Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 76: Answers from the Mountain Behind the Academy

At dusk, the students who entered the front yard of the academy leave in groups of three or four, but the mountain behind the academy is completely silent, only the sound of qin and Xiao is lingering in the back mountain, endlessly in my ears.

Chen Pipi carried the food box, walked through many rough paths, and came to the cave where Ning Que was imprisoned, and woke Ning Que up. After he sent the food box in his hand into the cave, he said, "Ning Que, goodbye!" Sleep, hurry up and eat!"

Ning Que, who was dozing off in the cliff cave, sat up straight away, looked at Chen Pipi outside the cliff cave, and said, "Senior Brother Twelve, why don't you use the Tianxiaxi God finger to try, can you break the restriction and let me go out?" .”

Although his teacher and wife have already said that only when he has figured it out, can he get out of the cave, but how should he think it through, to figure it out? These days, he has exhausted all means, even if he is possessed by a demon, he has not been shaken. The restriction imposed by the master at the mouth of the cliff, thinking about going out in a short time has become a luxury.

After Chen Pipi heard this, he shook his head and said, "Ning Que, are you crazy? This is a restriction set by the Master himself. Let alone whether I can break it, even if I can break it, I can't let you out. You should think about it carefully." Think about how to comprehend the Haoran sword!"

Although Chen Pipi has never been to the wasteland, he is still the son of the master of the temple, and he can always know some news that others don't know. Ning Que has been enchanted by Master Liansheng. At the gate of Mozong Mountain.

Judging from the major events that happened in the world during this period, his senior brother Su Xuan was an extremely important pusher, so he didn't know how to choose in the future.

Ning Que wrapped the clothes around his body, looked at the scenery outside the cliff cave, and said angrily, "Senior Brother Twelve, I really want to go out. I haven't seen Sangsang since I came back from the wasteland. Do I still have a big grudge?" Report, you said that there is such a teacher in the world, who locks his disciples in a dark cliff cave."

Ning Que couldn't figure it out, let alone figure it out, so he didn't think about it anymore. The enemy who killed his parents lived in his home, but he wanted to think about things in such a cliff cave. Perhaps in this world, he was probably the one who Tragic figure too.

Hearing Ning Que's angry roar, Chen Pippi circled around to make sure that there was no one around, and then persuaded: "Ning Que, I know you want to go out to seek revenge on Wei Guangming, but with your strength, even if you are enchanted, you can't stop Wei Guangming." With a finger of Guangming, only by comprehending the Haoran sword left by the little uncle, can there be a glimmer of hope to defeat Wei Guangming."

Although this statement is very cruel to Ning Que, the truth of the matter is always cruel and difficult to face. Lies are always beautiful, but the end of believing lies is always very miserable.

Ning Que's body overflowed with a dark red aura, and he was about to be enchanted again, but the mysterious aura lingering in the cliff cave only restored Ning Que's calm in a moment.

Ning Que, who had regained his composure, said firmly, "Senior Brother Twelve, this is the country of Tang. What Wei Guangming did back then has violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty. How could the country of Tang allow a cultivator who once caused a **** storm in the country to be safe and sound?" live."

At that time, his parents were in General Xuanwei's mansion, and they were killed by Xia Hou because of the son of Pluto. In this case, Wei Guangming was the mastermind. Although he couldn't beat Wei Guangming, it didn't mean that no one in Tang Kingdom could beat Wei Guangming. .

Chen Pippi looked at Ning Que outside the cliff cave, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Ning Que, Master Yan Se and Wei Guangming fought outside Chang'an that day, Master Yan Se has made up his mind to come back when you come back. Before sending Wei Guangming back, Su Xuan stopped him with a sword strike, although Wei Guangming did not die, Master Yan Se also survived."

That day Chen Pipi did not go to watch the battle, but he watched the battle from afar at the head of Chang'an city. He was very aware of the strength of Master Yan Se and Wei Guangming, and he was even more aware of Su Xuan's method of stopping the fight with one sword. So he didn't want Ning Que to go out and die in vain.

Ning Que was silent for a while in the cliff cave, because Su Xuan saved the life of his master Yan Se, but he only had a deep dislike for this fellow. ignore.

Ning Que put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, "Su Xuan, a disciple of the Guanshan Sect who knows and guards the Taoist sect, is indeed very powerful, but one day, I will defeat Su Xuan."

Chen Pipi smiled and said, "Ning Que, I admire your courage, but you may really not be Su Xuan's opponent."

Because Chen Pippi is very aware of Su Xuan's strength, he never confused Mu Dongxuan, and within seven years, he entered the upper realm of knowing fate, and Su Xuan has never taken Tongtian Pill, unlike Ning Que, who took his Tongtian Pill Still such a piece of shit.


Outside the small building on the second floor!

Li slowly looked at the cliff cave in the distance, and after saluting his master respectfully, he asked, "Teacher, do you really want to keep the junior apprentice for the rest of your life? The junior uncle used it for three years, let alone the junior apprentice?" Xiahou is going to be old soon."

The master looked at his big apprentice and said, "What? Don't you believe that Ning Que can comprehend the Haoran Sword? Since I chose Ning Que in the first year of the, then he must have great same qualifications."

Li slowly said worriedly: "But after all, Xiahou is at the pinnacle of martial arts, and Wei Guangming is still in the city, and the mountain disciple who knows the Taoism has also entered Chang'an."

Xiahou is not a problem, if the younger brother can't beat Xiahou, he will naturally help him, but Wei Guangming, the former Guangming priest, is a problem, and he is not sure whether he can stop Wei Guangming who is bent on death, besides, Taoist knows how to guard Disciples of the Guanshan Gate, entering Chang'an City is not for viewing the scenery.

The master smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing if Ning Que can't comprehend it. The academy will keep him for the rest of his life. If he can comprehend, we should respect his choice, even if it is a dead end."

Choice is very important, but how to choose the weeds that are swaying in the wind on the wall? Perhaps when Yu Lian gave Ning Que the finger puller, it hinted at his choice.

Li slowly looked at the teacher on the chair, and asked, "Teacher, are you really not going to make a move?"

The master smiled and said: "We have created a fair environment for Ning Que, and the rest should be left to Ning Que himself. You can't interfere in the battle between your junior brother and Xiahou, but you have to stop it. Anyone who wants to hinder this A fair fight."

It seems stupid for a cultivator in the realm of Dongxuan to challenge a practitioner at the peak of martial arts, but he believes that Ning Que will not die easily. After all, Ning Que is the closed disciple he chose.

Li said slowly: "Disciple understands, I will go right away."

Then Li Slowly turned around and disappeared in the back hill of the academy. Seeing Li Slowly leaving, the master stroked his beard and laughed heartily, because what Su Xuan wanted him to see was finally about to begin.



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