Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 129 Newcomers in Chat Group

With the teleportation stele, it was more convenient for Yang Bo to travel to the Harry Potter world.

In the beautiful weather with heavy rain, Yang Bo hid in the small house on the empty island, looked at the heavy rain outside, and murmured: Why does it feel like this heavy rain lasts so long?!

Xiaoxue nodded aside and said: I don't like rainy days! It feels more comfortable when the sun is shining on my body!

Why do you still want to bask in the sun and grow taller?


Familiar feeling, familiar intensity.

At this time, a new message popped up in the chat group.

[New members have joined the chat group, group owners please check carefully! 】

[Xiao Zhi joins the chat group! 】

[Clark Kent joins the chat group! 】

Yang Bo was particularly surprised when he saw the two people joining the chat group.

What's going on? Dachao?? You're coming in now? Isn't it a little early?

Quickly open the chat group and check the new information shared in the group.

[Pokémon 1-7 plot character Ash]

[Superman: Man of Steel plot character Clark Kent]

Yang Bo breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it.

Fortunately it's not the Injustice Alliance, otherwise this super guy wouldn't be able to stay!!

In the chat group.

Clark Kent: What is this? Alien technology?

Zhang Chulan: Ahem! This is the chat group of all worlds. You are chosen by fate, and I am the messenger of the God of Destiny! [Manual Dog Head]

Clark had just boarded the spacecraft at this time. After inserting the key, he suddenly heard an electronic sound, and then saw the chat group appearing in front of him.

He thought it was something like the holographic projection on the spacecraft.

Although Clark didn't know what Zhang Chulan was talking about, when he saw the dog-headed portrait at the end, he understood that the other party must be making fun of him.

Group leader Yang Bo: Welcome newcomers! Zhang Chulan, I am the incarnation of destiny. Now there is a flute player beside me. I think you are very good! [Funny sideways eyes]

Zhang Sanfeng: Welcome newcomers!

Gao Yao: Welcome newcomers!

Yue Buqun: Aren't there two people? Why doesn't the newcomer say anything?!

Group leader Yang Bo: Welcome newbies. If you don't understand anything, you can read the group announcement. There is some simple introduction information on it!

Clark followed the instructions and checked the chat group announcement, and soon he understood the chat group.

Clark: Hello! Nice to meet you!

Group leader Yang Bo: Then you are happy too early!

Clark: ???

Yang Bo thought of Clark's life, which was like a coffee table filled with tragedies.

Group leader Yang Bo: Clark, I don't know what time period you are in now, but you can check out the plot about you in the group sharing!

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng: I have come back after watching it. The newcomer is so strong! He can be called a god on earth. I never thought there could be such a powerful race!

As an old member, Ying Zheng, he rushed to watch the newcomers' plots as soon as possible. This was one of the few joys for him living in the Qin Dynasty.

Group leader Yang Bo: Of course, even though Kryptonians don't have good brains, their bodies are definitely good!

Clark soon understood his situation and stared at the entrance of the spacecraft. Sure enough, a figure appeared there, it was Louise.

Superman took advantage of the moment when the warning robot was about to hurt her and ran over, destroying the robot with both hands.

Louis looked at Superman in horror and said, Who are you?

Clark shook his head at Lewis expressionlessly and said: Louis, continuing to investigate will pose a threat to your safety. I hope you will stop investigating!

Now Clark met Louis for the first time, and he didn't fall in love with her directly, although Louis was very beautiful in his aesthetic sense.

Clark secretly sent Louis out, and then directly drove the spacecraft away from here.

On the way, he opened the chat group again and saw Zhang Chulan talking in the group.

Zhang Chulan: Wow! What a boss, Clark is so strong. Unfortunately, due to race, there is no way to upload it to the sharing. Otherwise, we can be invincible just by basking in the sun!

Group leader Yang Bo: If I gain superhuman abilities, I will be superman on the first day, a citizen of the motherland on the second day, and a member of my ancestors on the third day! The most admirable thing about Clark is his spirit, which has a strong Strength can still maintain one’s true nature!”

Clark looked at the compliments in the group and felt a little happy.

Clark: Thank you! But I am not the Superman you know yet. I have just driven the spaceship out of the ice. General Zod must have received the signal when the spacecraft started, and he must be rushing to the earth with all his strength.

Group leader Yang Bo: This is not easy! When you put on your armor and fly out of space and land on the moon, you can just bask in the sun and wait for General Zuo De. I don't believe that as long as you are ruthless, Zuo De The general can still beat you!

Clark: I don't want to hurt them. General Zuo De is my tribe after all, and I don't want to hurt the people on Earth!

Group leader Yang Bo: Otherwise, you can find a way to subdue your fellow tribesmen and put them directly into my world. I guarantee there will never be any problems!

Yang Bo secretly rejoiced: Isn't this the perfect labor force coming soon?

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