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on the way back.

The scenery flies by.

Mo Shanshan said: "I still don't understand why I gave away several blessed lands in exchange for Lord Taishan's fascination with monkeys."

Su Xuan looked at his family's mountain, and said: "For the sake of awe, only awe can climb the mountain named Dao."

For many people, cultivation is a difficult thing, especially for those in the Golden Immortal Realm with the attribute of immortality.

Monkey King walked too fast, perhaps many immortals wanted to make Monkey King go faster, but Su Xuan knew very well that if he walked too fast, he would definitely pay a very heavy price in the future.

Besides, Sun Wukong is on a path to reach the sky in one step. Just ask any ordinary practitioner who can reach the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal Realm in just ten years, and can also repel the practitioners of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

Could it be that the aptitude of the Sky-Mending Stone is really good?

It's just a stubborn stone, it's just a piece of heaven and earth, not to mention Nezha who is the reincarnation of the Lingzhu, even Yang Jian's aptitude is far superior to that of Monkey King.

As the person who should be robbed of the upcoming catastrophe, if Sun Wukong makes any mistakes at that time, it will be bad.

"In this way, Sun Wukong really has to go to our teacher's gossip furnace to refine it. Presumably only Liuding Shenhuo can train Monkey King."

Mo Shanshan put down the book about Monkey King in his hand. There are many words about this monkey in the heavens and myriad worlds, but no matter how you look at it, it is not that simple to bear the weight of a catastrophe .

We must know that the catastrophe of conferred gods, but the immortals of the Three Religions worked hard to get through it smoothly. Even so, Jiang Ziya still had no choice but to ride the conferred gods platform and wander in the long river of time and space.

"Houhun and Liuding Shenhuo refining gods need someone to subdue them. I don't know who Junior Brother Su plans to ask to subdue the monkey that jumped out of the eight trigrams furnace?"

I don't know when, Cihang, holding the mutton fat jade bottle in his hand, has already arrived under the congenital lunar laurel tree.

Su Xuan looked at Cihang, and said: "That depends on the Bagua Furnace, how powerful it can be when it is turned on, otherwise, a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm, no matter how powerful his combat power is, he will not be able to break through. The sky where the Lingxiao Palace is located."

He knew very well that his little uncle would definitely not be willing to act with the Three Sects. At most, the gods of the West Kunlun line and the gods of the Fengshen line could cooperate.

So in the end, the key to making this big drama staged safely is the gossip furnace of his teacher.

It's nothing more than frying a furnace!

Cihang said: "Of course the play will be staged, but after the furnace is fried, the Monkey King who jumped out of the furnace, if Da Luo doesn't make a move, then the Monkey King will not be so easy to take down, after all, he has eaten countless flat peaches.

However, Junior Brother Su and the Uncle Queen Mother of the West still need to remind the first department that Lu Wu, the **** of West Kunlun Mountain, has already had a good time, and in the end these things will be counted on Monkey King. "

Flat peaches!

For the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, it is extremely important to say that it is important, although most of the gods of the immortal family have long since lost their demand for flat peaches, and at most they can only satisfy their appetite.

However, among the immortals or gods who serve in the thirty-three heavens, there are a bunch of disciples behind them.

Therefore, this flat peach is extremely important to the younger disciples of these fairy family gods.

"Lu Wu!"

Su Xuan smiled calmly, and muttered: "The mountain **** Lu Wu of West Kunlun Mountain has been in the land seat of Pantao Garden for some years. Our little uncle, who let Monkey King go there, presumably also saved up to make trouble. Thoughts, it's a pity that our little uncle didn't expect Sun Wukong to join forces with Lu Wu.

One is the land of the Peach Garden, and the other is the caretaker of the Peach Garden. With the cooperation of the two, it is no wonder that the Peach Garden can be good. "

Then Su Xuan took out a basket and handed it to Cihang.

Cihang took the basket and looked at it, and he understood why so many fairy families kept silent about what happened in Pantaoyuan.

Cihang said: "Whose idea at this time?"

Mo Shanshan replied: "Uncle Xi Wangmu's idea. Uncle Xi Wangmu feels that he has lost money for so many years, so he plans to rely on this peach garden to make money back."

The flat peaches that flew to the mountain were delivered by Qingniao himself, and the letter was written by their uncle Xi Wangmu, so this matter can only be true.

Cihang felt helpless when he heard this, he said: "It seems that our little uncle must be unlucky again."

According to the disposition of their uncle, the Queen Mother of the West, there is a great chance that the entire peach orchard will be evacuated, or even a few peach trees will be pulled out.

Su Xuan smiled calmly, "Whether it's unlucky or not, it has nothing to do with us. After all, even if our little uncle knows about it, he will only be a dumb eater of coptis, and he will not be able to express his suffering."

After all, that flat peach garden still belongs to their Uncle Xiwangmu.

Naturally, I can eat whatever I want to eat the flat peaches in my home.



The Lord of Mount Tai, the place where he lives.

Lord Taishan looked at the departing Empress Nuwa, and felt very helpless. The title deeds of these caves and blessed lands had just come into his hands, but it was not long before they were knocked away by Nuwa.

Cooperating with him for so long is a waste of time.

In the gloomy thatched hut, Lord Taishan picked up the book of life and death on the table. Unlike the book of life and death in the underworld, the book of life and death in the hands of Lord Taishan can only control gods or immortals.

It depends on others, whether they can accept the talisman edicts of the thirty-three heavens. After all, the gods of the Conferred God line listen to the talisman edicts of the Sanqing Tianzun, and the gods of the West Kunlun line naturally listen to the talisman edicts of the Queen Mother of the West. .

It was also fortunate that Sun Wu had listened to the talisman edict of the thirty-three heavens, if it wasn't for Su Xuan's matter, I'm afraid he would have to spend a lot of trouble to do it.

"Monkey King!"

"Lingming stone monkey!"

"There is still a little bit of the origin of the Chaos Demon Ape. If this was in the period when the ancient gods ruled the world, it would be a demon."

"It's a pity ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now the Xuanmen is ruling the world!"

Then Lord Taishan picked up the carving knife that had not been used for many years, and began to scrape off the name of the spirit stone monkey Sun Wukong on the book of life and death.

It seems to use the spirit stone monkey, and it is born to raise and has a certain relationship with Wahuang Palace. It is said that what jumps out of the three realms is not among the five elements.

But no matter how you jump, as long as you don't reach the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, you will still be in this mountain in the end.

When the ancient gods ruled the world, Da Luo Jinxian was also called Da Luo God Venerable. Although the names were different, they were still in the same realm of cultivation.

"One scratch, two scratches, three and four scratches!

Scratch scratch, it's all destined! "



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