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Chapter 247 Factory

Back in Minecraft, Yang Bo stuffed the spaceship into the display frame and nodded with satisfaction.

Marvel's spaceships are so rubbish. They only have some laser cannons. Not to mention the two-way foils. At the very least, they need a star destroyer cannon. At the worst, they need an antimatter annihilation cannon!

Yang Bo just said that if this battleship really had such a weapon, the Avengers would stop fighting and just stand in line and wait to snap their fingers.

After walking out of the collection room door and looking at Thanos' busy figure, Yang Bo nodded. He found that Thanos really liked farming, and he kept expanding it when he had nothing to do.

Seeing Yang Bo's arrival, Thanos stopped his movements and said, Can these crops be brought to other universes?


Thanos continued to lower his head thoughtfully and began to work.

Yang Bo looked at the busy two people, ignored them and directly arrived at the Kung Fu World through the teleportation stone tablet. He wanted to see how Penguin and the others were doing!

The Kung Fu World Underground Research Institute is still very busy, with various researchers busy non-stop.



People in black suits stood up and bowed to say hello after seeing Yang Bo.

Yang Bo waved his hand and asked, Where's the Penguin?

One of them said respectfully: Boss Penguin is presiding over the opening of a new factory!

Take me to see it!

Yang Bo knew about the factory, but he didn't expect that work would start so soon!

After getting into the car specially prepared for him, Yang Bo soon arrived at the factory not far from the Pig Cage Walled City, where a large number of spectators were gathering.

Yang Bo got out of the car and immediately saw the Penguin standing on a high platform giving a passionate speech.

The onlookers below were all confused as they listened to Penguin's fluent English.

Yang Bo helplessly held his forehead with one hand, feeling that he had a headache.

In charge of lunch!

The Penguin finally said one sentence in Chinese, and it was also the only sentence in Chinese. This sentence directly triggered violent applause.

As long as you can get a meal for free, if you say you like a man, everyone will applaud.

The factory opening ceremony ended quickly.

Penguin ran to the car, and Yang Bo waved for him to come up.

The Penguin looked very respectfully at Yang Bo with a smile on his face.


When Yang Bo looked at Penguin, he always felt that there was something different about him, but he couldn't pinpoint the specific differences.

how are things?

There are already four light factories, all of which produce civilian supplies. The arms factory is also operating in the dark. Now it can produce weapons independently!

After hearing this, Yang Bo nodded, patted Penguin on the shoulder, and said with a smile: Well done! By the way, do you want to go back? Batman can't see you these days, maybe he misses you!

After hearing this, Penguin's originally bright smile froze on his face. What the hell do you want Batman to miss!

Then he said calmly: Boss, I don't want to leave, I want to stay here!

Although he is a gang boss here, he is also a great entrepreneur who can live under the sun. Whether it is fame or fortune, he can be satisfied here.

Yang Bo didn't speak. He had already been mentally prepared for Penguin's decision.

Then do your best! I will give you higher authority, but please don't betray me. I think you can understand this feeling!

Penguin nodded solemnly. The presence of Yang Bo made him have no intention of resisting at all. He was just a human being, a smart ordinary person, how could he resist the 'god'!

Okay, don't be so serious. You should have been able to guess what I was thinking. What did they do?

When the Scarecrow and the Riddler were mentioned, the Penguin suddenly turned ugly and said directly: The Scarecrow is expanding the underground factory!

Looking at Penguin's face, Yang Bo felt that things were definitely not that simple. Sure enough, Penguin continued: The Riddler is making lanterns! Waiting for the Lantern Festival!

Uh! Yang Bo didn't know what to say for a moment. If he remembered correctly, it's only August now, and there's still about half a year to wait until the Lantern Festival!

No wonder the Penguin's face looks like he's eaten shit. There are three people paddling and two people are paddling. The Scarecrow is better and still working at least, and the Riddler is completely letting himself go!

Okay, leave him alone. I'll introduce you to some helpers when I get the chance, or you can train them yourself!

Penguin could only respond.

Go to the milk tea shop!

The car started and quickly headed towards the milk tea shop. There were still a lot of pedestrians on the road and it looked very busy.

A huge snowman is standing on top of a tall building holding wave candy. It can be clearly seen from a long distance. The shops downstairs have also expanded many times compared to before. It seems that all the surrounding shops are occupied by Ah Xing. down.

Yang Bo got out of the car and looked at the bustling milk tea shop, then walked inside.

Fatty was wearing work clothes, constantly greeting the children and maintaining order. When he saw Yang Bo, he was stunned for a moment, and then ran over.

The fat on Fat Zai Cong's body kept shaking up and down as he ran.

Huhu...Old...Boss, you are here!

Fatty Cong was out of breath after running a few steps. Yang Bo looked at him and said, Why do I feel like you've gained weight again? Did you just eat cakes and milk tea?

As Yang Bo spoke, he poked Fat Zaicong's belly with his fingers. Fat Zaicong was extremely itchy.

Boss... don't... itch! Fat Zaicong quickly begged for mercy. Yang Bo stopped what he was doing when he saw that Fat Zaicong was itchy!

Huh~ Boss, I didn't want to eat it. After the cakes in the cake shop are left, they won't be fresh the next day, so I ate them...


Fat boy Cong, sell the cake tonight at half price. If you can't give it to the poor, don't eat it. I'll explode if you look at it if you eat it!

Okay, boss! Fat Zaicong said with some disappointment.

I'm doing this for your own good, otherwise you won't even have the chance to be hit by a physical bullet. By the way, what about Axing?

Fatty Cong shouted into the store: A Xing! A Xing!

After a while, Xingzi ran out and saw Yang Bo with a smile on his face: Boss, you are here!

You are also the boss, just call me Brother Yang!

Xingzi looked at Yang Bo, who was younger than himself, and nodded: Okay boss, no problem boss!

Boss, I finally meet you. I can't contact you either. I'm getting married soon! Xingzi said with a happy smile on his face.

Also, thanks to the boss's people, Xiaolin can speak now!

It seems that Xiaolin is the name of the mute girl. Yang Bo looked at the happy smile on Xingzai's face and felt a little dazzling. He could only comfort himself: 'It's okay, it's okay! When you find a way back home, get married! ! ’

Okay, when, I'll come over and have the wedding ceremony!

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