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Chapter 246 Space Mothership

Yang Bo took Thanos back to the parallel Marvel world, and the spaceship covering the sky was still flying in the sky.

The earth was covered with desolation, and the traces of yesterday's war were still vivid in his mind. Yang Bo looked at the ruins, shook his head, and flew to the spaceship in the sky with Thanos.

Yang Bo muttered to himself: Why do you feel like you have forgotten something?


There was a shout.

Yang Bo turned around and saw that the sound came from the safe house built yesterday.

Damn it! I forgot Nebula!

Yang Bo grabbed Thanos and flew over, landed in front of the cabin, and asked doubtfully: Why don't you come out?

The safe house was not sealed, but a square gap was left, allowing one to climb out.

After Nebula saw Thanos, she fell into fear, jumped out directly, and knelt on one knee in front of Thanos.


Nebula's body was trembling slightly, and she didn't dare to look at Thanos's expression.

Thanos, on the other hand, didn't care that Nebula didn't show up during the battle yesterday. Instead, he grabbed Nebula's arm and pulled her up.

Thanos smiled and said: You did a good job, daughter! I think I have found a permanent solution to the problem of cosmic resources, and their sacrifices are worth it!

Nebula raised his head and saw Thanos' smile, and Yang Bo felt Nebula tremble even more.

Daughter, you can find your own life!

Nebula's eyes were full of disbelief. She looked at Thanos and never expected that one day Thanos would say this to her. She had always wanted Thanos's approval.

Unexpectedly, Thanos had undergone such a big change in just one day. Nebula couldn't help but look at the man beside him, and thought about what kind of person could change his father's mind.

Yang Bo smiled and said nothing.

At this time, a small spacecraft landed in the sky. It was the spacecraft of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The spacecraft quickly landed on the ground, and many familiar faces walked on it.

Everyone looked at Thanos warily, but Thanos didn't care.

Nebula, actually you can follow them! Or follow your sister back to your own universe!

Gamora looked at Thanos with complicated eyes, and stepped forward similarly: Father!

A sincere smile appeared on Thanos' face: Daughter, you once recognized my ideas, and we once fought side by side. Now I have seen new hope. You can take Nebula with you and live the life you want. !”

Thanos truly regards Gamora as his daughter. Thanos is like an ancient king who can sacrifice everything for his ideals, but this does not prevent him from loving Gamora the most.

Yang Bo looked at the father and daughter and said directly: Okay, we should go!

Rocket Raccoon ran to Yang Bo and whispered: Sir, that's the spring water. Is there any way to remove it? I accidentally fell on Star-Lord!

Yang Bo looked down at Rocket, with a playful smile on his face and asked softly: Accidentally?

Rocket looked a little embarrassed when Yang Bo said: Okay! I did it on purpose, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good!

Yang Bo took out the milk and stuffed it into Rocket's arms. The size of the milk bucket was not much smaller than Rocket's, and it looked particularly funny.

Just drink it, and there is no shelf life. It's up to you when you drink it!

Nebula wanted to be with Thanos, but was still rejected by Thanos. After Yang Bo said goodbye to a few people, he took Thanos and flew directly to the mothership in the sky.

It's obvious that the spaceship also has an intelligent program, and the huge alloy door automatically opens when Thanos approaches.

There is no longer any living thing inside. Even the people who were killed by Yang Bo yesterday also turned into fly ash and disappeared inside.

Thanos took Yang Bo to the laboratory of the spacecraft, where the huge jars were filled with dark red Pym particles.

Yang Bo looked at the huge jar, a little surprised, thinking that Ant-Man would travel through time and space to steal two bottles, and then look at Thanos.

Thanos, who copied this? Talent! I'll try to see if I can resurrect him! Yang Bo has always admired talents.

Just like the doctor in Orochimaru's Resident Evil, and Tony Stark, he admires them all.

I copied this! Thanos said calmly.

Aren't you a warrior? Looking at Thanos's strong figure and the memory of Thanos holding a double-edged sword and looking like a berserker, Yang Bo was a little in disbelief.

Thanos did not speak and began to operate the equipment. He quickly turned around and said to Yang Bo: We need to go out, otherwise we will become smaller together!

Yang Bo disagreed with Thanos' statement but still flew out with Thanos.

Just after the two people left, the huge spacecraft began to shrink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon the spaceship covering the sky became about half a meter tall. When Yang Bo saw this, he wanted to stuff the spaceship into his backpack, but found that he couldn't stuff it in at all.

Could it be?

Yang Bo had no choice but to take out his cobalt pickaxe, aim it at the spacecraft and dig it out. As expected, as Yang Bo had guessed, cracks appeared on the spacecraft. Soon the spacecraft was dug down by Yang Bo and sucked into his backpack.

[Pym Particle Miniaturized Space Mothership]×1

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