In the small town of Washan, on the road outside the inn, kneeling is full of believers who are extremely devout to the Buddha. The believers' foreheads touch the ground, regardless of whether there are sharp stones or not, will scratch their foreheads.

The sound of the Zen stick colliding with the ground is extremely heavy. Every time there is a collision, a deep hole will appear on the road, and the Zen sound resounds on the road.

Qi Nian, who was chanting sutras in the inn, looked at the old monk walking on the road, he stood up slowly, and he respectfully saluted: "Welcome to the first lecturer, coming to the world of Buddha."

He finally waited for the first seat of lectures. From the moment the first lecturer set foot on Mount Washan, the fate of the daughter of Hades was already doomed. The only thing waiting for the daughter of Hades was death.

"Congratulations to the first lecturer, coming to the world of Buddha."


The voices one after another are connected together, even the monks in Lanke Temple can clearly hear the voice, they stand up and salute respectfully towards the source of the voice.

Outside the cave!

Master Qishan listened to the compliment, sighed a long time, and said: "This day is finally coming, Lanke Lanke, will eventually return to silence."

He also has the ability to see the sky, but he rarely uses it, even now, but when he thinks of the tragic war that is about to break out, how can Lan Ke survive?


Outside the inn, on the road!

Surrounded by Qu Ni and the monks from the White Tower, the lecturer came to the outside of the inn, looked at Qi Nian shrouded in two talismans, and began to sigh.

Because he was very disappointed, as the leader of the Xuankong Temple of the Buddhist Sect, Qi Nian dared to steal the green pears from Qishan, it was indeed a bit astray.

Qu Ni looked at the silent head lecturer, and said aloud, "Master Lecturer, why didn't you rescue Master Qi Nian?"

The head lecturer looked at Qu Ni, and said helplessly, "Master Qu Ni, as the Great Master of Tianqing, you can go to Xuankong to inform me, but Master Qu Ni, Qi Nian can't come out yet."

In fact, even if Qu Ni didn't inform him, he would still come here, because this was the intention of many people, so he came here with the treasure left by the Buddha.

Qu Ni's complexion changed, and she asked, "Why?"

The head lecturer sighed: "This matter is very important, it is better not to know about the moon."

Qu Ni turned pale when she heard that, she snorted coldly, led the disciples of the White Pagoda, and left the inn angrily.

After Qu Ni left, Qi Nian, who was trapped under the talisman, respectfully said: "The disciple is guilty, please punish the master."

Listening to Qi Nian's apology, the head lecturer said, "Qi Nian, you still don't know your mistake. I came here this time for the daughter of Hades. Since you are trapped here by Su Xuan, I can't let you out now. Instead, I have to put this Buddhist gatha under the talisman."

While speaking, an irregular piece of sheepskin was taken off by the head lecturer. Dozens of Sanskrit characters were written on the already yellowed sheepskin. He is very good at suppressing, and can suppress others as well as himself.

Qi Nian looked at the roll of sheepskin in the hands of the head lecturer, and lost her voice: "Master Lecturer, why do you want to use the relics of the Buddha?"

The Buddha left behind a lot of instruments back then, among which the chessboard and the Yulan bell are the most well-known ones. We know that the Buddha's gatha left behind may even contain the spiritual imprint of the Buddha.

The head lecturer said: "It doesn't matter if you are trapped, the green pear is always important, and it doesn't matter if Su Xuan and his wife's talisman traps you, what matters is the prophecy of the Buddha."

"Pluto came to the world, and Eternal Night is about to come. The Buddha naturally wanted to confirm whether this underworld girl, who is considered by the world, is the real daughter of Pluto."

Qi Nian asked, "The Buddha is still alive?"

The head lecturer replied: "I don't know, that's why I put the Buddha's gatha under the talisman and wait for the maiden to come."

In order to deal with Pluto, the Buddha left a lot of means back then. Since Qi Nian was trapped by Su Xuan, he had no choice but to follow the plan of Su Xuan and Master. If you want to blame, you can only blame Qi Nian for being too self-assertive. , after all, he now also wants to see if Hades really exists, which is very important to the Buddhist sect.

After listening to Qi Nian, he saluted and said: "For the sake of the common people in the world, Qi Nian is willing to listen to the arrangement of Master Sutra."

As the world walker of the Xuankong Temple of the Buddhist sect, he has already entered the game deeply, and he has already been trapped in it, unable to break free. This is naturally the best arrangement.

The Buddha's gatha floated automatically without wind, and floated under the two divine talismans. The two divine talismans did not prevent the Buddha's gatha from entering, but opened a gap between the paths, allowing the Buddha's gatha to enter under the divine talisman faster.

The Buddha's gatha entered the talisman, and Qi Nian immediately felt the sound of Zen, and an unimaginable breath appeared in the talisman. He felt the breath and fell into a deep meditation.

The head lecturer looked at Qi Nian who had fallen into meditation, and said: "The seeds that have been planted for hundreds of years are now about to blossom and bear fruit."

After a little emotion, he slowly exited the inn. Since he came to Mount Wa, he always wanted to see Mount Qi. After all, Qi Nian stole the green pears from the pear tree planted by the Buddha. He should all go and see.

Looking at the head lecturer walking in the direction of Lanke, the extremely devout believers in Buddha became more and more devout. Today, they have believed in Buddha for many years and finally saw the Buddha in the world and came to Lanke Temple.


On the wasteland!

Beside an ox cart, the master looked at Ning Que, who had already set off again, and drank several glasses of wine in a row. Then the master seemed to feel that drinking with a wine glass was not, so he drank heavily from the jar.

Li Slowly, who was leaning on a leg of lamb, turned the grill and said, "Teacher, my junior brother is about to arrive at Lanke, but Qingli is already in Qi Nian's hands, and Qi Nian is trapped under the talisman again." , how should the younger brother get green pears?"

Although the junior brother's cultivation is close to his fate, but facing the two divine talismans and the Buddhist gatha left by the Buddha back then, he knows very well that the junior brother will really be powerless in this situation.

After drinking the jar of wine again, the master said, "You all only care about your little junior brother Ning Que, whether Sangsang can survive, but who cares now whether I can drink and eat roasted happily like this again? Where's the leg of lamb?"

Li smiled slowly and said: "Teacher, you are jealous again, why can't you drink wine happily and eat roast leg of lamb?"

Ever since the Battle of Yanming Lake, he had noticed that something was wrong with the teacher, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so now he is extremely anxious.

Listening to Li's slow answer, the master didn't say anything, but after drinking a few jars of wine, he laughed and said, "Is there really anything in this world that can exist forever?"

"I don't think so. It's just that when we can't see when we will leave, then the departure is normal, but when we see the departure, the normal is no longer."




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