After escaping from Tang Seng, Supreme Treasure hurriedly went to find Zixia, only to find Zixia lying in a pool of blood.

It turned out that Niu Xiangxiang saw Supreme Bao's feelings for Zixia, and felt that if he didn't get rid of Zixia, he would never get Sun Wukong.

In the ensuing melee, Niu Xiangxiang launched the Soul Transfer Dafa and swapped the bodies of Zhu Bajie and Qingxia, and he also accidentally changed his body with Sha Seng.

The Bull Demon King and the Iron Fan Princess also rushed here, and now the husband and wife have completely torn their faces, fighting their heads and bleeding, and decided not to interfere with each other, and each brought their lovers home.

When the Supreme Treasure fled in a panic, he accidentally stumbled and fell off the cliff.

When the Supreme Treasure woke up, he found that he was rescued by several people and returned to Pansi Cave.

But Grape said, "I did not bring you, but you passed out and came with us in a daze."

Also, you must have liked a girl named Bai Jingjing because you called her name ninety-eight times along the way. "

"Of course, Bai Jingjing is my wife!"

This plot made Bai Jingjing feel sweet in her heart.

She also doesn't know why she has feelings for a character in a movie.

But being remembered just makes her feel very happy.

However, the grape followed up and said, "But there is another one named Zixia, and you have called it seven hundred and eighty-four times!"

Bai Jingjing's smile froze directly on her face.

Wait, isn't this a little wrong?

Shouldn't the person Supreme Treasure miss the most?

Ninety-eight times, seven hundred and eighty-four, exactly eight times the difference ...

Eight of yourself to catch up with one Zixia?

Bai Jingjing would rather believe the hilarious conclusion that Grape came to in the play: "Seven hundred and eighty-four times... This Zixia must owe you a lot of money!"

And at this moment, a woman's voice sounded outside the door.

It turned out to be Bai Jingjing when she was young, and she rushed to Pansi Cave to learn art, but she didn't expect to meet the Supreme Treasure here.

At this time, she had just been abandoned by Sun Wukong, and when she saw the Supreme Treasure, she was immediately angry: "Stinky monkey, why are you doing this to me?"


But the Supreme Treasure walked towards her affectionately, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to melt her.

Through a hilarious explanation, Supreme Treasure told Bai Jingjing about the marriage between the two five hundred years later.

This plot made Bai Jingjing find that sweetness again.

However, the previous incident of Zixia's name made her unforgettable.

The woman's sixth sense told her that the current Supreme Treasure was probably no longer the same person he used to be.

In the film, Bai Jingjing couldn't fully believe the words of the Supreme Treasure, so like Zixia, he got into his body and saw the coconut.

Bai Jingjing got a satisfactory answer from the mouth of the coconut.

However, she asked one more question before leaving.

"So Coconut, Coconut, may I ask you, is his favorite person me?"

There is still no coconut answer in the film.

Instead, the picture turned and jumped to the Bull Demon King's mansion.

The Bull Demon King decided to marry Zixia seven days later, but Zixia was still waiting for his crush.

"Since Heaven has arranged for him to pull out my purple and green sword, he must be an extraordinary person. I believe that one day, she will appear in a high-profile situation, wearing golden armor and stepping on seven-colored clouds to marry me. "

Zixia is like those girls who fall in love for the first time, maintaining the purest and most beautiful fantasy of love.

Both Zhu Bajie and Qingxia ridiculed her for being neurotic.

Zixia smiled and said, "This is not a neurosis, this is an ideal." "

At the same time, in the Pansi Cave.

Supreme Treasure is preparing to marry Bai Jingjing.

This pair of talented and beautiful newcomers looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of happiness.

It should be a festive atmosphere, but through the sad background music, it brings an inexplicable sad atmosphere to the audience, which seems to indicate the poignant direction of the story.

On the night before getting married, Supreme Treasure dreamed back to the former desert and saw Zixia in the sunset.

Zixia told the Supreme Treasure: "Last night, I asked a spider to tell you that I miss you very much, do you know?"

Supreme Treasure also chose to confess to Zixia at this time: "Do you know that I have been lying to you." "

Like a moth, it knows it will be injured, but it will still throw itself on the fire. Moths are so stupid..."

Zixia said with an innocent smile on her face.

However, many people have already seen that Zixia has already understood everything.

She's just innocent and doesn't want to believe that it's all fake.

Some of the sensual girls at the scene were already infected by this sad atmosphere and sobbed softly.

And Sun Wukong has long lost the mind to complain to Mu You, and his eyes are staring at Zixia on the screen without blinking.

His eyes at this time were almost the same as the Supreme Treasure standing in front of Zixia on the screen.

"Brother Monkey, interview you!"

Mu You asked a question coldly at this time: "What do you like the most, is it Bai Jingjing or Zixia?"


Sun Wukong almost blurted out, but as soon as he finished speaking, he reacted and hurriedly glared at Mu You: "Brother Xian, you frame me!"

"Haha, don't be nervous, I'm just curious to ask. Mu You smiled casually.

It seems that Zixia, a girl who maintains a childlike and simple yearning for love, is really attractive to men, and even Sun Wukong is about to fall.

And in the film, after the Supreme Treasure woke up, he was also entangled.

Reason told him that he was going to marry Bai Jingjing, because everything he had been doing was to be with Jingjing.

And Zixia is just a person who meets in the water and even makes him very annoying, how can he possibly like a person he hates?

Supreme Treasure decided not to think about it anymore, and only thought of Jingjing from then on.

However, when he waited for the bride in the marriage room, the last thing he waited for was not Jingjing, but a letter she left before leaving.

When Bai Jingjing saw this, she couldn't help but hide her face and cry bitterly.

She didn't dare to read it, because she knew what it was about.

The letter was dubbed by her own person, but she had no idea at the time that those words would be used in such a place.

It's so cruel...

"Your conscience tells me that you love nothing more than me, but another woman.

When I saw what she had left in your conscience, I felt that after these five hundred years, you had come back not for me, but for her.

You and I have to believe that this is providence.

It is also a legendary fate. "

Bai Jingjing finally left.

I didn't leave before, maybe because I was greedy for the tenderness from the Supreme Treasure, or the breath from Sun Wukong, or maybe I was still intoxicated with this love that fell from the sky.

But at this time, Bai Jingjing is still free and easy.

That tear made her understand that this was finally a love that did not belong to her, so she chose to let go and fulfill others.

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