Nami looked at Luffy and Chopper and said, "You guys are really being played by her, you deserve to be the former vice president of the Baroque Work Society!"

I saw Robin take out a bag from his pocket, put it on the table and said, "Before I came here, I also took some of Klockdahl's gems on my body, what should I do with it now?"

Nami heard that it was a gem, her eyes instantly lit up, and she came to Robin in two steps, and said very intimately, "I love you to death, big sister ,......".

Sanji had already brought the prepared dessert and was courteous to Robin.

And Zoro looked at the change of face a little helplessly, Nami who was so fast, a little helpless, these teammates didn't have a reliable one at all, Lin Mo really found a trouble to come back!

After a while, Robin got along very well with the people on the ship, Lin Mo thought that he was a strongman who started working with pirates at the age of 8, and the bounty hunter Zhou Xuan, in the case of Robin, I don't know how many times I have been reincarnated.

Lin Mo suddenly felt very sorry for Robin when he thought of this, and if it was possible, he hoped that Robin's idea would not let her experience the incident on Justice Island again.

Robin deciphered the text of Lin Mo's history in Alabastan, most of the text recorded on it was disorganized, only a small part could be read smoothly, but it was all useless information, and it seemed that it was necessary to gather all the historical texts to be able to fully interpret it.

Lin Mo looked at the treasure obtained by the colorful mist in the system space, he now has almost 1 billion Bailey's treasures, according to his memory, Frankie spent 200 million Bailey to buy the materials for the construction of the Wanli Sunshine, it is no problem for him to build twice as large, and the rest of the treasures may be of great use in the future.

Luffy and the others were on the deck of the Merry, discussing the magic of the colorful mist.

Countless sawdust and debris fell from the sky as if it were raining.

Puzzled, everyone looked up one after another, only to see a huge ship descending from the sky, the mast broken, and the hull of the ship also broken, and everyone was surprised.

Fortunately, the main body of the giant shipwreck did not smash directly towards the Merry, and the scattered wood chips and debris were blocked by Lin Mo with a giant umbrella.

But then, the huge waves formed around made everyone scramble for a while, and it was not easy to stabilize the hull.

Luffy looked

at the sky and said, "Why did the ship fall from the sky?, isn't it?" Usopp shuddered and hugged Chopper and said, "What the hell is this great voyage? It's strange enough to have a ship's graveyard in the colorful mist!There are still ships falling from the sky!

" Sanji noticed that Nami had been looking at the record pointer in his hand and asked curiously, "Nami, what's wrong?".

Nami looked at the recording pointer and said, "What should I do, the recording pointer is broken, and now it keeps pointing to the sky and doesn't move!"

Robin's experience is not comparable to Nami's, and said, "No, I think I was attracted by the more magnetic island, so I changed the record to a new one."

Nami said suspiciously, "If you're attracted to a stronger island, you can't point it into the air."

Robin looked at the sky and said, "Possibly, it may have been taken away from the record by the legendary

Sky Island!" Luffy said excitedly, "Is it an island floating in the sky?"

Usopp asked tremblingly, "Is it possible that the ship just now came down from the Sky Island

?" Zoro looked up at the sky and said, "But the sky doesn't seem to see the islands?"

Robin explained to everyone, "To be exact, it should be the sea that floats."

As soon as they heard that it was Hiusop and Chopper who floated, they instantly became as scared as they were and became as excited as Luffy.

Luffy said excitedly, "Robin, you mean that the sea is floating in the sky, and there's an island there, right?

Usopp also chimed in and said, "Full speed ahead!"

Sanji said helplessly, "You better figure it out first, how can the ship go up

, right?" Luffy looked at Lin Mo excitedly and said, "Lin Mo, didn't you fly with the Merry before? You can do it this time, right?"

Lin Mo said speechlessly, "That time it was just gliding, but I didn't let the Merry fly." There's no way I can get the Merry to fly.

Luffy suddenly collapsed on the deck in disappointment.

At this point, Robin continued, "I haven't been to Sky Island either, and I've only heard about it.

Nami said, "You just heard that these rumors are probably false, how can there be a sea in the sky, it must be that the record pointer is broken."

At this time, Robin solemnly said to Nami, "No, Miss Navigator, what you should be thinking about now is not to record where the pointer is broken, but how to get to the sky." You must remember that no matter how bizarre the condition of this ship, you must not doubt the record pointer in your hand, which is the iron rule of navigation on the great voyage, and must not be judged by the common sense of your own head.

Lin Mo also said at this time, "I once saw a record of the sky island, it seems to be 10,000 meters above the sky, and the sea there is called the White Sea. Lin Mo knew how to go up, but he didn't know that there was an upwelling current, and he had forgotten how he had met the man named Kulik.

Nami said, "Where did

Luffy go?" and it was only then that several people realized that Luffy and Usopp were gone.

Chopper said, "Luffy and Usopp went on an adventure on that ship that hadn't sunk yet.

At this time, Usopp was shouting for help with Luffy behind his back, Lin Mo directly stretched out his arms and grabbed the two of them, thinking in his heart, "I look like a normal person now, and my long arms look very similar to Luffy, and if I don't tell my fruit ability in the future, wouldn't it be less common for fewer people to guess what they ate Sure enough."

Luffy returned to the ship with an excited face, opened the map in his hand and said, "Look!

Nami took the map from Luffy's hand, looked at it for a while, and said, "So there's really an empty island."

Luffy said excitedly, "There's a map, let's go."

Nami frowned, "Do you know how to get there?" Looks like we're going to have to find a way to get all the information out of that ship. "

Usopp was helpless, but the ship sank." Nami

said, "Then you can go down and get it for me." "

Then I'll go salvage

" Luffy volunteered and said angrily Zoro said angrily, "Where can I do it!Luffy, you're still a landlubber

!" Nami smiled like a devil and said, "I have a way!"

Soon, Nami instructed Usopp to use a barrel to make a diving device for Luffy Zoro and Sanji, each of whom made a diving device, and the others guarded the ship in case something unexpected happened.

Not long after the three of them jumped, a huge ship in the distance came towards the Merry, with a pair of huge monkeys holding a pair of cymbals in the bow, many people on board seemed to be playing to the beat, and on the bow stood a guy who looked like an ape.

Lin Mo looked at this guy and thought, "Is this guy a human or a monkey?" This guy seems to have something to do with that person.

At this time, the other party had already come to the Merry, and the ape king said to everyone, "Hey, what are you doing there, this is my territory." All the shipwrecks in this sea belong to Uncle Ben.

Nami whispered, "Let's not let him know that we're salvaging yet, okay?" The

King of the Apes was angry and said, "Don't whisper there.

Lin Mo knew that this guy had a small weakness, so he said, "We didn't whisper to me, but you really look like a monkey."

Nami and Usopp turned pale when they heard Lin Mo speak like this, they just said that they should be careful, when did Lin Mo become so unreliable.

Before Usopp and Nami could react, the King of the Apes was already narcissistically saying, "Oh, I really look like an ape! Are you complimenting me on how manly I am!"

Lin Mo said, "Do you want to salvage the shipwreck now?Can you show us how you did it?"

The King of the Apes said, "I understand, you must think it's very strange, then let you see it!"

The King of the Apes was excited, he told everyone to move, and after the huge monkey with the cymbals in the bow of the ship fell, the King of the Apes directly picked up the connecting pipe, took a deep breath, and blew it down.

A large amount of air entered, and suddenly the sea bubbles rolled, and then continued to blow with the machine, trying to use the air to float the wreck up.

Just when the shipwreck was still floating, someone suddenly found that there were people in the shipwreck, and found that the little brother of the person was also injured, and when he heard the news, the ape king immediately jumped into the sea.

After a while, a giant sea turtle the size of an island suddenly appeared in the sea, and Luffy's breathing tube was bitten in the mouth by the giant turtle.

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