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Chapter 254 The truth

There was a huge roar.

The door of Pansi Cave was violently opened by the Bull Demon King.

Yang Bo looked at the huge trident in the Bull Demon King's hand and turned to look at Ancestor Bodhi.

Is it okay for you, a god, to deal with a goblin?

Ancestor Bodhi felt the power emanating from the Bull Demon King and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Originally, I was fine, but when I came here I was accidentally slapped by Shimen and was seriously injured. Now I am no match for him!

The Supreme Treasure looked at the shameless look of Patriarch Bodhi and said with disdain: You, a god, are no longer good after being slapped by Shimen. Are you so withered?

Ancestor Bodhi frowned and said forcefully: I...I'm just an auxiliary god, I'm not good at fighting at all, okay!

Okay, trash is trash! Stop explaining!

At this time, the Bull Demon King also walked up to several people and pointed his trident at the Supreme Treasure. Apparently he already knew who the reincarnation of Sun Wukong was.

Damn monkey, I found you today. You dare to seduce the second sister-in-law. I'll fuck you to death, you bastard!

As he spoke, he raised his fork and thrust it at the Supreme Treasure.

The Supreme Treasure hurriedly avoided, but did not stop and said: It's not your wife who slept with me, it was Sun Wukong! Why do you ask Monkey King to have anything to do with my Supreme Treasure?

Also, if you can't blame others, how about I introduce you to a doctor?

If you don't say it's okay, once you mention it, the Bull Demon King will be blown away.

Boy, you are looking for death!!

At this time, Bai Jingjing and Chun Shisanniang systematically resisted the attack of the Bull Demon King.

How dare you two little goblins stop me?

The Bull Demon King looked as if he had been insulted, and the attacks on his hands became more fierce.

Zhizunbao looked at the two suppressed monsters and ran back to Yang Bo at a loss and asked: Lord, what should we do now?

Yang Bo showed a meaningful smile on his face and said to the Supreme Treasure: Do you believe me?

Zhizunbao's expression immediately became serious and said: Believe it! As long as we don't talk about money, I believe whatever you say!

Yang Bo took out a few immortal totems and stuffed them into Zhizunbao's hands.

Zhizunbao panicked: Group leader, what do you mean?

After joining the chat group for so long, Zhizunbao certainly knew the purpose of the thing in his hand, but he couldn't imagine why Yang Bo suddenly gave him this thing?

Yang Bo said seriously: If you know how, rush over and let the Bull Demon King kill you!

Zhizunbao couldn't believe it: Group leader, did you take money? Do you want to play me?

Okay, don't be poor, nothing will happen! If it doesn't work, just teleport and run away!

After Yang Bo finished speaking, he pushed Zhizunbao directly. Zhizunbao had no way to directly confront the Bull Demon King.

Damn monkey, finally stop hiding behind women, suffer death! The huge trident went directly towards the head of Supreme Treasure, but was stopped by Bai Jingjing.

Miss Jingjing, don't worry about me! Let him torture me to death today!

Bai Jingjing suspected that she had heard wrongly and took a moment to glance at the defenseless Supreme Treasure.

And after saying this, Zhizunbao closed his eyes, looking generous and righteous.

What are you doing? Do you want to die? Bai Jingjing said in a panic. She felt that the power of the Bull Demon King was getting stronger and stronger, and she was about to lose her place.

Miss Jingjing, I don't want you to be thinking about another person when you see me. That would make me really sad. I don't know why I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. If I had to Add a summary to this feeling, and it’s love at first sight!”

Yang Bo was directly aroused by Zhizunbao's sexy tricks. He didn't expect that this guy would not forget to pick up girls at this time. He was truly worthy of Zhizunbao.

Yang Bo suddenly wanted to take back the totem of immortality and let this guy die!

Bai Jingjing's defense was directly broken by Zhizunbao's words, and her eye circles suddenly turned red.


Then he was kicked away by the Bull Demon King.

How dare you be distracted when you face me with such strength?

Damn monkey, die! The Bull Demon King took this opportunity to take the trident and thrust it directly into the chest of the Supreme Treasure. The speed was so fast that Bai Jingjing and Chun Shisanniang had no time to stop it.

The Supreme Treasure... Bai Jingjing watched helplessly as the trident got closer and closer to the Supreme Treasure.

Blood flowed out of Zhizunbao's chest.

Fuck! It hurts!!

The trident directly stabbed the Supreme Treasure's chest for about a centimeter and then stopped.

Bull Demon King, can you do it? No wonder your wife doesn't want to follow you. She looks so fierce, but she just came in so early and then she can't do it? At this time, Zhizunbao also realized that something was wrong, and the Bull Demon King didn't even push in.

The Bull Demon King pulled out his trident and said helplessly: When did you find out?

Zhizunbao was confused. He just vaguely felt that something was not right, but he couldn't explain it specifically.

But Yang Bo came out and said with a smile: I felt something was wrong from the beginning!

The Bull Demon King looked at Yang Bo who was speaking with a helpless expression: Although I don't know who you are, if the Supreme Treasure doesn't continue to act according to the script, none of us can escape!

Zhizunbao was stunned for a moment: Script?

Yang Bo spoke and explained: Zhizunbao, I felt something was wrong from the beginning. You have moved, and Chun Shisanniang can find you. Logically speaking, her destination is Wuyue Mountain, but she appears strangely in you. Don’t you think it’s strange that you have to move somewhere?”

And then Bai Jingjing and Ancestor Bodhi all appeared in front of you for various reasons!

What makes me most certain is that when I asked Patriarch Bodhi how he knew you were here, Patriarch Bodhi said he calculated it!

Supreme Treasure, since you met us, your destiny has changed. It is not something that this Bodhi Patriarch can calculate!

When Patriarch Bodhi heard this, he quickly said: I really figured it out!

Okay, Patriarch Bodhi, it's not that I look down on you, you are just trash! You can't even defeat the Bull Demon King! Does it matter?

What you calculated is just what someone told you in the dark!

Patriarch Bodhi looked like he couldn't believe it.

Zhizunbao also noticed that something was not right at some point, but he still said with some doubts: Group leader, who is causing trouble behind this?

Yang Bo smiled and said: In my mind, there is one person who can do it. Tathagata Buddha, am I right?


A figure appeared directly inside the Pansi Cave, and a faint fluorescent light was seen around his body.

Boy, your road is narrow!

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