Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 130 Xiaozhi and the Elf

Inside the Sky Island House in Minecraft.

Yang Bo was staring at the chat group with bright eyes at this moment, waiting for Clark to agree to his proposal.

Clark: General Zuo De is very powerful, I'm afraid you won't be able to suppress him by then!

Clark didn't understand the situation on Yang Bo's side and was a little hesitant.

Group leader Yang Bo: Don't talk about Zuo De, even if you come, I can hold you down and beat you!

Clark: →_→!

After Dumbledore came to my world before, he had already been prompted to grant various permissions.

Destruction permissions, movement permissions, resurrection permissions, and synthesis permissions.

So he was not worried at all. General Zuo De and his party were disobedient after they came to my world.

As long as Zuo De and the others come in, life and death have nothing to do with Zuo De and the others!

Clark: Yes, but group leader, I can't send people there!

Group leader Yang Bo: It's okay. You're responsible for knocking him out and I'll just carry him back!

Soon the two of them agreed on a human trafficking plan in the group.

Xiaozhi: Hello, I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!

Group leader Yang Bo: Welcome! Welcome!

Xiaozhi roughly understood the news of the chat group through the chat history, and had already watched his own plot.

Xiaozhi: Group leader, why are there seven kinds of plots about me?

Group leader Yang Bo: Xiao Zhi, your world timeline is a bit confusing. I don't know whether it is a parallel world or a reset of the timeline!

However, it won't have much impact on you. At most, it won't grow up!

After Xiaozhi heard the news, his head was filled with black threads, and an old joke stuck in his mouth.

‘Whether you grow up or not is not a problem! ’

Originally in this world, Xiaozhi didn't feel anything was wrong, but he found out after joining the chat group and watching the plot.

Yang Bo opened the group store and checked the products inside. After the new arrival, the products inside were also refreshed.

And he had already discovered that the products inside were basically related to the world of group friends.

【Magical hidden glasses】

[After wearing glasses, you can change your image in the eyes of others, which has the effect of hiding yourself. 】

[ps: As long as you put it on, you won’t even recognize yourself when you look in the mirror! 】

【Points 25】

[Cooking Manual of Green Onion Duck]

[The cooking method of duck with green onions and the required materials are recorded in detail. 】

[ps: All the ingredients are available in the green onion duck! 】

【Points 2】

But this time there are no modules to refresh Minecraft in the group store.

Yang Bo sighed and closed the group store.

I don't know when an equal exchange will happen! And I also want an elf! Just a katy dog, I don't expect a mythical beast!

Looking at the lively chat group, Yang Bo chatted with the group members for a while.

The heavy rain on the empty island gradually stopped, the sun fell on the ground, and Yang Bo walked out of the house.

“A new day has begun!!”

Xiaoxue's voice came from behind.

Well! If the rain stops for a while, the moon will come out!

Yang Bo: ...

Taking out the oxygen tank in the machine, Yang Bo prepared to go to the moon in my world. Take a look. The moon in the galaxy module is not like the moon in reality. There is nothing.

The moon of the galaxy module has villages, monsters, dungeons, and a lot of minerals.

The most important thing is natural meteorite, which is a necessity for making more advanced rockets.

Soon Yang Bo boarded the first-stage rocket, a large amount of flames spurted out from the tail, and the rocket slowly rose into the sky.

The rocket flew upwards for a thousand meters, finally entered the predetermined orbit and entered the destination selection interface.

Looking at the familiar star map, Yang Bo quickly found the position of the moon.

But Yang Bo’s brows furrowed!

There is actually an earth on the third orbit of the star map, and it is a round earth, with a round moon on the side as well!

His location is also shown as a square, uh, uh, earth, with a square moon symbol on the side.

What is going on? Is that earth just my world in ordinary survival mode?

Yang Bo clicked on the information about the planet.

【Not explored yet! 】

[Requires a second-level rocket, or a higher-level rocket. 】

When the rocket reaches the second stage, I will definitely go there and have a look! If it is really an ordinary world, I will move directly! Finally, I don't have to worry about falling!

Choose the moon!

Yang Bo's eyesight went dark, and then he arrived in the moon environment.

The rocket slowly descended in the air and landed on the surface of the moon.

Yang Bo stepped out of the spacecraft and stepped on the surface of the moon!

My one small step will never lead to any nonsense!

But there was no chance for Yang Bo to plant a flag. His lifelong enemy, a space novice, shot him an arrow!

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