Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 143: Underworld strategy, promotion, too hasty!

Something happened to my second child...

The scene just now must be his obsession after death in his dream...

That figure is probably what the second child looked like when he died...

For a moment, Lu Wufei's expression became colder and more serious than ever before, and he quickly came to his senses from the nightmare he just had.

Based on his cultivation at this time.

Normal evil ghosts would just run away with their lives when they saw him, and couldn't even get close, let alone enter his dreams.

Even if evil spirits and monsters who are stronger than him want to enter his dreams and drag him into nightmares, they must first enter the Wuzhuang Guandongtian where Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortals, is located.

Only pure and innocent dreams can enter his dream.

And there was a reason for his sudden heart palpitations, depression, and whims before, and it should be because of this incident.

Suddenly I lost the mood to continue meditating and practicing.

Lu Wufei took a deep breath, calmed down, stood up, and walked out of the bedroom.

Go straight to the large window.

Xiaobai, who was stretching on the window sill, saw his father arriving and immediately rubbed his head against him.

Lu Wufei looked at Xiaobai, stretched out his hands to hold it in his arms, brushed its smooth hair, and looked out the window into the distance.

It's late summer and early autumn.

The golden bamboo forest sways gently in the breeze, making a sweet sound.

Lu Wufei still remembered that it was early spring before he went to heaven with his teacher for the banquet.

I only stayed in heaven for most of the day.

The lower realm lasted from early spring to early autumn, and half a year passed.

One day in the sky, one year on the ground, it really is like this...

Through the nightmare just now, Lu Wufei knew that something happened to his second son and he was probably gone.

I just don't know if it happened just recently, or if it happened when he followed his teacher to attend the Peach Club in Heaven.

But no matter when something happened to the crow monster.

Even if he has just died, as long as his body dies, his soul will be under the jurisdiction of the underworld.

It would be useless for Lu Wufei to rush back, not to mention that it would take time on his way back. By the time he arrived, the soul of the second child would have already been imprisoned in the underworld.

Fortunately, this is Journey to the West.

There is still a place to go after death, and that is the underworld and the underworld.

As long as he can go to the underworld and bring back his soul, he can return to life again.

But the underworld is the world of the dead underground.

It is difficult for strangers to go there.

Below the realm of human immortality, the mortal body cannot go to the netherworld, only the soul can go.

But it is too dangerous for the soul to leave the body, the cultivation is not enough, and there is no physical body to protect it. There is no one to protect it. If you are not careful, you will be left in the underworld forever.

But it's much better when you get to the fairyland, because you can enter with your physical body, and you are qualified to go to the underworld to a certain extent.

But qualifications are not enough.

Still have to find a way to get to the underworld.

As far as Lu Wufei knows so far.

There are two ways to get to the underworld:

The first is to find the intersection of the Yin world and the Yang world, which is the Gate of Hell.

The Yin world and the Yang world refer to the underworld and the human world where the underworld is located. As long as you find the gate of hell, you can step into the underground world of the dead.

The second type is to use magical powers to reach the gate of the underworld, the gate of hell.

Lu Wufei didn't know where the hell gate was in this world, but he had the ability to go to the underworld.

Because he has mastered the second method: the magical Netherworld Technique to go to the underground netherworld.

This was what he understood from the Dafa Hun Dong Zhen Gang Tian Jing passed down by his teacher.

As far as he knew, anyone with this magical power could realize the Netherworld Technique on their own as long as they were from the Immortal Mountain Blessed Land or the Immortal Sect.

Lu Wufei also realized it after he was promoted to human immortal. It was one of the many small magical powers he realized from the Hundong Zhengang Tianjing.

But traveling to the underworld is easy.

But the underworld is dangerous, and he knows nothing about it.

Going hastily is definitely the stupidest behavior.

What's more, he went to the underworld not for trivial reasons, not to see and gain knowledge, but to get people from the underworld... no, to get souls, which was against the laws of the underworld.

If he hadn't been properly prepared, the crow monster wouldn't have been able to bring the second child back, and he would have gotten in there himself.

That's downright stupid.

He knew very well in his heart that even though he was currently in the human-immortal realm, his strength was comparable to that of gods, his cultivation strength was in the wilderness, and he could already hold a foothold in the demon clan, which was pretty good.

But if he wants to go to the underworld, cause chaos in the underworld like the monkeys in his memory, force the King of Hell to bow his head, and forcibly change the book of life and death, his strength is far from enough.

But fortunately, he has an advantage that no monkey can compare with, and that is the master behind him. His teacher is Zhen Yuanzi, and there are many senior brothers.

Although the Bodhi Patriarch of Fangcun Mountain is also extremely powerful.

But he is too mysterious.

The monkeys also made such a big fuss that they broke the sky.

Journey to the West.

At first glance, it looks like a world where the jungle is strong.

But as long as you fight your way out from the cruel bottom, you can discover it.

It is not only a place where the weak prey on the strong, it is also a desperate world with extremely clear and strict hierarchies.

Sophistication, nepotism...

In this world, things are often much more powerful than your efforts.

There is a disciple behind him, there is a teacher, and there are many senior brothers.

How stupid is he to do it?

Not to mention that he is not strong enough now, but if he is strong enough, he will also follow the rules of how this world operates.

Unless his strength and cultivation can completely transcend the rules.

Lu Wufei has the confidence to have a backer behind him.

As long as he is properly prepared, he believes that the possibility of bringing back the sworn brother crow monster from the underworld will be much greater.

Think of this.

Lu Wufei hugged Xiaobai and walked towards the door.

Out the door.

Walked straight towards the kitchen courtyard.

Not long after.

We walked to the familiar courtyard.

Lu Wufei met a senior brother head-on.

Knowing the purpose of Lu Wufei's visit, senior brother smiled and said: Two junior brothers Qingfeng Mingyue just came here, but I asked him to go back and come back in three days...

Junior brother Lu, too. He just attended the flat peach party with his teacher, so he must have eaten flat peach...

Practice well these days, and try to absorb and digest the effects of the flat peach...

Faced with the persuasion of the senior brother in front of him, Lu Wufei smiled awkwardly and immediately responded politely: What the senior brother is teaching me is that I have been careless. I will go back to practice now...

Say it.

Lu Wufei quickly saluted and left.

However, he did not practice as his senior brother said just now, but walked towards the residence of the two senior brothers Qingfeng Mingyue.

The flat peach was eaten into his body.

Cultivation in the morning and evening is just a matter of speed of absorption.

And he has more important things to do now.

Familiar doors and familiar roads lead to the place where Qingfeng Mingyue lives.

Before Lu Wufei could get close, the door to the room opened by itself, and Senior Brother Qingfeng's voice immediately rang in his ears: You see that Junior Brother is walking in a hurry, is there something wrong?

Senior brother has a sharp eye...

Lu Wufei said as he walked into Senior Brother Qingfeng's room.

Qingfeng walked out of the bedroom and said: Junior Brother Mingyue's cultivation is still shallow, and that small half of a flat peach is very useful to him. It's time to practice, so we'd better not call him...

Lu Wufei sat on the bench in front of the Eight Immortals table in the same style as his room and nodded: That's how it should be...

Qingfeng walked to the table, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Lu Wufei, and then poured himself a cup. Then he sat down and said, Looking at junior brother's face, it seems that the doubts have been resolved, but the confusion seems to be reborn...

I don't know, why are you confused?

Lu Wufei was not surprised that Senior Brother Qingfeng could see his expression.

This is related to the other party's practice of martial arts.

Besides, Lu Wufei didn't hide too much.

He took a sip of hot tea and was about to speak when he saw Xiaobai jump from his shoulder onto the Eight Immortals Table and squeaked towards the breeze.

Qingfeng immediately understood Xiaobai's cry and said with a smile: Okay, I'll give you a drink too...

Then he picked up the teapot, poured another cup of tea, and handed it to Xiaobai.

Lu Wufei then said, I wonder if senior brother knows anything about the netherworld and the underworld?


Hearing Lu Wufei ask about this, Qingfeng paused slightly with the teacup he handed to his mouth, then brought it to his mouth, took a sip, and said, Junior brother is asking about the underworld, could it be...?

When Qingfeng asked, Lu Wufei smiled bitterly and nodded. He had nothing to hide from the senior brother in front of him and said, I plan to go to the underworld, so I came to ask for some news from senior brother.

I see...

Qingfeng nodded and did not ask Lu Wufei why he was going to the underworld. He just sniffed the tea cup in his hand and continued: How much does junior brother know about the underworld?

Lu Wufei shook his head: I don't know much about it. I only know that the underworld is the place where the dead go to reincarnation and is controlled by the Lord of Hades.

Qingfeng nodded when he heard this, and said again: Since junior brother is going to the underworld, and I happen to know a lot about it, I will tell him in detail...

Lu Wufei picked up the teapot and served it to Senior Brother Qingfeng and said, Brother, please let me know. The more detailed the better.

Qingfeng smiled and began to say: Junior brother, do you know how to get to the underworld?

Lu Wufei nodded: I know this, the Netherworld Technique can reach it.

Qingfeng nodded: Yes, the Netherworld Technique can guide you to the location of the Gate of Hell. If you arrive at the Gate of Hell, you will see a very long street when you walk in. That street is the street leading to the Senluo Palace, so the deceased will be there. Waiting on the streets, entering the Senluo Palace to judge the sins and merits of the people in the human world.

If there is an enemy killed by junior brother, if the opponent has not been tried, punished and reincarnated, then they are likely to be on that street. Junior brother should be careful of them causing trouble.

After that street, you will find the Senluo Hall. The Senluo Hall is the place where the Tenth Hall of Hell, where ghost judges from the five directions handle affairs, such as judging the good and evil deeds of the deceased, will be sent to various places in the underworld after being judged by the Senluo Hall.

After passing the Senluo Hall, you can see a very large mountain range. That mountain range is called Netherworld Beiyin Mountain. Junior brother needs to pay attention. There are too many ghosts, wild ghosts, ghosts and demons hidden in that mountain...

After passing the Netherworld Back Yin Mountain, you can see two places. One is the Eighteenth Level of Hell. All wronged souls who were found guilty in the Senluo Palace will be escorted to the Eighteenth Level of Hell to receive various corresponding punishments. Waiting for the wronged souls After suffering the punishment and walking out of the eighteen levels of hell, you can then cross the Naihe Bridge. There are three Naihe Bridges, namely the Golden Bridge, the Silver Bridge and the Broken Bridge. The innocent souls cross different bridges due to their different identities. , but the broken bridge is the hardest to walk on. However, there is bad water under the bridge. If you are not careful, you will fall into the bad water and be eaten by the ghosts in the water. However, if you have money, you can also bribe...

After passing the Naihe Bridge, you will arrive at the City of Unjust Death. Only those who have suffered unjust deaths and unjust deaths can enter this city. Those who have died in a righteous death will not be able to enter this city.

Junior brother, please pay attention. It is easy to enter this city, but difficult to get out.

Once you enter this city, the only way is to spend money to buy your way. If you don't have money, the innocent soul will be trapped in this city forever, with no income, no control, and no reincarnation...

After leaving the City of Fusi, you will reach the Pingyang Avenue at the back. After passing the Pingyang Avenue, you will arrive at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gate. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Gate is the place of reincarnation, leading to the immortal world and the human world. I think junior brother If I’m not interested there, I won’t say more.”

Besides the Hades, the Netherworld is filled with boundless ghosts and monsters. There are all kinds of evil spirits and ghosts hidden in it. However, there are only four ghost gates in four continents that are closed at the exit of the Netherworld. Junior brother, you have to pay attention...

Hearing the senior brother stop, Lu Wufei, who had listened carefully, came back to his senses, poured another cup of tea for Qingfeng, and said: Thank you, senior brother. These words of senior brother made me understand too much. Junior brother, with tea In lieu of wine, I would like to propose a toast to senior brother...

Qingfeng smiled and raised his glasses.

Lu Wufei asked again: Senior brother is so familiar with the underground Hades. Could it be that he has been there before?

Qingfeng shook his head and continued: I have never been to Hades, but we have a senior brother who has been born and is serving in Hades. He told me...

Is there any senior brother serving in Hades?

Lu Wufei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he was overjoyed. He immediately asked: I wonder which senior brother it is? Whose name is it? What is your position? Senior brother, please tell me?

Qingfeng smiled, drank the tea in the cup, and began to say: Our senior brother's name is...

When coming out of Senior Brother Qingfeng's room.

There was a hint of joy on Lu Wufei's face, and he stood at the door and let out a long sigh of relief.

It was dusk.

In the evening, it’s time for a spiritual meal.

In order to avoid being nagged by the previous senior brother.

Lu Wufei did not go to the kitchen courtyard, but walked quickly towards his residence.

Return to your residence.

After hearing what Senior Brother Qingfeng said, Lu Wufei felt a little reassured and relaxed a lot.

He touched Xiaobai’s head and let him play by himself.

Lu Wufei returned to the bedroom and bed.

Divine thoughts moved slightly.

Lines of virtual ink fonts emitting pale white light began to appear before his eyes.

[Host: Lu Fei]

[Realm: Middle stage of human immortality (\\/)]

[Experience value: 8863\\/]

[Soul Power: 1]

[Exercise method: Hundong Zhengang Heavenly Sutra (Perfection); Demon Race Breathing Method (Perfection)]

[Ability: Seventy-two Transformations (Dacheng) (1926\\/2000); Stick Technique (Perfection)...]

[Supernatural powers: The Universe in the Sleeve (Perfection); Law of Heaven and Earth (Xiao Cheng) (266\\/1000); Golden Light from the Ground (Perfection); Dreaming (Dacheng) (97\\/2000)...]


Look at the data that keeps appearing in front of you.

Lu Wufei's first sight was on the realm column and he couldn't move his eyes away.

The middle stage of human immortality...

Looking at the data behind the realm column, Lu Wufei was a little shocked, and all kinds of emotions suddenly arose in his heart: shock, surprise, happiness, gratitude...

Don't blame him for being emotional.

He knows better than anyone how difficult it is to practice after reaching the immortal realm.

In the previous ten years in Taiping Mountain, his cultivation had only reached a quarter of the level of the early human immortal state.

Now, he just went to heaven for a banquet and ate one-third of a flat peach, which actually made him rise from the primary level of human immortal to half of the mid-level cultivation level.

The effect of that third-petal flat peach is so powerful that it can increase the speed of cultivation, which is truly terrifying.

These are just the 3,000-year-old peaches in the outermost layer of the peach orchard. If they were replaced with 6,000-year-old peaches, it would be fine.

There are also the innermost layer of the peach orchard, those 1,200 flat peaches with purple stripes and cores that ripen once in nine thousand years.

Then if you eat one...

Lu Wufei really couldn't imagine it.

He stared at the realm bar in front of him for a long time.

Only then did Lu Wufei regain his composure.

He was not blinded by the effect of the flat peach.

Although the effect of this flat peach is powerful.

But if you blindly use flat peaches to quickly improve your cultivation level.

That will inevitably lead to an unstable state of mind and high ambitions.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that your cultivation will be empty, and your magical powers and means of protection will be extremely shallow.

Just like those gods in heaven who are not good at fighting.


He let out a breath.

Get rid of the distracting thoughts that were just evoked by the peaches.

Lu Wufei continued to look at the panel in front of him.

However, the data below has not changed much from before going to Heaven.

I won’t look any further.

Dispersed panels.

Lu Wufei gathered his mind, started to run the Hundong Zhengang Heavenly Sutra, and entered into meditation practice.

The effect of the flat peach still exists in his limbs and bones.

It must be absorbed and digested as quickly as possible.

Three days later.

early morning.

Mao Shi.

The sky outside the window was hazy and not yet bright.

Lu Wufei woke up from his meditation practice feeling refreshed.

After leaving the bedroom, I took Xiaobai with me.

Lu Wufei opened the door and walked towards the kitchen courtyard.

The two senior brothers have not arrived yet.

Lu Wufei got busy by himself.

Not long after.

There was the sound of footsteps outside the small courtyard.

Lu Wufei turned around and realized that Senior Brother Qingfeng had arrived.

The two senior brothers Qingfeng Mingyue were in the room next to each other.

Brother Mingyue didn't arrive, so something must have happened.

Lu Wufei stopped his movements and asked, Senior brother, why don't you see senior brother Mingyue?

Qingfeng immediately smiled and said: Junior Brother Mingyue has been in the late stage of Jindan for a long time. This time he went to heaven with us for a banquet and tasted flat peaches. He must have realized that the stage of human immortality is approaching...

Lu Wufei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he said with great joy: So that's it, this is a great good thing!

But then he thought of his sworn brother Crow Monster, and Lu Wufei, who had been preparing to leave in the next few days, couldn't help but sighed: It's a pity that junior brother has something important to do, and he will have to leave Guanzhong soon to find Shuyuan I don’t know if I can witness with my own eyes the transformation of Senior Brother Zhengyue into an immortal...

Qingfeng smiled: It doesn't matter, junior brother's matter is important, just go ahead and do it. When you return to the mountain gate, I can congratulate junior brother Mingyue again. We senior brothers don't have to stick to ordinary etiquette...

Lu Wufei nodded: That's all we can do...

Seven days later.

early morning.

It's still dark.

In front of Wuzhuang Guanshan Gate.

Lu Wufei, who was wearing a green robe, was saying goodbye to Senior Brother Qingfeng, who was wearing a green robe.

Lu Wufei cupped his hands and said, Senior brother, say this to Senior Brother Mingyue for me, and I will congratulate him in person when I come back...

Qingfeng returned the favor and said, I will tell you. Junior brother is going to the underworld on this trip, so be careful!

Lu Wufei nodded: Thank you, senior brother, for caring, I saved...

I'll say goodbye now, take care, senior brother!

Qingfeng nodded: Junior brother, too...


On Lu Wufei's shoulders, Xiaobai immediately stood up, clasped his hands and bowed to Qingfeng.

Ha ha...

Qingfeng laughed and suddenly lost some of the sadness of separation. She also turned her hand towards Xiaobai and said, Goodbye Xiaobai!


Xiaobai immediately returned the gift cheerfully.

Lu Wufei then turned around and took a step into the air. Clouds and mist quickly gathered under his feet.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Flying in mid-air, Lu Wufei glanced back at Senior Brother Qingfeng who was standing in front of the mountain gate, sighed in his heart, and then quickly moved away towards the horizon.

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