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Chapter 253 Ancestor Bodhi and the Bull Demon King

Bai Jingjing also broke free from Chun Shisanniang's spider thread and stood next to Zhizunbao.

Since Great Immortal Pansi disappeared, no one has come here anymore. Even our fellow apprentices and sisters rarely come back.

Bai Jingjing's expression was very serious. She transformed into a bone whip and held it in her hand, becoming alert.

After listening to Bai Jingjing's words, Zhizunbao looked at Yang Bo.

Yang Bo had already seen the avatar outside the door through the small map. It was none other than Patriarch Bodhi.

Go and open the door. Your grape is here to find you! I just want to ask him something!

After hearing this, Zhizunbao first breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: I have already come here, how can this guy still find me?

It's not easy for a god to do calculations. It's not easy to find you. He could find you at the beginning. What's the problem with being able to find you now?

Zhizunbao suddenly realized: No problem! I'll open the door!

After saying that, he ran towards the entrance of Pansi Cave.

Open sesame!

The huge stone door panel fell down directly.

Ah~ A scream came from outside Pansi Cave.

The Supreme Treasure walked out of the stone door and looked around, but did not see Patriarch Bodhi at all.

Huh? Where are the people?

People nowadays are really rude. They knock on the door randomly. Don't let me know who it is, otherwise I will definitely beat him up!

As he spoke, he jumped a few times on the stone door.

As the Supreme Treasure beat, a faint sound came from under the stone door.


Only then did Zhizunbao jump down on the stone door.

Close Sesame! The stone slabs rose in response.

Ancestor Bodhi was completely glued to the stone slab.

Hey~ are you okay?

The Supreme Treasure stared at Patriarch Bodhi with his mouth open, and stretched out his hand to poke him.

Ancestor Bodhi slowly raised his face on the stone slab, and a complete facial model appeared on it.


Zhizunbao pretended not to know him and asked: Who are you? Whose surname and name? Where are you from? How many people are in the family? What is the purpose of coming here? Tell me~

Patriarch Bodhi was directly confused by the words of the Supreme Treasure.

What a mess, I am Patriarch Bodhi, a god, and I am here to save you!

God? God was photographed under the door? Zhizunbao looked unbelieving.

Patriarch Bodhi looked at the Supreme Treasure's disbelieving look and became a little worried: I am really a fairy! The two women in the cave are fairies, you must not be fooled by them!

Zhizunbao's face was full of disbelief: Fairy? I have seen the demon, but I haven't come out yet!

If you don't believe it, I have a demon mirror here. As long as you take a chance to look at the other person, you will know!

As he spoke, Patriarch Bodhi took out the demon mirror from his arms and handed it to the Supreme Treasure.

He snatched the Supreme Treasure and pretended to be stupid for a long time just to look at the demon mirror. It was a treasure after all.

Okay, let's go in and talk together. Don't worry, the goblin has been subdued and the baby is now pregnant!

Ancestor Bodhi: “???”

He murmured: So powerful?

Following Zhizunbao into Pansi Cave, the first thing he saw was Chun Shisanniang lying on the ground, her belly already growing.

Holy crap! Are you serious?

Ancestor Bodhi was shocked. He didn't expect that the goblin was really pregnant.

Seeing that Patriarch Bodhi's mouth could no longer be closed, Yang Bo smiled and said, Did you expect the Supreme Treasure to be here?

When Patriarch Bodhi heard someone calling him, he came back to his senses and looked at Yang Bo with a serious look on his face: Who are you?

My name is Yang Bo, and I am a friend of Zhizunbao. I would like to ask if you expected Zhizunbao to be here?

Ancestor Bodhi nodded: I calculated that Sun Wukong's reincarnation would be in danger, so I came here to help him, but I didn't expect... As he said this, he glanced at Chun Shisanniang lying on the ground.

After hearing what Patriarch Bodhi said, Yang Bo's smile became even brighter and he had some guesses in his mind.

Yang Bo turned his head and looked at Chun Shisanniang who was lying on the ground. At this moment, Chun Shisanniang had tears in her eyes.

I don't think I, Chun Shisanniang, who is as beautiful as a flower, would be pregnant with such a man's child!

Okay, don't be sad! Do you still want to see Tang Seng? Hurry up and give birth to the child first!

I don’t know what the scientific reason is, but Chun Shisanniang’s belly is completely visible to the naked eye and is constantly growing.

No, I'm going to give birth! Spring Thirteenth Mother directly grabbed the second master's hair.

Ah~ It's going to fall, it's going to fall!

The other three people could not help at all and could only run aside. After all, it was not easy for men to intervene in the birth of a child, and it was not easy for men to watch it live.

Only Bai Jingjing stayed to help.

Wow! With a cry, the child was born.

Yang Bo and others walked back and looked at the wrapped child and the rosy-faced Chun Shisanniang and said, I think the goblin is stronger. It will be fine just after giving birth!

Thinking about the plot, Chun Shisanniang can draw her sword and fight the Bull Demon King just after giving birth, and there is no problem if her face is rosy.

Chun Shisanniang held the child in her arms, looking like she was bursting with motherly love. Then she heard the footsteps and raised her head, looking at Yang Bo fiercely: Humph, your goal has been achieved. Where is Tang Monk?

Yang Bo smiled and ignored Chun Shisanniang, but looked at the second master who was cautious and didn't know what to do.

Second Master, congratulations, you are now a father. By the way, what do you think the child should be called?

This series of events has made the second master unable to react at all. After hearing Yang Bo's words, he walked to Chun Shisanniang and said carefully: Madam...

Don't call me ma'am! Spring Thirteenth Mother gave the second master a fierce look.

Although the second master was a little sad, he still nodded: Chun Shisanniang, you see the child is so cute, and you want Tang Seng so much, then our child will be called Tang Seng!

Chun Shisanniang looked at the child in her arms as if she had been struck by lightning: My child is actually Tang Monk?

Yang Bo's voice came over and said: Chun Shisanniang, I'm not lying to you. How do you want to eat it?

You already knew that, right? Chun Shisanniang held the child tightly in her arms and looked at the people around her warily.

Hehe, it's what you want, not what I gave to you! Yang Bo stood up, looked at Chun Shisanniang and continued: Okay, give the child to your husband. Calculate the time of the Bull Demon King. It’s time to come!”

As soon as Yang Bo finished speaking, a loud noise came from the entrance of Pansi Cave.

Smelly monkey, you bastard who seduced my second sister-in-law, come out and die!

Hearing the clamor of the Bull Demon King, the corners of Yang Bo's mouth raised slightly.


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