Because it had been 3 days since Luffy woke up, the banquet for everyone in the Kingdom of Alabastan began.

And the first thing Luffy did when he woke up was to eat meat, and when he heard that he had been asleep for 3 days, he instantly calculated that he had eaten 15 meals less, according to his algorithm of 5 meals a day, it was really not wrong at all!

The members and senior agents of the Baroque Work Society, as well as the president of the company, Klockdahl, had all been arrested by Navy Smoker.

The matter of the Seven Martial Seas Disaster Country has been known to the world, and the matter of Luffy and his people saving the country of Alabastan has been covered up by the world government, and at this time, Smoker has been set up as a hero by the world government.

And Smoker and Dusty were awarded medals and official titles by the World Government for their meritorious service in the crusade against Crocodall, but Smoker refused to receive the medal because of this matter, and he was even more angry and directly asked people to send a message to the five old stars on his behalf, "To hell with me!".

On the other side, everyone opened a banquet in the Kingdom of Alabastan, and Vivi and Lin Mo are officially engaged, of course, now only Luffy and a few people in Alabastan know about it, Sanji knows that they are all jealous to death, and Nami looks at Lin Mo with a strange expression, not because she likes Lin Mo, but because she is curious how Vivi likes this elm pimple.

In addition, Mikita knew that Lin Mo had told Vivi about Mikita, and Mikita and her subordinates could be regarded as a hole card for Vivi to protect Alabastan.

The atmosphere of the whole banquet was very cheerful, and Luffy really ate all the food he hadn't eaten in the past three days.

Lin Mo saw that Zoro was so happy to drink at this time, thinking about whether to drink a little more himself, looking at the wine bottle and reaching out to get

it, Sanji saw Lin Mo stretching out his hand at this time, and said, "You guy still don't drink, now you are crazy with alcohol, but no one cares." Lin

Mo thought about it, it would be good to be able to drink a glass now without getting drunk, and it would be impossible to say if he drank it again.

Character Panel

: Neferutari Lin Mo

Fruit Ability: Mu Mu Fruit (Unawakened)

Physical Strength 2538 Strength 2269

Speed 2468

Mental Power 3349

Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering Primary Progress


Armed Color Domineering Unawakened (Awakening Progress 85%)

Overlord Color Domineering Primary Progress 1%.

Baihao no Jutsu (Ninjutsu created by the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade, the chakra that is usually produced is accumulated and released when it is to be used.) After the system is modified, it can store the natural energy transformed by the host, and increase physical and mental strength after release.

Lin Mo thought, "This time because of the completion of the mission in Alabastan, I really got a lot of improvement, and the biggest gain this time is the "Baihao Technique", so that I don't have to worry about physical strength and mental problems." "

System, after the energy storage of Baihao's technique is completed, will there be an extra mark on my forehead?" "

Yes, host. "

I have a mark like this on the forehead of a big man, it feels weird, is there a way to remove this mark. "

No, and the host can't be covered up with ability, this can't be changed, unless the host gives up the Baihao technique.

"Forget it, you can't give up this skill. Blame it.

On board the Merry, Mr.2 von Klay said, "If it weren't for me, your ship would have been towed away by the Navy." Mr. 2 von Klay said.

Luffy said, "You helped us wrap up the Merry from the Navy." Usopp

asked, "Why?" Mr.2

von Clay showed his characteristic smile and said, "Aren't we friends?" and then Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper celebrated together on the deck.

Lin Mo was a little speechless, they were really the same kind of people! No wonder Xiao Feng would work hard for Luffy in Advance City later, this is also a good person.

At this time, the navy had already discovered them and was rushing towards them, Mr.2 von Clay decided to take the form of Luffy to lead the navy away, so he did not stop the Merry, and everyone successfully broke through the naval blockade and successfully sailed out of Alabastan.

At this time, Lin Molai suddenly thought at the bow of the ship that he had promised to give Robin the historical text, because he had been busy before, and he forgot about it, and he didn't know if Robin had secretly boarded the Merry now.

And just when Lin Mo thought of Robin, a woman came out of the cabin and said, "Have we already entered and left Alabastan, it's hard work."

When everyone was surprised how Robin was on the boat, they immediately surrounded Sanji and saw Robin immediately looked lustful, and said, "What a beautiful big sister I saw in the king's tomb before."

Chopper asked curiously, "Didn't she disappear from the palace?" Because

Chopper didn't reveal Robin's identity when he was treating Robin, Chopper and Sanji didn't know that Robin was Crocodyll's partner.

Usopp hid behind the mast "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Zoro and Nami had already pulled out their weapons, but they were instantly knocked out by Robin with his ability.

Robin said, "Didn't I say, don't point something so dangerous at me. Then he looked at Nami and said, "I'll borrow this one of yours."

Nami angrily said, "Hey, when the hell did you get on the boat?" and

Robin said, "I've been on the boat all along, waiting for you."

Nami asked, "What do you want to do here?"

Robin looked at Lin Mo and said, "Lin Mo, you promised me, that is the happiest thing for me, you won't forget it, right?"

Sanji Robin said, immediately grabbed Lin Mo's collar and said, "Lin Mo, you already have Weiwei, how can you still do such a thing."

As soon as Lin Mo heard it, he knew that Robin was talking about the text of history, but when he said this, it was clear that he was making others think crookedly, this black-bellied woman must have complained that I hadn't gone to her for the past few days, so he said, "Hey, I have a wife now, I can't talk nonsense, isn't it just that I haven't been looking for you in the past two days!"

Sanji immediately became even more angry and said, "Lin Mo, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Mo reacted at this time, it seemed that it was easier for people to misunderstand when he said this, and he just wanted to continue to explain.

Robin immediately said, "Don't you want your fiancée to know about us?" Nami came over directly at this time and gave Lin Mo a fist, and said, "Weiwei is my good sister, you just got engaged, how can you do such a thing?"

Robin suddenly said affectionately, "Your fiancée

is Princess Weiwei, you really can't tell her, and you'd better not let others know about your relationship with Weiwei, so that you can continue to search."

Lin Mo understood what Robin meant, if the World Government knew that Weiwei's fiancé was collecting and interpreting the historical text, it might be possible to attack Alabastan at that time.

Lin Mo replied casually, "Of course I have to hide that Weiwei is my fiancée, so that I can find ...... with peace of mind" Before Lin Mo's words were finished, he ushered in Nami's fist, and said angrily, "Now there is one here, do you still want to find it?"

Sanji also angrily grabbed Lin Mo and shook the front and back of the collar, Lin Mo's head was dizzy from being shaken, and he said without thinking about it, "Of course I have to continue to look for it, now I only have one ......".

Before Lin Mo could finish speaking, he was interrupted by everyone, he was really "beaten", except for Luffy, who didn't know anything, even Zoro did

it! After Lin Mo endured a period of "love education", he profoundly realized that women can't be provoked casually, especially a black-bellied woman like Robin, isn't it just a pigeon that has been released for a few days? But she can't find fault with her, what she said is the truth! Lin Mo can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, thinking that he is unlucky.

Lin Mo explained, "I just asked Robin to interpret the text of history. After speaking, he looked at Robin, that means about the same, hurry up and help explain.

Robin looked at Luffy and said, "He has the historical text I've been looking for, and I don't have anywhere to go, so let me be on the ship and be your partner."

Luffy thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then stay, don't worry, this guy is not a bad person."

Lin Mo couldn't stop laughing as he watched Luffy and Chopper being conjured up by Robin's conjured arms, this captain was really coaxing.

Usopp pulled out a table and asked Robin.

Usopp looked serious, "Say, what's your name?"

Then he thought that he should introduce himself first, and he lowered his head and said, "My name is Usopp, please give me a lot of advice."

Robin said nonchalantly, "Nicole Robin."

Usopp asked, "What is your profession?" said

Robin, "archaeologist." Usopp

thought for a moment and asked, "Then what are you good at?"

Robin put his arm on the table, supported his cheek with one hand and said: "Assassination

" Hearing these two words, Usopp instantly stopped calm, and said to Luffy with a crying voice: "Luffy, the result of my inquiry is that this woman is very dangerous......".

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