Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 75: Finally enter Chang'an

Hearing Zeng Jing's will to return to the camp, Xu Shi waved his hand to stop, and he was about to attack the Xuanjia heavy cavalry. He knew very well that this great scholar, Zeng Jing, would not dare to falsely pass on His Majesty's will.

It's just that Zeng Jing came sooner. If Zeng Jing was able to come a stick of incense late, even if she had His Majesty's will, she would not be able to stop the Xuanjia heavy cavalry from rushing forward. If he forcibly besieged and killed Su Xuan, that would be disrespectful, no king would like a general who disrespected the imperial edict.

Under the leadership of Xu Shi, thousands of Xuanjia heavy cavalry turned around and rode past the great scholar Zeng Jing, and ran towards the barracks. It made Zeng Jing, who hadn't experienced killing much, feel terrified.

Zeng Jing looked at Xu Shi who was approaching on horseback, and said respectfully: "General Xu is His Majesty's order. You really shouldn't go to war outside Chang'an City."

After Xu Shi gave a cold snort, he stopped talking to this great scholar who is quite favored by His Majesty, a person who can speak well, is always good at telling right and wrong, I am afraid that in this will, this great scholar Zeng Jing, It also took a lot of effort.

It was not until the Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry disappeared from his perception that Su Xuan took the Dao Sword back into the gourd. Although there were some twists and turns in this line, he still had to enter Chang'an City.

Su Xuan looked at Zeng Jing, who was teaching Chang'an government officials a lesson, and looked at Li Slowly, who had been set aside, and said, "Mr. Da, I will eventually enter Chang'an City. If you want to If it doesn't work, you can ask the master, if you want to come to the old man, the master will explain clearly to you why I have to enter Chang'an City."

As for whether the master would tell Li Manan so early why he had to enter Chang'an, that was another matter. As an audience, the master had already seen it clearly, so why should he explain it.

Li slowly nodded slightly, looked in the direction of the academy, and said, "I will ask the teacher for the answer to this question, but please remember, Mr. Li, that Li Jiazi is a disciple in the front yard of the academy, and you cannot kill him."

He is a great gentleman from the back mountain of the academy, so naturally he would not allow a Taoist practitioner of Zhishouguan to kill the disciples of the academy in Chang'an City, even if it was only the disciples of the front courtyard of the academy, Li Manman would not allow Su Xuan to do that.

Su Xuan replied: "It's rare for Mr. Da to ask for help once. If I don't agree, won't I lose face?"

It's just a jumping clown, killing him will only dirty his Dao sword. The wicked have their own grind, and a jumping clown will naturally disappear under the night of the capital, but what does this have to do with him?

The next moment Li slowly disappeared by the river without warning, and even Su Xuan could only perceive the slight fluctuations in the interlayer of heaven and earth vitality.

Looking at this scene, Mo Shanshan said excitedly: "In the realm of no distance, it is thousands of miles away in an instant."

There are four of the six states, no distance, apocalypse, immeasurable, and heavenly demon. Among the four six states, the most joyful one is no distance. No distance means ignoring distance. However, if it is in another world, where the vitality of heaven and earth is interlayered, the imperceptible world, and the magical power without distance, it will be greatly reduced.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who was dispersing the piles, and said, "Let's leave this pile here first! It's better to go to Chang'an first, I'm very worried about my few jars of peach blossom wine."

Hearing the words, Mo Shanshan seemed to have thought of what Su Xuan wanted to do, so he asked: "Mr. Su, is it really okay to do this? If the block formation doesn't dissipate, I'm afraid this official road will be impassable for a while." .”

After Su Xuanlue thought about it, he said: "It's okay, just now General Xu's Xuanjia heavy cavalry also frightened you quite a bit, it's better to let the formation dissipate on its own."

He is not someone who complains in virtue, so this base is a small lesson!

Hurrying over, Zeng Jing, who was already out of breath, looked at Mo Shanshan who had already entered the carriage, and at Su Xuan who was about to drive into Chang'an, and said, "Mr. I'll bring it to you."

The blue ox that had already stepped its hooves back, and its two eyes were like copper bells, staring at the person in front of it.

Su Xuan got on the bullock cart and asked: "Master Zeng, what did the King of Tang ask you to tell me, please tell me frankly."

Zeng Jing took out a letter from her bosom, solemnly handed it to Queen Su Xuan, and said: "Mr. Su's words are all in the letter."

Su Xuan looked at the letter in his hand playfully, then glanced at Zeng Jing, and asked, "Have you read Master Zeng's letter?"

After hearing this, Zeng Jing waved her hands again and again, and said, "Mr. Su is joking, this is a letter from His Majesty to Mr. Su, how dare I read it? If the vermilion lacquer is not still there, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to explain clearly."

Unpacking the letter written by His Majesty without permission is the crime of deceiving the emperor, which is a big crime of losing one's head! Even if I lent him ten guts, he wouldn't dare to look at it!

Su Xuan looked at Zhu Qi and said with a smile: "Master Zeng was just joking, I believe we will meet again."

The bullock cart walked forward Even he didn't know at this moment whether Zeng Jing's presence was a coincidence, or the one in the sky had planned it for a long time. Although he had never entered the court, he also It is clear that a servant should come to pass the decree, so why send a bachelor?

Is it true that the decree delivered by a university scholar is more convincing than the decree delivered by a servant? Even so, why did the dear father who came from the sky come to come?

This is a question worthy of further study. In Haotian's world, nothing can be hidden from Haotian, because Haotian stands high enough and far enough away.

But now it is different from Haotian descending into the mortal world, so naturally he cannot know everything, otherwise how would he dare to make such a blatant layout? But Su Xuan had a vague feeling that Ning Que's little maid seemed to have awakened from time to time, otherwise the person who came to pass the decree today should be a servant.

To change other people's minds so subtly and subtly, no one else can do it except Haotian.

The ox cart was approaching the city gate, and the soldiers defending the city were about to check the ox cart, but they were stopped by Zeng Jing who was following behind the ox cart. Through what happened just now, Zeng Jing vaguely sensed Su Xuan's temperament, so naturally she didn't want to stay here any longer. What's going on at the city gate.

With the help of Zeng Jing, Su Xuan drove an ox cart and entered Chang'an City without hindrance. Looking at the criss-crossing roads, Su Xuan, who has always been a road idiot, no longer thinks about which road to take, but directly perceives the road. For him, this is the fastest and best way to get the peach blossom wine left in the wine shop.

It was the first time for Qingniu to enter Chang'an, looking at the bustling city of Chang'an, he was very restless, which made Su Xuan in the bullock cart a little sullen, this stupid cow has indeed been a little drifting lately.



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