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Chapter 119 Elytra and Iron Man

Yang Bo has cleaned the entire building, in a real sense, and all the good-looking blocks, end candles and the contents of the boxes have been taken away by Yang Bo.

Now that there is a shulker box, the capacity of Yang Bo's backpack has been expanded again, and all the things that are not commonly used are stuffed into the shulker box.

Looking at the end ship opposite the building, Yang Bo directly threw an ender pearl at it.

Thrown it away...

Yang Bo looked at the beautiful arc of the pearl with a black thread and it fell directly to the ground in the distance!


Yang Bo appears directly at the landing point of the ender pearl.

Returning to the end ship again, this time Yang Bo didn't do any tricks. He just took out the blocks and padded them little by little.

Soon Yang Bo arrived at the end ship. There were two shulker shells on the end ship, which were completely unable to resist Yang Bo, who was already stunned by the elytra.

My elytra, here I come!

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement, the sky is the limit! 】

Yang Bo took off his chest armor and directly equipped it with elytra, walked to the bow of the end ship, and dug out the ender dragon head on it.

Standing on the high bow of the ship, Yang Bo stood up straight, opened his hands, closed his eyes and jumped off!

Under the hidden sword, everyone is equal.

The only pity is that there is no sound of eagles!

After Yang Bo jumped down, the elytra behind him opened directly and began to glide.

Finally I can fly!!! Let's make some fireworks when we go back!

Yang Bo felt the feeling of flying in the air and was very excited. Although he was just gliding, he was still flying in the air. This was completely different from the feeling of being in a rocket.

Iron Man Tony Stark, after Yang Bo ascended to heaven, has been observing the water that Yang Bo left floating in the sky.

At this time, Frank had already said goodbye to Stark and left here, leaving Tony alone, still studying in the open space of the villa.

One day has passed.

At this moment, the surroundings of the water flow have changed greatly. There are various equipment everywhere. Tony stood next to the instrument, looked at the data on it and murmured:

The ingredients are actually just ordinary water. The only difference is that there are no microorganisms in it! This is impossible! There are no microorganisms after being exposed to the air for so long!

At this moment, Tony was in a deadlock. With his current knowledge, he couldn't figure out what the water was about.

Not to mention other aspects, he couldn't even figure out the problem of being suspended in the air.

This water can flow up to eight meters! If it exceeds eight meters, it will disappear out of thin air! Is this recycling, but what is the principle?

Mr. Stark, Mr. Frank is calling you!

Jarvis's voice sounded in Tony's earphones.

Tony temporarily stopped his research: Take it in!

Soon Frank's voice sounded inside: Tony! Stop studying what that man left behind. He is teasing you. You can't study this at all at the moment!

After listening to Frank's words, Tony's competitive spirit was directly stimulated: Frank! Don't worry, who am I? Genius scientist Tony Stark, give me some time and I will definitely be able to figure it out!

After hearing this, Frank said helplessly: Tony, this is just a prank by that person! If you continue to study it, my weapon will be hopeless!

Tony said awkwardly: Uh... to be honest, I really forgot that you need weapons!

Frank: ...

Tony! I have a pistol with unlimited bullets. Are you interested in studying it?

After hearing this, Tony's eyes lit up and he said: Frank! My friend, you are not joking, of course you are interested. Come to my villa, no... I will have someone pick you up right now!

There was already infinite water floating in the air, and Tony naturally believed Frank's gun with infinite bullets!

After hanging up the phone, Tony directly asked the driver to pick up Frank at the address Frank mentioned!

Frank was quickly picked up by Tony's driver, and Tony immediately put down what he was doing and walked towards Frank.

Tony smiled directly and said jokingly to Frank:

Frank, this is the first time I have met a man for two consecutive days, and I took the initiative! Oh~ I never thought that one day I would become such a person!

Frank: I want my new weapon, Tony!

Tony quickly said: No problem, this is very simple for me! Frank, can you let me see your gun?!

Frank nodded and took out the 1911 directly, handed it to Tony, and Tony opened the magazine without hesitation, counted the bullets in it, and then fired a few shots at the sea in the distance.

Then he opened the magazine and counted the bullets inside again. Then Tony said in surprise: There is one more bullet!

Tony couldn't believe it and counted it again. This time Tony was even more surprised: This... there is one more!!

This time he stared hard at the magazine. After a few seconds, a bullet appeared directly in the magazine in Tony's eyes.


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