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Chapter 230 Capture

Fire Cloud Evil God looks like an ordinary person, even a little slovenly. The sparse hair on his head makes people suspect that he may be a programmer who has worked for three years.

It would be more like wearing a plaid shirt.

The charterer and the landlord were the first to attack. The gambling table in front of them shattered into pieces. Fire Cloud Evil God easily blocked the charterer's attack.

There was an expression of surprise on the charterer's face. The opponent was so strong. The charterer jumped up in the air and kicked Huoyun Evil God in the face.

Yang Bo looked on, but he was speechless.

I'm going to go, my face is flat like this, everything is fine! No matter what I say, I have to take it away and study it!

Although Huoyun Evil God's face was deformed by the kick, his entire head did not move much at all.

After being attacked, Fire Cloud Evil God showed a satisfied look on his face and said with a smile: This is interesting!

Then they directly attacked the two Condor Heroes. The speed of the three of them was very fast, and afterimages appeared on all six arms, which was dazzling.

However, it was obvious that Huoyun Evil God was able to deal with the landlord, wife and landlord by himself.

With a bang of his feet, the landlord and the landlord were kicked out and flew directly to another room, where there was a huge clock.

After Yang Bo saw the big clock, he turned around and said to the three of them with a smile: You will see the lion's roaring loudspeaker soon!

At this moment, a croupier from the Ax Gang suddenly walked up to Yang Bo.

The three masters just wanted to take action, but were blocked by Yang Bo.

Yang Bo glanced around and found that not only the dealer in front of him did not run away, but there were seven or eight dealers not far away, and several waiters wearing cheongsam also did not leave.

They all stood aside and watched the show like Yang Bo.

Yang Bo was very curious. A group of ordinary people didn't run away when they encountered such a scene. Could it be that the Ax Gang was really treated so well?

At this time, the croupier walked up to Yang Bo and said with a very respectful expression: Boss, this casino has been secretly controlled by us! Now this is your property!

Yang Bo: ...

Hearing the title of boss, Yang Bo was speechless. He didn't expect that the headquarters industry of the Ax Gang was actually controlled by his own people. The Penguin did a very good job.

But then Yang Bo remembered something!

You three, hurry up and don't let the charter woman use the loudspeaker!!! Each of you owns 5% of the shares!

At this moment, Yang Bo suddenly panicked, and his original mentality of watching the excitement suddenly changed.

My casino!!! Yang Bo felt extremely distressed at the moment. The originally magnificent casino was now completely destroyed, but it could still be repaired.

If the tenant blows a loudspeaker out of it, it would be better to find a new place and build another one!

The three of them also heard what the dealer said, looked at each other directly, and joined the battle.

After being strengthened by the T-virus, the speed and strength of the three people were greatly improved. With the blessing of inner energy, they reached the side of Fire Cloud Evil God in an instant.

After Coolie Qiang was strengthened with krypton gold, he who was originally the weakest was now full of violence and directly kicked the Fire Cloud Evil God with all his strength.

Fire Cloud Evil God noticed the strong wind behind him, quickly turned around to block Coolie Qiang's attack, and then said with a laugh:

I didn't expect that there would be such a master in a mere casino. It looks like I can have a lot of fun today!

Soon Huoyun Evil God fell into the siege of three people, and the charterer and charterer also breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the charterer took a sharp breath, and her already majestic mind changed from D to F this time, which was really daunting.

When Yang Bo saw the charterer preparing to use the Lion's Roar Kung Fu, he quickly shouted: Charterer, this casino is mine now! I will give you and your wife 5% of the shares each!!

It's not that Yang Bo is generous. Although the casino can make a lot of money every day, Yang Bo won't stay in the world of kung fu for a long time. Being able to spend money to hire two masters is worth it!

When the charterer heard Yang Bo's words, she quickly exhaled the breath she had inhaled and gently exhaled, then looked at Yang Bo: You didn't tell me earlier!!

Seeing the demolition around her, the charterer felt her heart bleeding!

Yang Bo said helplessly: I didn't know that earlier!

There was no way, Yang Bo directly delegated the power to the Penguin. He only wanted the results and not the process.

Professional matters should still be left to professionals.

Huo Yun Xie Shen's kung fu is indeed worthy of the title of the ultimate murderer. One against five is just a draw, and neither side can do anything to the other.

Although they didn't have the powerful destructive power of the Lion's Roar, a few people still slowly demolished the casino.

Go out and fight!!

Yang Bo stood aside and shouted quickly with ideas.

Fire Cloud Evil God turned his head and glanced at Yang Bo, who had been shouting not far away.

This young man! Why don't you come up and try?

While speaking, Fire Cloud Evil God found an opportunity and ran directly towards Yang Bo, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Without saying a word, Yang Bo turned around and ran towards the entrance of the casino. Upon seeing this, Fire Cloud Evil God immediately understood that the other party wanted to lure him out, but he was confident in his own strength, so he followed Yang Bo out directly.

All the people ran out.

When Yang Bo saw the Fire Cloud Evil God coming out, he shouted directly: Don't hold back!

The three masters had already tried the power of Fire Cloud Evil God. They took out two bottles of potions with serious expressions on their bodies, opened them and drank them directly.

Those were the strength potion and agility potion that Yang Bo gave them before he came.

Then Coolie Qiang and Old Rabbit directly activated the mechanism on the armor, and the bright spikes popped out directly, like a mace.

With the increase in potion, the three of them directly caught up with Fire Cloud Evil God again. This time the situation on the field changed, and the three people's speed became faster. Fire Cloud Evil God had not been able to adapt for a while, and was directly beaten by the old man. Rabbit hit his arm on the back.

I saw that Huoyun Evil God's back turned directly into a lotus pod, with blood holes all over it. The originally dirty hurdle vest was now dyed red.

Faced with the siege of the three men, Fire Cloud Evil God could only dodge continuously and did not dare to directly receive the opponent's attacks. Fire Cloud Evil God was suppressed for a while.

Housewife and charterer, drink it!

Yang Bo directly took out the potion and handed it to the two of them, who hesitated for a while.

Yang Bo saw the two people’s concerns and said, “Don’t worry, there will be no side effects!”

The charterer took the lead in opening the potion, drank it directly, and then looked at her body in shock.

So strong??

The two drank the potion and joined the battle again. Soon the joining of the two masters became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Fire Cloud Evil God was beaten to the point where he fell to his knees.

I surrender!!

Everyone stopped. Taking this opportunity, Huoyun Evil God took out a hidden weapon from behind and stabbed the two people closest to him.

It was Coolie Qiang and Old Rabbit.

Coolie Qiang and Old Rabbit were stabbed directly in the abdomen, making a crisp sound.

Fire Cloud Evil God was stunned on the spot, and then was pressed against the back of the heart by Fried Ghost's alloy spear.

The two men took out two alloy plates directly from their abdomens and threw them in front of Fire Cloud Evil God.

Fire Cloud Evil God murmured: You don't even practice martial ethics!!

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