Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Sun Wukong, who is about to lose his soul

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Thirty-three layers of heaven.

In the peach garden.

Ever since he came to this flat peach garden, Sun Wukong has been like a fish in water. Apart from drinking with Lu Wu every day, he eats a few flat peaches and has a relationship with the gods of the thirty-three heavens.

Life can be as comfortable as it needs to be, and even Lingbao, which was unobtainable before, was sent over by the old Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Sun Wukong looked at the Ruyi Golden Cudgel on the side, and said with a smile: "This old dragon king is really a dragon who knows the current affairs. Today is because of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and this cloak, otherwise I have to shout Those brothers of mine have gone to Donghai Dragon Palace as guests."

While speaking, Sun Wukong's hands were not idle.

The basket of flat peaches on the table was wiped out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And on the other side of the Peach Garden.

Lu Wu, who had received the news a long time ago, started digging trees nervously at this moment. There were not many purple-patterned peaches that had been fruited in the Nine Thousand Immortals' family for a long time. Many immortal families remained silent, and the remaining purple-patterned flat peaches had already been sent back to West Kunlun by him.

Now he only needs to finish the last thing that his mother-in-law told him, and he can retire.

"My lady! My lady."

"Isn't your Lao Ran family trying to trick me? If His Majesty finds out, then I will be killed for my small body."

Take this opportunity. Evacuating the whole Peach Garden is not a big deal, even if His Majesty found out, at most it would be a reproach.

But what his mother asked him to do now is really a bit embarrassing. This is basically digging the roots of the peach garden. With these peach trees, a new peach garden can be planted on the West Kunlun Mountains.

To be honest, even he couldn't stand it anymore.

I don't know how many hours have passed.

Lu Wu finally finished his work and dug away most of the 3,000 flat peach trees that bore fruit in the Nine Thousand Immortals' family years.

It was supposed to be a well-ordered flat peach garden, but suddenly a large area was vacated. Although I knew in my heart that Sun Wukong would inevitably suffer a catastrophe, after all, the fact of digging flat peach trees was too big, so Lu Wu He quietly slipped to the side of Monkey King's residence.

At this moment, Sun Wukong only felt dizzy in his head, as if he had been hit by some heavy object.

"I feel dizzy."

"Could this be the curse technique that the veteran said?"

Sun Wukong grumbled in his hands.

And Lu Wu, who was watching from a distance, was also surprised. He was really curious about that teacher of Monkey King. After all, in the heavens and myriad worlds, practitioners who can teach apprentices like Monkey King Not often!

But what disappointed Lu Wu was that Monkey King, after muttering those few sentences, went straight to the ground.

Lu Wu stepped forward to try it out, and immediately took a deep breath, his mother really entrapped him this time, she agreed that Monkey King just suffered a catastrophe, but now Monkey King But it is already dead.

This is obviously cheating him. First of all, Sun Wukong, the caretaker of the peach garden, died, and many of the peach trees that had ripened in the immortal family for nine thousand years were also dug up. With the guilt and guilt, he might not want to go to the immortal platform. Once.

Could it be that his mother didn't like him and wanted to silence him, but she couldn't use such a ruthless method!

Lu Wu, who had lost his mind for a while, hurried to pack up his things, and then wiped out the flat peaches that Su Sun Wukong had saved some time ago, and threw the Peach Garden Formation Control Token casually, and then his head blew up. Without turning back, it turns into a rainbow and goes away.


Big red sky.

Tushi palace.

Lao Tzu, who was squinting his eyes, suddenly woke up. Looking at the two boys, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, who were lying on the ground and sound asleep, he laughed and scolded: "Golden Jiao, Yin Jiao, wake up quickly, if you don't wake up again, The fire in the gossip furnace should be extinguished."

I just dreamed of entering chaos, and I don't know how many worlds have been opened up in the dream, so this dream has naturally been done for a long time.

The two boys, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, woke up in an instant, picked up the fan on the ground, and began to fan the fire in the Bagua furnace.

Jin Jiao shouted: "Yin Jiao, hurry up! If you slow down, you will have to copy the Huang Ting Jing again, okay, or use ancient divine script to copy."

Originally, it was already a disaster to copy in Chongwenniaozhuan, but to copy in ancient divine script, that would be a real catastrophe.

Yinjiao said helplessly: "Brother, am I not fanning fast enough?"

Their master!

Every word and deed can cause changes in the Three Thousand Ways, so when their master falls asleep, they will naturally fall asleep too.

Amidst the chatter between Jinjiao and Yinjiao, the fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace became more and more vigorous, reflecting the surrounding cloud mirrors, glowing with red flames.

Lao Tzu glanced at the burning Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, and said, "It's still not enough! Golden Horn and Silver Horn, you two, work harder."

This is the Bagua Furnace that has followed him for thousands of years. It is not an easy task to let the Bagua Furnace explode, so the Liuding Shenhuo in the Bagua Furnace must be extremely strong.

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

While the Golden Horn and Silver Horn were still thinking about how to make the fire in the gossip furnace more vigorous, the Lingxiao Palace had already exploded.

The caretaker of Pantao Garden, Sun Wukong, who had the position of a fifth-rank immortal, died.

Moreover, in the Underworld, there is no soul of the guard of the Pantao Garden, and a practitioner of the Golden Immortal realm died for no apparent reason.

In the land of Pantao Garden, Lu Wu, the former mountain **** of West Kunlun Mountains, has also disappeared. In the Pantao Garden, there are only a few thousands of purple-patterned peaches that have been ripened by immortals for nine thousand years.

Three thousand flat peach trees with purple patterns were also planed away, nearly one-third of them.

Inside Lingxiao Palace.

Zhang Bairen looked at the many gods below, and asked, "Inspecting the Lingguan, have you ever found the trace of Lu Wu, the land of the Peach Garden?"

"Report to Your land of Pantaoyuan, the mountain **** of West Kunlun Mountain, Lu Wu, has left the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm three quarters of an hour ago, and now Lu Wu has arrived in East Kunlun Mountain, listening to lectures in Yuxu Palace Yuanshi Avenue."

With the help of the legacy of the former demon clan's Heavenly Court, the inspector spirit officer is very clear about Lu Wu's whereabouts.

But the inspector Lingguan also knew that what if he said it out, could it be that their Majesty dared to go to the Yuxu Palace on the East Kunlun Mountains to take someone?

After Zhang Bairen heard the news, he also felt helpless for a while. He said, "Taibai Jinxing, go to the West Queen Mother of West Kunlun immediately and ask what happened to Lu Wu, who committed such crimes as killing the guards of the peach garden and stealing the peach tree. , Lu Wu can really afford it."

Zhang Bairen knew that many peach trees had been dug away in his peach orchard, and he didn't save any face for the Queen Mother of the West.



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