North of Xiniu Hezhou.


central region.

The Great Wilderness, the land of Taiping Mountain.

It was dusk.

The setting sun is like blood.

The strong smell of blood floated in the air.

The battlefield in the vast mountain range was a mess.

Wails and screams kept coming from all over the mountain.

A large number of little monsters shuttled through the mountains and forests, picking up scattered weapons, stumps, broken arms, and carrying the corpses of various monsters.

At this time, a tall wild boar demon with a black pig's head and a giant wolf exposed was walking through the mountains and forests with several monsters with various heads behind him, and came to a place where several corpses were piled up. In front of the pile, he looked at one of the black-haired and feathered corpses buried among them, as well as the thick and sharp claws like chicken claws exposed, and said: Pick it open...

The words fell.

Several monsters behind him immediately stepped forward, and one after another they quickly pulled apart the pile of corpses.

A huge black flat-haired monster was soon revealed.

Look at the body shape of the monster in front of you.

The wild boar demon breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still stepped forward, reached out and turned over the body of the black-haired monster himself, and saw the face of the dead monster clearly.

Then he turned around and walked to the next place.

Behind him, the following monster immediately turned to the busy little monster on the side, pointed at the pile of corpses and ordered: Pile them up...

After saying that, several monsters quickly stepped forward and caught up with the wild boar monster.

At this time.

A monster over two meters tall with a slender body and a weasel's head quickly came to the wild boar monster with several little monsters from the northern mountain forest and said: Third brother, I can't find the second brother!

The weasel demon is naturally Huang Gui.

As for the wild boar demon, Lu Wufei is sworn to his third brother Hongskin.

Hearing Huang Gui's words, Hongpi was about to speak.

I saw a huge snake with a body length of more than ten meters in the distance, swimming towards this side quickly from the mountains in the south.

As it approached, the black and yellow giant snake quickly transformed into a half-man, half-snake, with a human head and a snake body. It looked at the red skin and said: General, I couldn't find the black leader...

Red Skin immediately frowned upon hearing the sound.

The eldest brother left less than two months ago.

As a result, he met the Hai Clan from Beihai Dragon Palace seeking revenge.

Fortunately, the elder brother's arrangements were adequate, and the superior ancestor stepped forward.

Only then could the eldest brother not be around, and the weak Taipingshan faced off against those sea tribesmen.

But the war is basically over and over.

Although many of the other familiar monsters were injured, they all survived.

There is only the second brother, and the second brother still has not seen any trace of him until now.

I don’t know where I am now and what’s going on?

It really worried him.

Fourth brother...

After a moment of silence, Hongpi looked at Huang Gui and said, I remember you said before that it was noon when you last saw your second brother?

Huang Gui nodded immediately when he heard this: Yes, I remember what the elder brother said. During the war, I was not far away from the second brother. At that time, I was dealing with a shrimp demon, and the second brother was dealing with a crab demon. But wait for me After killing the shrimp demon, I discovered that my second brother was missing, and I never saw him again...

Huang Gui didn't finish his words.

Two figures suddenly flew in the sky.

Bai Yunxiao, dressed in silver armor, landed with a tall, dark figure wearing black armor.

When the surrounding monsters saw this, they immediately shouted: General...


Red Skin was no exception and saluted: I have seen two generals.

Bai Yunxiao looked at the demons and asked, Have you found the black leader yet?

Red Skin nodded: Not yet, we are looking for it!

As the number one general of Taiping Mountain who was personally sealed by Lu Wufei, when he united with Dahuang Mountain, Huoguang Cave, and Eagle Cliff to defeat the Hai Clan and won the war, Bai Yunxiao, who represented the person in charge of Taiping Mountain, was at this moment You can imagine the busyness.

But he still took the time to find this place in an extremely urgent time, just to care about it.

Hearing Hongpi's words, Bai Yunxiao nodded and said: Look as hard as you can, and you must find it!

Red Skin nodded: I will, thank you General for your concern!

Bai Yunxiao shook his head, reached out and patted Hong Leather's shoulder, then turned around and flew into the air.

The black-armored general on the side quickly followed.

Quickly flew into the air.

The young general in black armor and dark complexion quickly caught up with Bai Yunxiao and asked: He is just a leader, is he worthy of General Bai's special visit?

Bai Yunxiao shook his head, looked at the young general beside him and said, Heiyan, he is the king's sworn brother, and the weasel demon on the side, and the crow demon he is looking for, they are all the king's sworn brothers...

I see!

After hearing General Bai's introduction, the young general named Heiyan immediately understood. No wonder General Bai came here specially at this time.

Bai Yunxiao continued: They had sworn sworn vows with the king very early, when the king was still very weak... Kanshu La

As Bai Yunxiao spoke, he remembered the scene when he offended Big Xiong when he first met Xiandi and asked him for help at the banquet.

How many years have passed in the blink of an eye.

All the changes and the strangeness of the situation were too great.

Big Xiong finally died on the day he became the Demon Commander General.

And the wise brother also suddenly became a prominent demon king.

As long as he thinks of that day ten years ago, when the wise brother single-handedly killed three demon kings in Dahuang Mountain, and thinks of the white wolf's true form, which is as majestic as a mountain, it really makes him feel awe and surrender.

I thought of taking care of him because he was of the same race as me.

Now it seems that that thought can be regarded as a turning point in his fate.

Now, Xiandi has let him take the position of the first general in Taipingshan, taking charge of everything in Taipingshan in his absence.

High status, great power...

It can be said that I don't think highly of him.

However, if the crow demon Heimao died in the battle under his leadership.

Although according to Xiandi's character, he may not be blamed.

But he definitely had a hard time forgiving himself.

He is certainly to blame for anything that happens under his leadership.

The king is nostalgic...

Bai Yunxiao continued to speak: Heiyan, you are smart and quick to react. You are somewhat similar to the king back then. As long as you can work diligently, the king will definitely value you...

Heiyan on the side heard General Bai's comments and immediately shook his head and smiled: I don't dare to accept General Bai's comments. Heiyan doesn't dare to compare with the king...

But Heiyan thinks he is very serious about doing things...

Bai Yunxiao nodded.

This black wolf demon Heiyan is a new demon commander who has only been promoted in the past two years.

Because they admire each other's character and behavior, and they both belong to the wolf clan.

Bai Yunxiao took a new look at this black rock.

Heiyan was equally smart. Seeing that he was valued by General Bai, he quickly approached the king's first general.

Bai Yunxiao was now willing to take the other person with him, just like now.

By the way, during the day.

Among the demon generals, when Lu Wufei was squeezed out by the three forces of Dahuang Mountain, Huoguang Cave and Eagle Cliff, Heiyan was the one who was trying to fight against Huoguang Cave and Eagle Cliff.

Not saying anything.

Bai Yunxiao took Hei Yan and quickly flew to a noisy hilltop with his heart full of worries before landing.

Several anxious monster generals immediately gathered around and said, General Bai, this is the distribution quantity that our three families have determined. Take a look...

If there's no problem, those Sea Clan corpses, armors, and weapons will be divided like this...


Another hilltop.

Watching General Bai leave.

Red Skin looked at Huang Gui, the snake demon leader Li Si, and the two demon generals beside him, and said in a deep voice: Go down and ask all the little demons around to stop what they are doing and disperse to look for me!

Even if we search the entire deserted mountain below our feet!

We must also find the black leader!

At this point, Hongpi looked serious and shouted: You want to see your body alive, you want to see your body when you die!



Several demon generals immediately accepted the order and were about to leave.

at this time.

Third uncle!

An urgent voice came from afar.

Hong Pi and Huang Gui immediately turned their heads when they heard the sound.

Then he saw a slender tiger with striking eyes and a white forehead, running wildly from a distance with the force of a strong wind.

When approaching.

The tiger hunter instantly transformed into a tall figure wearing leather armor and holding a tiger's head. It was Wandashan. When Wandashan stopped, he gasped and said quickly: Uncle Third, the little demon under my command said it seems like I found my second uncle!

The red skin's expression changed upon hearing this, and he immediately asked: Where is it!

Wandashan immediately pointed to the west: It's over there. It's a bit far away. I'll let the little demon go over first. I'll inform the third and fourth uncles first!


Hongpi nodded immediately after hearing this: Wandashan, lead the way!

follow me!

Wanda Mountain was not in a hurry, black mist formed on its own feet, and then flew towards the west.

Red Skin immediately whipped up the billowing black wind to follow.

Huang Gui followed closely behind.

Several other demon generals immediately flew up and followed closely behind.

At this time, the red skin has cultivated into the late stage of Demon General, and is only a thin line away from the realm of Demon Commander General.

The strength is much stronger than Wandashan in the middle stage of Demon General.

At this time, seeing that Wandashan was flying too slowly, he immediately stepped forward anxiously, held Wandashan on his back and said, Lead the way!


Red Skin led a group of demon generals and flew quickly towards the western hills.

Half an hour later.

Led by a sparrow demon.

When Hongpi, Huanggui, Wandashan and a group of other monsters arrived in a valley.

From a distance, he saw a huge black bird lying motionless on the water's edge by a mountain stream far ahead.

Looking at the huge black figure lying alone by the water, Hongpi's eyes widened for a moment, his heart suddenly thumped, his footsteps suddenly stopped in place, and then he ran forward and shouted: Second brother!

Second brother!

Huang Gui jumped down from the black cloud and saw clearly the huge familiar black figure lying on the edge of the mountain stream in the distance. He was also stunned on the spot. When he came to his senses, he roared and ran forward.

Second uncle!

When Wandashan saw the huge black figure by the water, he couldn't help shouting.

As for the demon generals who had just landed and arrived later, they all stopped in place as they looked at the scene in front of them.

When the two brothers Hongpi and Huang Gui took the lead, they ran to the edge of the mountain stream and rushed to the huge black figure.

Then he saw in front of him a black crow demon body that was seven or eight meters tall. He was the second brother who was usually arrogant, noisy, but also the most kind.

But at this time, the second brother was closing his eyes tightly, his beak was bleeding, and he fell asleep very quietly.

On his chest, a hole the size of a sea bowl was constantly overflowing with blood. The blood flowed into the mountain stream and flowed quietly away.

Second brother!

Seeing the appearance of his second brother, Huang Gui suddenly felt sad. His eyes were red and tears burst out of his eyes. He suddenly fell to his knees on the ground and cried out with tears: Second brother!

Wandashan finally arrived at this time.

Second uncle...

Looking at the scene in front of me, watching my second uncle, who was usually the least serious, but loved me the most, sleeping so alone by the cold water, tears instantly blurred my eyes.

Second brother...

Rao is usually the most steady and calm red-skinned person. At this time, he looked at the crow monster who had slept forever. All the things he had spent with his second brother over the years flashed through his mind, and his heart felt empty.

At this moment, how much he thought that his second brother could sit up suddenly like he did before, laughing and saying that he would scare the crap out of people, right? Then laughed...

But it's no longer possible...

The corners of his eyes became more and more sour. Hongpi closed his eyes and raised his head without saying a word. His heart was already churning: Second brother, have a good journey...


Thirty-six major Luotian.

Zhen Yuanzi took the three disciples of Qingfeng Mingyue and Lu Wufei out of the Xitianmen.

Fly straight down.

But this time.

Zhen Yuanzi did not fly as fast as when he came, but flew towards the mortal world layer by layer.

Although the speed is still extremely fast.

But Lu Wufei and Qingfeng Mingyue could clearly see how to get to heaven.

Not long after.

When Zhen Yuanzi led these three disciples quickly through the lowest level of Gangfeng, they saw his Longevity Mountain in the distance.

Standing behind the teacher, Lu Wufei, who was originally in a happy mood, was about to speak, but suddenly he felt an annoyance rising out of thin air in his heart, making him feel very uncomfortable.

He immediately lost his desire to speak.

Lu Wufei suppressed the discomfort in his heart and forced himself to stand quietly.

The four figures quickly flew towards the towering Longevity Mountain below.

Not long.

Lu Wufei and his two senior brothers returned to Wuzhuang to watch the cave sky and stood in the white jade square where they usually did their morning exercises.

Congratulations, teacher...

Just sent the teacher away.

Junior brother, what's wrong with you?

Mingyue suddenly said: Your face looks a little bad. Is there something wrong?

Has it been seen?

Lu Wufei forced a smile.

Mingyue immediately nodded and said: Of course, not only me, senior brother, but also the teacher must have noticed it too.

Qingfeng then answered: Junior brother, if you have any questions, you can tell me. Teachers and we are here, so don't worry...

There was nothing to hide from the two senior brothers. Lu Wufei nodded and said, It's okay, but just now I suddenly felt palpitations, boredom, and very uncomfortable for no reason...

Qingfeng heard the sound and immediately said: There is no reason for the whim. Maybe something was overlooked and delayed. Junior brother, you might as well think about it carefully...


Lu Wufei nodded: Thank you, senior brother, for your guidance, I will go back first...

Say it.

Lu Wufei turned around and strode towards his residence.

Not a moment.

Lu Wufei stood in front of the door of his room.

Open and close doors.

Lu Wufei walked to the Eight Immortals table in the living room and sat down.

Then a wine bottle appeared in his hand, and he took a big sip from the wine bottle.


He seemed to know that Dad was in a bad mood.

Xiaobai stood on the table and kept rubbing his little head on his father's arm.

Lu Wufei rubbed Xiaobai's head.

Continue to think slowly.

On his way back, he looked for Shuyuan and thought about it.

Just like what Senior Brother Qingfeng said, there is no such thing as whim.

Lu Wufei knew that at his current level of cultivation, once something important to him happened, he would definitely feel it.

After thinking about it.

He guessed that if something happened, it would be in his Taipingshan territory in the far north of Xiniu Hezhou.

However, Taiping Mountain was handed over to the Demon Ancestor Hu Yue.

With the price she paid, if something happened to Taipingshan, she wouldn't stand idly by.

This depends on a person's ability, and Lu Wufei still has it.

What's more.

Hu Yue had endured it when he killed the three demon kings of the Great Wilderness Mountain, so why did he do it against him at this time?

After some calm thinking.

My heart calmed down a bit.

Finished the wine bottle in one go.

Lu Wufei stood up and walked to the bedroom.

I no longer have the thought of checking the data after eating flat peaches.

Lu Wufei assumed a training posture.

Between breaths, he quickly entered meditation.

Little bits of bright light began to rise and surround Lu Wufei.

I just entered meditation not long ago.

Lu Wufei suddenly saw before his eyes, a terrifying figure with a mess all over his body, eyes dripping with blood and tears, a big hole in his chest, and blood constantly leaking out appeared in front of him.

Brother...I'm leaving...You must avenge me...

The extremely familiar voice disappeared along with the terrifying figure.

Lu Wufei suddenly woke up from his meditation, his eyes as cold as frost: Something happened to my second child!

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