Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 149: The Divine Relic of Dayu, the Divine Treasure of Dinghai!

Beihai Dragon Palace.

Drinking and drinking at the banquet in the main hall.

Lu Wufei was the absolute center of attention.

After solving the problem of Governor Bai Jian, no, that Bai Jian is no longer the Governor.

When Lu Wufei let him go, he had already been casually jerked off by Dragon King Ao Shun.

Although Lu Wufei knew it might not take long.

Then Bai Jian may be reinstated.

But this was the gesture made by the Dragon King. Since he no longer planned to pursue it further, Lu Wufei stopped paying attention.

The biggest conflict is resolved.

The atmosphere at the reception became more harmonious, and the Beihai ministers became more enthusiastic.

After all, Lu Shangxian came from Wuzhuang Temple and was personally passed down by Zhenyuan Immortal.

Although the Great Immortal is not bound by his vocation and acts in a low-key manner, where does his identity, strength and status lie?

Who dares to despise it?

Just say that Immortal Zhenyuan can easily participate in the Peach Festival with any of his disciples.

And his own Dragon King couldn't even qualify for the conference.

This gap is so huge that it is completely conceivable.

Even the dragon clan's status in heaven is not high.

Not to mention these water tribes, to put it nicely, they are the ministers of Beihai Dragon Palace under the command of Tianting;

To put it harshly, it's just a water demon.

Disciples of Wuzhuang Temple, that is the immortal mountain, the blessed land and the cave sky, and is taught by the Taoist sect personally.

They usually stay in this corner of the North Sea, so there is no chance of seeing them.

Now that there is no conflict, of course we are willing to make friends.

So I toasted frequently.

The same goes for Dragon King Ao Shun.

Bai Jian, the commander under his command, made such a big mistake.

Fortunately, this land immortal was easy to talk to and gave him enough face. He only handed over two insignificant sea people, so the other party didn't pursue it any further.

This made Ao Shun feel very good about this immortal.

So he raised his glass again and said: The Immortal on the Land is truly a true Immortal...

Lu Wufei laughed when he heard this. Of course he understood the meaning of the Dragon King's words. He just felt that he had just exposed Bai Jian's case easily and was being generous and moral.

I hope you can still think so for a while.

Lu Wufei thought to himself, raising his glass and touching it with the Dragon King.

Drink it all in one gulp.

Then he said: Dragon King, there are many rumors in the world that the Dragon Palace has many treasures. I wonder if the rumors are true...?

The Dragon King Ao Shun has been in charge of the Dragon King of the North Sea for many years, and has long since matured. When he heard the voice of the Land Immortal, he immediately reacted and said after careful consideration: The Immortal is joking, that is just a misinformation from the world...

After carefully observing the expression on the face of the land fairy in front of him, Dragon King Ao Shun continued: However, my palace has been based in Beihai for many years. Over time, I have accumulated some treasures...

If the Immortal has any needs, just ask...

I don't dare to say that I will definitely satisfy the Immortal. It should be no problem to find a few treasures that will please me...

The Dragon King finished speaking with a smile and raised his wine glass again.

At this time, I completely understood that the reason why the other party exposed Bai Jian so happily was because he wanted to do something for himself.

This made him feel more at ease. In what happened just now, the other party generously let Bai Jian go and only killed two small sea tribesmen. Of course, he owed the other party.

He was also worried about what excessive demands the other party would make.

At this time, the other party suggested that of course he could relax, it was just a baby.

The Dragon Palace lives at the bottom of the North Sea. There are many treasures on the bottom of the sea. He may not have many other things, but as he just said, over time, there are still many treasures.


Hearing what the Dragon King said, Lu Wufei felt happy in his heart and said without any courtesy, I really want something from the Dragon King, but I don't need too much. I just want to find a weapon that I can take advantage of. I listened to the rumors from the world, so I got it. I'm so presumptuous, please forgive me, Dragon King.

Dragon King Ao Shun shook his head and said with a smile: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter...

My treasures are kept in the treasure house. If they can be favored by the land immortals, it will be their good fortune...

Now that he has decided to give up his treasures to befriend this disciple of Wuzhuang Temple, Dragon King Ao stopped being stingy and said: But most of those treasures are in the treasure house, but they are not easy to display here. Why don't you go with me to have a look... .”

What I wish for...

Upon hearing the Dragon King's invitation, Lu Wufei immediately responded with a smile: I just want to see the Dragon King's collection...

The Land Immortal Please...

Dragon King Ao Shun immediately smiled and stood up to lead the way.

The Dragon King wants to take Lu Shangxian to visit the treasure house.

Without the permission of the Dragon King, naturally all the ministers could not follow.

Lu Wufei said sorry to the ministers, then stood up and followed the Dragon King towards the inside of the hall.

Dragon King Ao Shun led the way and asked as he walked: I wonder what type of weapon you are looking for, Land Immortal?

Lu Wufei: I am good at sticks, but if I have a suitable one, I can also use a spear and a halberd...

The two walked and talked.

Not long after.

Lu Wufei followed the Dragon King Ao Shun and turned around and arrived at the depths of the Dragon Palace, in front of a place with a Treasure House plaque.

In front of the two of them, there was a shimmering light curtain like water.

Shangxian, this is it...

The Dragon King smiled and stepped into the light curtain door.

Lu Wufei felt that the surrounding situation was no different and walked into the light curtain.

In front of my eyes, I suddenly felt very spacious.

Looking up, you can see the deep blue sea above and the schools of fish swimming around the Dragon Palace.

It turns out that behind this plaque is a place without a dome.

In fact, as long as you observe and feel carefully, you can find that the dome also exists, which is the transparent aura energy shield that covers the entire Dragon Palace.

There are red, green, blue, and yellow hills everywhere with beautiful corals of various colors, beautiful algae floating like green plants on land, and various large shellfish of various beautiful and brilliant colors lying on the ground.

And, hidden among the coral hills and algae, there are also treasures on the shellfish that sparkle with brilliance from time to time.


Lu Wufei entered the treasure house of Beihai Dragon Palace.

I noticed that most of the objects that suddenly flashed with brilliance from time to time were treasures.

And just when Lu Wufei raised his eyes, there were dozens of places in his unobstructed view that shone with all kinds of brilliance, and this was just the entrance to the treasure house.

Visit the Dragon Palace Treasure House.

This was the first time in Lu Wufei's life.

He felt a little excited, and casually took a photo of a white light flashing in the nearest coral bush next to him.

The white light immediately flew straight into his hand and appeared, a spiral-shaped treasure.

Lu Wufei felt it slightly and realized that this spiral-shaped treasure was at the level of a high-level magic weapon.

As for his ability, he can blow the conch to make a sound and summon schools of fish.

It can be regarded as an auxiliary magic weapon, but it is still very practical.

Those fishing guys would be crazy for joy if they had this treasure.

I felt it casually.

Lu Wufei flicked the spiral-shaped treasure away, and the screw quickly fell back to its original position.

Dragon King Ao Shun saw this in his eyes and smiled: Shangxian, come with me. There are some gadgets outside, but the treasure that Shangxian wants is still inside...

As he spoke, he continued to move forward.

Lu Wufei followed behind him and saw that in the treasure house, all kinds of treasures were shining like stars in the sky. It was really eye-opening.

This is only the Beihai Dragon Palace, which has the smallest territory and the smallest strength among the four seas.

If it were the treasure trove of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the boss of the Four Seas, it would be even more spectacular and exaggerated.

The way forward.

Lu Wufei couldn't help but take a photo of a treasure, only to find that it was a palm-sized turtle shell that was completely black and exuded a black shimmer. It was a primary magic weapon. As for its ability, it was divination...

Another extremely practical auxiliary treasure.

Divination, the ability to predict the unknown, everyone is greedy for it, if you are interested...

Lu Wufei felt his heart itching when he held it in his hand.

Although he only needs to hold the elementary magic weapon turtle shell in his hands for a while, there is no need for him to ask for it.

Dragon King Ao Shun will definitely let him stay.

But if he said he was only looking for one weapon, he would not get more.

After a brief experience.

Before Dragon King Ao Shun spoke, Lu Wufei threw the fortune-telling turtle shell back to its original place.

He followed the Dragon King and continued walking deeper.

Along the way.

He casually photographed the treasures several times and found that the lowest grade of those treasures was also a high-grade magic weapon, and the highest grade was a mid-grade magic weapon.

Along the way, there are as many treasures as stars. You can imagine the value of these treasures and the wealth of Beihai Dragon Palace.

Pass through numerous coral colonies along the way.

Came to the depths of the treasure house.


The sea became deep above the dome, and the fish disappeared.

Among the coral colonies, the shining spots of light are becoming increasingly rare.

It takes a while to see one place.

But the brilliance that shines everywhere is more intense, and it is obvious that the baby's grade is obviously better.

Not long.

Dragon King Ao Lu Wufei stopped at a corner, pointed to a dark corner and said: I once remembered that there seemed to be a stick-type treasure there. The Immortal might as well take a look...

Lu Wufei looked in the direction pointed by the Dragon King and saw that there was indeed a flash of light in the dark corner, but the light was black and not easy to detect without careful observation.

Not much was said.

Lu Wufei waved his hand, and a thick black light was shot out from the dark corner.

However, unlike the previous treasure, which could be easily ingested, this dense black light actually resisted Lu Wufei's spiritual power.

Baby will resist...

In this case, there is only one possibility, Lingbao.

The baby had a spirit, so he had the consciousness to resist.

Lu Wufei was not surprised.

Since the Dragon King has brought him to the treasure house, he can't get it unless it's a spiritual treasure.

Seeing the resistance of the black light, the Dragon King said with a smile: These spiritual spirits are used to being free after staying here for a long time. They may resist for a while, but as long as they communicate well, I believe they will be happy to follow the immortal out...

What the Dragon King said makes sense...

Lu Wufei nodded and said with a smile: Choosing these elves is also a process of being chosen by the elves. It would be best if everyone can be happy from the beginning and go in both directions...

It was said that Lu Fei was forced to take the black light in front of his eyes.

Within the rich black light, he saw a small stick exuding rich black energy.

The little stick in front of him was very violent and was trapped by Lu Wufei. He was rushing left and right, struggling hard.

Lu Wufei looked at it, his face showing no emotion or anger.

It didn't go in depth, but simply but carefully felt the overall aura of the black stick spirit.

Lu Wufei loosened his grip on the black stick.

The next second.

The black stick immediately turned into a black light and shot towards the depths of the huge treasure house, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the Dragon King said, Is this the Immortal?

Lu Wufei: It's just no chance...

After careful observation, he found that the spirit of the black stick had a violent personality, which was even worse than the broken golden gun he had at the beginning.

The spirituality is too violent and difficult to communicate, which means that the long black stick is not very spiritual.

If he had no choice, he wouldn't mind spending a long time grinding to tame the long black stick.

But now that he was in the Dragon King's treasury, Lu Wufei couldn't get used to weapons that were too irritable and had too low spirituality.

Just like he said.

When conditions allow you to choose, it is best to go in both directions.

Because that is more conducive to improving spirituality.

Yes, most spiritual treasures can grow, but the growth conditions are extremely difficult.

If someone takes the initiative to throw his weapons.

As long as it's not too weird.

Lu Wufei would choose the other party.

I see...

After hearing what Lu Wufei said, Dragon King Ao Shun expressed his understanding and said: Shangxian, there are not many stick weapons in my treasure house...

Lu Wufei nodded and said: It doesn't matter, you will always meet someone who is destined...

I really have no choice.

He just picked up something at random, put it into a square inch inside his body, and then slowly rubbed it with water.

The Dragon King nodded and continued to move forward: Shangxian, please go this way...

Follow the Dragon King and continue forward.

Above the dome.

The water became deeper and darker.

Inside the dim treasure house.

Lu Wufei followed the Dragon King and walked not long before he came to a sea rock of different shapes. The Dragon King pointed to the sea rock not far away and said, If I remember correctly, if the baby hasn't left, there seems to be a sea rock there. There is a stick weapon that the Immortal can take a look at...

Lu Wufei stepped forward and after careful observation, he discovered that there was a faint red light hidden in the gap between the sea rocks.

No words.

Lu Wufei waved his hand and pulled out the red light from the sea rock.

Perceived rejection.

The red light immediately struggled.

Lu Wufei didn't care either. His strength was a little low now. It was not easy for the baby to take the initiative to shoot the red light in front of him.

He looked intently and saw in the red light, a small stick that was completely red and covered with seal characters was struggling.

It wasn't as violent and violent as the black stick before.

But he was obviously very unwilling to be taken over by Lu Wufei.

In fact, it was far from the dream that Lu Wufei had in mind that the baby would take the initiative to surrender and run in both directions.

After feeling it carefully.

Lu Wufei stretched out his hand and left a little breath on the long red stick in front of him. Read a book

Then the red light was released.

The next second.

The red light quickly escaped and disappeared from sight.

Lu Wufei could not say he was satisfied or dissatisfied with the long red stick, but it felt slightly better than the long black stick just now.

Therefore, Lu Wufei left a little mark.

If he really couldn't find anything better, it would be easy for him to find the long stick.

Dragon King Ao Shun's cultivation level was much higher than that of Lu Wufei. He was aware of the movement he had just left and probably understood Lu Wufei's thoughts. He smiled and said: Lu Shanxian, in my memory, there will be no more It's like a stick weapon...

Lu Wufei smiled and said: It doesn't matter, Pindao is waiting for the destined soldiers, please ask the Dragon King to take me to this treasure house for more visits...

Ha ha...

I'm really happy to have an immortal appreciate it. I haven't visited this treasure house for a long time, so I'm familiar with it...

Dragon King Ao Shun smiled and said: Shangxian, please...

in the following time.

Lu Wufei looked at two more Lingbao weapons, a spear and a halberd.

But just like the two long sticks had similar attitudes towards Lu Wufei before.

After letting go of the Lingbao weapon in his hand again.

Dragon King Ao Shun on the side said: Exalted immortals, spiritual treasures are rare. I have accumulated this treasure house for many years, and these are the only spiritual weapons I have...

Lu Wufei nodded when he heard this, but couldn't help but sigh.

In his memory, the monkey begged for treasures in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, but it was favored by the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, the sacred treasure of Dinghai.

Monkey's cultivation level at that time was much higher than he is now.

He never thought that he must be like a monkey to get a magic weapon of the level of Dinghai Shenzhen, but in this huge North Sea treasure house, he failed to attract a single magic weapon to throw. He did not expect that this made him I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

I have a sincere heart, but the spiritual soldiers have no intention...

Lu Wufei looked at the dark place in the distance and sighed softly.

Then he turned around and left.

When he was hesitating whether to look for the long stick or the spear that left the mark again.

at this time. Find Shuyuan



Suddenly, a violent vibration came, causing the surrounding sea rocks to collapse, corals to shatter, and treasure auras to fly around.


Can there be an earthquake in this Dragon Palace!?

This thought flashed through Lu Wufei's mind for a moment, but his feet didn't move at all as if they were taking root.

This is...

Lu Wufei was about to ask the Dragon King.


A more violent vibration came.

At the same time, behind, in the depths of the originally dark treasure house, a white light suddenly burst out, which was extremely dazzling.



This time, Lu Wufei heard clearly that the rumbling sound was like a huge object falling from a high altitude, making a rumbling sound.

Looking deep into the treasure house, the white light gradually dissipated, revealing a majestic giant pillar as wide as the Dragon Palace and as long as a foot, with a faint luster like white jade.

What is that...?

Lu Wufei looked shocked, looking at the giant pillar supporting the sky and couldn't help but ask.

Dragon King Ao Shun also stared at the giant pillar and murmured: One of the sacred objects left by Dayu in ancient times to control floods is the Dinghai Shenzhen!

Say it.

The Dragon King immediately flew towards the giant pillar.

Dinghai Shenzhen!

Lu Wufei was shocked by the words from the Dragon King's mouth. At this moment, his chest felt like a volcano and thunder.

Say nothing!

The figure followed closely behind, flying quickly towards the giant pillar supporting the sky.

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