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Chapter 231 A Xing’s Awakening

Yang Bo looked at Huoyun Evil God who fell on the ground and said directly: Get under control and send him back!

The charterer and the charterer were confused and had no idea where to send the person, but the three people knew what Yang Bo meant and nodded one after another.

He directly tied up Huoyun Evil God. This was the alloy steel rope that Yang Bo specially prepared before arriving. Finally, Yang Bo walked up to Huoyun Evil God and directly put a special collar on him. The bomb contained in it was definitely enough for Huoyun Evil God to drink. Serve a pot.

If he resists, just press him down! If he dies, he will die!

Yang Bo directly handed the control button to Fried Ghost, and asked the three of them to leave here with Fire Cloud Evil God.

At this time, there was a messy sound coming from behind, and it turned out to be Brother Chen from the Ax Gang.

I don’t know if he has smoked too much, but when he saw such a scene, he even brought people with him and surrounded Yang Bo.

Yang Bo looked at his people mixed in the crowd, smiled and said: Tell Penguin to take action!

After hearing Yang Bo's words, many people behind Brother Chen took out their pistols and pointed them directly at the surrounding members of the Ax Gang. This scene made Brother Chen wake up.

Looking back at the rebellious men, he shouted angrily: You betrayed me, I will definitely kill you!

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked away by a man wearing a dealer uniform, and then he spat and said: If it weren't for the boss's orders, I would have killed you, a scum!

The kicked Brother Chen fell directly in front of Yang Bo. Yang Bo smiled and knelt down, patted Brother Chen on the head and said: Through fire and water! Brother Chen!

Then he ignored Brother Chen who fainted.

He walked directly towards Xing Zai, who was standing in the crowd and was too scared to move.

Xingzi saw Yang Bo looking at him blankly, and said in a panic: Boss, I'm not familiar with them. I just joined the Ax Gang today. I have seniors above me and juniors below, please let me go!

Yang Bo stood in front of Xingzai, looked him up and down and said, By the way, you wanted to challenge me last time, right?

Only then did Xingzi recognize Yang Bo, and became even more nervous: No, last time I was downstairs, I thought you were so handsome and eye-catching, boss. I just wanted to be your disciple, and the opportunity was wasted by the bastards from the Ax Gang! !”

Yang Bo laughed, he was indeed a star boy, and then said with a funny look:

Wow, it's incredible. You have a spiritual light that spurts out from the Heavenly Spirit Cap. You know, at such a young age, you have muscles and bones that have been trained hard. You are like a martial arts prodigy that you have only seen in a century. If one day I let you get through any Du Ermai, if you don’t fly like a dragon to the sky, as the saying goes, if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell... The task of policing evil, punishing rape, and maintaining world peace will be left to you!”

Yang Bo said and patted Xingzi on the shoulder.

Xingzi: ...

What is your relationship with that old beggar? ? ?

Do you want to open up the two channels of Ren and Du to become a peerless master and never have to be bullied by others again??

Although Xingzi didn't know Yang Bo's purpose, the current scene gave him no choice.

Xingzi was very conscientious and said directly and flatteringly: I will do whatever you ask me to do!

One day later, the underground research institute!


Screams came from the second underground floor. Yang Bo, who was sitting on the chair, looked at the charterer beside him and said, Is it okay? This is the only way?

The charterer shook his head: No, there is a more convenient way. We can directly use our internal energy to unblock it, but that will affect his qualifications in the end!

I can't believe that this kind of martial arts prodigy who is rare in a century has turned into a little gangster, but it's not too late to find out now!

At this moment, Ah Xing was being wildly abused by his housewife. For some unknown reason, the housewife always felt that fighting Ah Xing was particularly enjoyable.

After being beaten with all his strength by the charterer for more than an hour, Ah Xing still did not fall down, although he was already a little unconscious.

Almost!! The charterer said at this time.

Yang Bo stood up and walked to Xingzi, who was already covered in blood.

Is it okay to just take the medicine?

The charterer nodded: Just take the medicine according to the prescription I gave you. I didn't expect this kid to be so persistent!

Yang Bo nodded, looked at the unconscious Xingzi, and quickly untied him from the wooden stake and placed him on a specially prepared hospital bed not far away.

Then someone directly wrapped Xingzi with boiled Chinese medicine.

Now all that's left is to wait for Xingzi to turn into a butterfly!

Yang Bo sat back on the chair, picked up the tea on the side and drank it.

The charterer looked at Yang Bo and said, What are you going to do in the future?

Yang Bo glanced at the charterer and said with a smile: Don't worry, I won't become the second Ax Gang!

I want to build a lot of factories and arsenals. Don't forget that there is still a war in the country. I want to contribute!

The charterer took a deep drag on the cigarette and was a little silent. She didn't know what she was thinking. Then she blew out a square-shaped smoke.

He said in a very serious tone: I hope you can do what you say!

Yang Bo's eyes followed the square of smoke and he said, Don't worry, I will do what I say!

One week later!

In front of a store, many people were shopping with their children, and it seemed very lively for a while.

There is a snowman on the shop sign, and he is holding a huge wave candy in his hand!

At the entrance of the store, Yang Bo is sitting on a chair under an umbrella, holding a cup of QQ milk tea that tastes delicious!

At this time, Xingzi was wearing a waiter's clothes and said with a sincere smile on his face: Boss, is there anything else you need?

Yang Bo looked at Xingzi and said: When the time comes, I will open a dessert shop next to you, and I will leave it to you. I will also give you 50% of the shares. You will still be the person in charge! I always want to eat something with milk tea. !”

Xingzai nodded happily. Although he has transformed into a peerless master, he still chose an ordinary life.

At this time, a figure in the distance came over pushing a cart. Ah Xing froze in place as if he had been struck by lightning.

Yang Bo smiled from behind and said: Go quickly! By the way, take her to the base when the time comes, and I will find a way to treat her!

Ah Xing woke up from a dream and walked to the mute girl. The two looked at each other affectionately. Ah Xing stretched out his hand and took the other person's hand directly, and led Ah Xing directly to Yang Bo.

Yang Bo suddenly felt that the cup of QQ milk tea in his hand was so delicious that the milk tea suddenly lost its taste.

After the mute girl saw Yang Bo, she was stunned for a moment and then started to sign.

Is it you? Please don't do it in front of the person I like...

Yang Bo straightened his head in black.

Without waiting for the chat group to finish translating, he stood up and walked towards the old beggar who appeared on the roadside!

It was so hard to find you!

The old beggar raised his head and looked at Yang Bo and said in surprise: It's amazing! The young man's whole body is shining with aura. He is no ordinary person at first glance. The task of saving the world is left to you!

Don't talk nonsense, I bought it for all the money!

The old beggar was stunned.

You don't play by the rules!

The old beggar directly stretched out a finger and said: It seems you are destined, one thousand copies!

Damn it, is your book cover made of gold? Or are the pages of your book made of gold?

The old beggar shook his head and said, Don't even look at it. This is the end of the martial arts era. I have passed it down from my ancestors. If you think it's expensive, I still think it's expensive!

Okay! I want them all. Let's make sure that if the content of this book is false, don't blame me for being rude!

How can I, a book seller, sell you fake books! As he said this, the old beggar took out seven or eight books from his backpack.

There were all kinds of types on it. Yang Bo took out a wad of banknotes without saying a word, put it in the old beggar's hand, and then took back the secret book.

Upload directly to the group sharing through the chat group.

[Congratulations to Yang Bo for uploading the Nine Yin Manual of Kung Fu (Kung Fu Version) to the group for sharing, and he will be rewarded with 140 points! 】

After waiting for a long time, I didn't hear any other notification sounds.

Old beggar! You lied to me! Yang Bo raised his head angrily, but the old beggar was nowhere to be seen.

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