years since it was inserted into my Beihai Eye in ancient times. Why is it like this today...

When the Dragon King's voice stopped.

The sound of the huge black substance falling in the distance from the pillar supporting the sky is gradually slowing down.

I heard the Dragon King was confused.

Lu Wufei suppressed his excited thoughts and said again: So that's it. Thank you Dragon King for clearing up the confusion...

It's just that this sacred treasure is so thick and vast, I wonder if it has a name?


Dragon King Ao Shun shook his head when he heard the sound: I only know that the first sacred iron left in the sea eye of the East China Sea was called the Dinghai Divine Precious Iron by Dayu because of its ability to stabilize the sea. As for the one in front of me, Dayu was able to stabilize the sea. At the time of the Eye of the North Sea, I was not the Dragon King of the North Sea, and I didn’t know...

But those four sacred treasures are all artifacts refined by the Supreme Heavenly Lord. It is said that the treasures refined by the Heavenly Lord will give them treasure names...

Speaking of which.

The Dragon King looked up at the black substance that was falling less and less above the pillar supporting the sky and said: When the dirt on the appearance of the sacred treasure falls off, maybe we can see its true name...

Lu Wufei also looked at the giant white jade pillar with less and less dirt on it, and suddenly said: Dragon King, I would like to ask, since this pillar is the sacred treasure that fixes the eye of the North Sea, then if someone took this sacred treasure, this What will happen to Beihai?”

Will there be another flood?

Hearing Lu Wufei's words, Ao Shun shook his head again and said with a smile: Of course not. Our Dragon Palace is built on the eye of the North Sea. With the Dragon Palace in the eye of the sea, there will be no more floods.

However, this sacred treasure is not light. In addition, there has never been any strange phenomenon. It is like a dead thing, and it is registered in the heaven. Who would take such a risk to get this heavy dead thing...

It's just that this change is really strange...

Hear what the Dragon King said.

Lu Wufei's heart suddenly moved. This time, before the Dragon King finished speaking, he said, Since it doesn't matter, I can give it a try. Maybe I am destined to be with Pindao...

What does Lu Luxian mean?

Hearing Lu Wufei's words, the Dragon King was suddenly surprised, and then quickly reacted and said: Of course, if the Immortal comes here today, he might really have a fate with the Immortal...

Although he is generous in his words.

But at this time, the Dragon King felt a little jealous.

After all, this is an artifact refined by Taishang Tianzun. Taishang Tianzun is famous in the three worlds for being good at refining treasures.

I originally thought this was a dead object, but now this magical object is moving, which is obviously extraordinary.

If this is really taken away by the Land Immortal.

Your own Beihai will lose this sacred object.

But when I think of the other party's identity as a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple.

The Dragon King's heart sank. If the other party wanted to force him, he really couldn't refuse.

That's all. If the other party can really take it away, it will be a good relationship...

Dragon King Ao Shun kept thinking, and then continued: But this divine object is different from ordinary spiritual treasures. It is better not to have too much hope for the land immortal...

But he didn't finish his words.

Lu Wufei couldn't wait to fly towards the pillar supporting the sky in front.

At this time, he heard the words of the Dragon King from behind and said with a smile: It doesn't matter, it won't be any worse than before...

Lu Wufei said as he dodged the falling objects from above and quickly flew towards the giant white jade pillar.

But he has already made up his mind.

As long as this divine treasure has spirit, it has no connection with me...

Lu Wufei also wanted to be forcibly abducted!

Anyway, the space within his body is large enough to contain the big stick.

After taking it away, use water grinding techniques to subdue its spirit. Reading books

But the premise is that this sacred treasure is the same as the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in the East China Sea. It has spirituality and is a real magical weapon.

Otherwise, it has no spirituality and is a dead stick, which is a bit worthless.

It would be better to re-find the spiritual treasure weapons that he had left a mark on in the previous treasure house.

All kinds of things flashed through my mind quickly.

Lu Wufei quickly flew to the giant pillar supporting the sky.

Looking at it, the whole body is exuding gleaming light, like white jade. Just looking at its material and texture, it is far superior to all other treasures on Lu Wufei's body.

Look at the oversized baby right in front of you.

Lu Wufei took several deep breaths, calmed down, and with sincerity in his heart, he stretched out his arms, opened his palms, and slowly approached the giant pillar in front of him.

The palm slowly passed through the gleaming white jade and kept getting closer to the jade pillar.



Finally, Lu Wufei's palm gently landed on the pillar of the sky-supporting pillar.


A moment.

Lu Wufei felt light flowing in front of his eyes. When he opened his eyes and saw clearly, he realized that his consciousness had appeared in a vast white space.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw a white light group... no, it was a small light person that looked like a human, more than half the size of a mature ginseng fruit, about the size of a football, flying towards him.

at the same time.

A lively voice immediately sounded in his mind.

I see you are quite pleasing to the eye...

It's just that my cultivation is a bit weak...

It's so boring here...

That's all...

Just you...

Don't let me down...

When the lively and childlike voice fell in Lu Wufei's mind.

The small white light person that flew quickly hit his face and disappeared.

The next second.

Brilliance flows.

Lu Wufei opened his eyes and saw that he was standing in front of the jade pillar supporting the sky, with one hand pressing on the jade pillar.

But it was different from the previous nervousness, excitement, and apprehension.

At this time, Lu Wufei felt that he could clearly feel everything on the white jade pillar holding the sky in his hand, as well as the existence of the little light man.

this moment.

If Lu Wufei didn't know what was going on, he would be too stupid.

The spiritual soldiers surrendered themselves... No, it was Shenzhen who surrendered himself...

Before that.

Lu Wufei only thought that he would be satisfied if he could have a spiritual treasure weapon that could take the initiative to get close to him.

Who would have thought.

One day, he could actually be surrendered by Dinghai Shenzhen.

Although the spiritual essence said that it only pleased him.

But Lu Wufei didn't care.

This is a magical weapon of the same level as the Ruyi Golden Cudgel that Monkey took from the East China Sea.

Although he didn't know what level of treasure this divine treasure was.

But because this divine treasure is shaped like a human and can clearly and directly convey emotions of joy and sorrow to oneself through spiritual consciousness, it is by no means comparable to ordinary spiritual treasures.

Emotions surged in my mind, chest, and heart.

Lu Wufei suppressed his emotions.

Thoughts move slightly...

Optical White Jade Pillar!

Feel the message coming from the jade pillar holding the sky in your hand.

Lu Wufei finally knew the name of this Dinghai Shenzhen.

The thought moves again.

The pillar holding the sky in his hand immediately began to tremble violently again.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of black material suddenly accelerated and fell from the sky above, making a rumbling sound on the sea floor.


In the eyes of Dragon King Ao Shun from a little distance away.

The giant pillar supporting the sky actually began to shrink.

Ao Shun saw it in his eyes, and his expression changed instantly.

He had thought that if the Lushan Immortal came to hunt for treasure today, the Dinghai Shenzhen would react strangely, and that he might be destined to be with him.

But that’s just a fantasy!

Who would have thought that this is actually the case!

Dinghai Shenzhen, as the name suggests, has the ability to stabilize the sea!

That Shenzhen maintains such a body shape is to stabilize Haiyan.

Although his Crystal Palace is located on the eye of the North Sea, it also has the power to stabilize the sea.

But with Shen Zhen there, he didn't need to bother to focus on Haiyan.

At this time, Shenzhen was taken...

He just didn't have time to speak before his thoughts dispersed.

The sacred treasure in the distance quickly shrank countless times.



The ground shook, and a tremor far more violent than before suddenly came from the front.

An extremely huge dark underground cavity began to slowly reveal its majestic features as Dinghai Shenzhen rapidly shrunk.

Incomparably powerful adsorption power began to come from the dark hollow sea eye that appeared around Shenzhen not far away after shrinking.

This is...

not good!

Lu Wufei's expression changed drastically.

Divine thoughts suddenly accelerated.

Optimus White Jade Pillar's mammoth palace-like body was quickly shrunk to the size of a hand.

Feel the infinite adsorption force coming from the sea eyes around you and below.

Lu Wufei didn't dare to delay any longer, and he suddenly pulled out the white jade pillar that went straight into the depths of the sea below, and flew towards the North Sea Dragon Palace.

A moment.

The Optimus White Jade Pillar was suddenly pulled out.

The eye of the sea, which had been blocked for countless years, immediately began to pour heavily.

Hoo ho ho ho ho!

An extremely harsh pouring sound instantly sounded, and a terrifying tornado vortex began to appear.

All the surrounding coral sea rocks were quickly absorbed.

Seeing an extremely huge undersea whirlpool beginning to take shape.

On the side, Dragon King Ao Shun, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, quickly flew into the air.

With his hand, he fired several spells towards the huge black hole from which Dinghai Shenzhen was pulled out.

The shocking vortex that had begun to take shape began to become unstable.

Immediately afterwards.

Dragon King Ao Shun roared, and the last spell flew out from his hand.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding world began to vibrate violently.

A hazy transparent light covering the surroundings, the treasure house behind him, and even the entire Beihai Dragon Palace began to reveal his figure.


Lu Wufei, who was parked in mid-air not far behind Dragon King Ao Shun, saw that the light mask covering the entire huge Dragon Palace had moved in one direction, just in time to suppress the terrifying dark sea eye that had just been exposed within the scope of the light mask. within. Find bookstore


The violent rumbling sound sounded again.

Shocking clouds of sand, stone, and smoke immediately rose from around the Crystal Palace, which had moved in one direction.

The entire sea was turbid.

Not long after.

Dust falls to the ground.

Dragon King Ao Shunfei flew to Lu Wufei's side and breathed heavily: Lu Shangxian, you really gave me a big surprise today...

He knew clearly in his heart that Lu Wufei saluted Dragon King Ao Shun and said, I was reckless just now. Thank you Dragon King for the gift of treasure today. I will keep it in my heart...

Ha ha...

Seeing the posture in front of Lu Shangxian, Dragon King Ao Shun felt that he was not at a disadvantage and said with a smile: It doesn't matter, Lu Shangxian can obtain the Dinghai Shenzhen today because it is the opportunity to become a supreme immortal. I can become the beauty of a superior immortal. It's not too late for me to be happy...

Let's go...

With all the noise we made, the food and wine in the palace must have been gone...

I asked them to prepare another table...

I'm happy today, I must have a good drink with the Immortal...

Dragon King Ao Shun said and flew towards the Dragon Palace.

Lu Wufei followed closely beside him and said, Dragon King and I have had three drinks. The Dragon King is the elder, and the title of Immortal is unknown...

When Ao Shun heard this, he immediately laughed and said, I feel awkward too, why not just call me Fellow Daoist Lu?

Lu Wufei: It's not appropriate, it's still inappropriate, little friend...

Ao Shun smiled more and more happily, but did not let go: Fellow Daoist Lu, you are too polite. You are a disciple of the Great Immortal. You deserve it, you deserve it...

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