Outside the camp!

Yu Lian looked at the person and said with a smile, "I don't know what kind of consensus the teacher and Mr. Su have reached, but I'm very happy with this choice. Could it be that Mr. Su wants to stop me from coming here today?"

She did go against her master's wishes, and ran out of the old book building secretly, and came to the wilderness less than a few dozen miles away from Lanke.

But so what, since she was able to walk out of the academy, it showed that the teacher did not object to her behavior, and the teacher could do anything without prohibition, so it was reasonable for her to come here.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan approached Ye Hongyu, Mo Shanshan worriedly took out a bottle of elixir, walked towards Ye Hongyu, approached Ye Hongyu's side, Mo Shanshan poured out a elixir from the bottle, It was fed to the seriously injured but stubborn Ye Hongyu.

Not long after taking the pill, Ye Hongyu fainted in Mo Shanshan's arms. Mo Shanshan's snow-white robe was stained with blood. Su Xuan frowned and said, "Mr. Disperse, but how can the cage in Ning Que's heart dissipate, according to the agreement between my master and his old man, Ning Que has to stay here for a while."

Just as Tang Seng had to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties when traveling westward, he, a fellow villager, naturally needs to go through a lot of hardships if he wants to get green pears. He must let the one in the sky be full of infinite nostalgia for the world. The first seat of the lecture, he walked too slowly, otherwise Ning Que would have been able to leave by now to experience all kinds of hardships after marriage.

Yu Lian walked into the camp with small steps, and said frankly, "But since I'm here, my junior brother will definitely leave today. Are you really going to stop me?"

Su Xuan turned his head and met Mo Shanshan's worried eyes. He signaled Mo Shanshan not to worry, and said, "I am a person who keeps my promise. Since I have an agreement with my master, I will definitely be firm before the truth is revealed." Unswervingly maintain it, so Mr. San, you came here against the order of the teacher, and you should turn around and go back to the mountain."

In the whole matter, the most important thing is not the result of Qingli, but the ordeal that Ning Que and Sangsang went through when they got married, so the ordeal did not happen, Ning Que should naturally stay here for a while, Wait until the Buddhist gatha from the Buddhist sect arrives.

Yu Lian said: "Then there is only one fight. I will be very happy to be able to fight Mr. Su."

The chill was chilling, and the cicadas chirped again in the field, but this time the cicadas chirped more intensively. The surviving Xiling guard cavalry in the camp had two bloodstains flowing from their ears.

The dense humming of cicadas caused Ye Hongyu's injury to recur after taking the elixir. Mo Shanshan listened to the humming of the cicadas and said, "If this continues, Ye Hongyu will die."

After hearing this, Su Xuan waved his hand and cast a barrier to block the cicadas singing all over the sky. He walked towards Yu Lian and said as he walked, "Mr. San, the 23rd year of the Demon Sect's cicadas are really mysterious. You have entered the Heavenly Demon Realm, but you are still no match for me."

In the 23rd year of Mozong's technique, the cicada is indeed comparable to the metamorphosis of heaven and man, but he has already entered the realm of innate primordial spirit and real person, what can the heavenly demon do to him?

He originally didn't want to fight Yu Lian outside Mount Wa, but the third gentleman of the academy really didn't take his master's choice seriously.

Yu Lian said coldly: "Mr. Su, it's useless to talk too much. Today I want to take my junior brother to Lanke. Anyone who stops me will be an enemy of my Mingzong."

"Haha!" Su Xuan said with a smile: "Mingzong, I haven't heard this name for a long time. Since Mister San is fighting as the suzerain of the Demon Sect, I should be satisfied."

Mr. San of the Academy would go against Master's will if he fought with him, but Lin Wu, the suzerain of the Demon Sect, naturally didn't have to worry about Master's will when he fought with him. After all, Yu Lian was also the master of a sect, so naturally he had to save face.

"Then let's fight!"

Yu Lian said these words very calmly, but her face was full of solemnity, the realm of Heavenly Demon, a realm that has not existed for a long time, was urged to the extreme by Yu Lian.

Gu Gong Yu Lian's entire body seemed to turn into chilling cicadas, and the vibrating cicada wings seemed to tear apart the void.

But at this moment, Yu Lian didn't have the devilish aura as he had imagined, on the contrary, he had the aura of being out of the dust.

Su Xuan said in admiration: "Mr. San is really extraordinary. He was able to realize from the Tao Te Ching that the means of demonic heart control Taoism, but Taoism also has divine arts. I will let Mr. San take a look today. Tao coincides."

He pointed his palm in the direction of the ox cart, and the seven volumes of heavenly books in the bullock cart flew out of the carriage, and each of the seven volumes of heavenly books was captured by him.

The seven auras merged into one aura and went straight to the sky above the blue sky. Su Xuan raised his head to look at the blue sky, and a vast force fell from the blue sky.

This is not the power of the human world, nor the power of practitioners. It is the power of Tao. All things are born of Tao, so all things are Tao. With the help of heavenly scriptures and Tao, and the power of the most basic rules of heaven and earth for a short time, naturally It is unstoppable.

Yu Lian started to retreat quickly, but after a moment, she looked at herself who was still in place, and said, "The law of time?"

She couldn't think of how Su Xuan used such a time slot, but Yu Lian knew that she was defeated, just as Ye Hongyu was defeated by her with only one move, now she was defeated by Su Xuan with only one move.

Su Xuan said: "Well, that's right, this is indeed the law of time. The seven volumes of heavenly books still have some magical effects. When they are in harmony with the Tao, they can naturally understand some magical effects of time. The demons may be able to break through space, but they can't break through time. Mr. San, you should go back."

Yu Lian sighed, and said: "I was indeed defeated, and now I should go back and continue to copy the small letters of the hairpin~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But, Mr. Su, don't think that you are the best in the world. Invincible."

Although she was defeated, she was still very unwilling. Su Xuan used the power of the heavenly book to use up some time, but even so, Su Xuan was not invincible, because the only one who was invincible in the world was her teacher, the master. He is an old man.

Su Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Master is still here, who in this world would dare to call himself invincible?"


Listening to Su Xuan's answer, Yu Lian happily walked towards the distance, because how could Master leave? She walked towards Ning Que's carriage, and even if she wanted to go back, she had to explain to Ning Que first.

Ye Hongyu, who had already woken up leisurely, looked at Yu Lian who was walking towards the carriage, and asked, "I didn't expect the third gentleman of the Academy to be the Sect Master of the Demon Sect, and the master would accept the Sect Master of the Demon Sect as his disciple. If the world knew about it, they would definitely Extremely horrified."

Su Xuan looked at Ye Hongyu who was seriously injured, and said: "You better not do anything stupid, I don't want to hear cicadas singing day and night with my family."

A demon sect master, even if he copied the hairpin flower script for 23 years, he still couldn't get rid of his hostility. Naturally, he didn't want to listen to cicadas singing day and night.




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