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Chapter 118 The Jump Gate and the City at the End of the World

Yang Bo walked to the portal and looked at the empty island on the bedrock. Yang Bo reached out and touched the dragon egg. The egg teleported away directly like an enderman.

The dragon egg cannot be touched by hand at all. Once touched, it will be automatically teleported to the side.

Yang Bo looked around, looking for the dragon egg: I'm going, where is the dragon egg?

Just as he was looking around, he finally saw the dragon egg, but it was too late, so he could only see the dragon egg disappearing in front of him.

It turned out that the dragon egg was not teleported far away at all, but was teleported directly to a high altitude one block away. Yang Bo could only watch helplessly as the dragon egg fell into the teleportation gate and disappeared before his eyes.

Yang Bo's whole body was numb, and his face was full of astonishment.

Fuck! (A radical!) The ender dragon is showing off to me, but I didn't expect that a dragon egg is also showing off to me!

Wait until I get back! I will definitely find a way to get a module that can eat you!!

Yang Bo didn't want to go there now. He had already come to the end and killed the ender dragon. If he didn't find the elytra, wouldn't he have come to the end in vain?

After finding the jump portal, Yang Bo directly climbed up on the block. Looking at the jump gate with only one space, Yang Bo did not use the ender pearl to teleport in, but climbed in directly.

It's a joke. He's not a game character. He can crawl in even though it's one meter wide!

The moment he touched the portal block, Yang Bo was directly teleported to an unknown location in the end.

Yang Bo appeared on another island in the void. The surrounding environment had changed drastically. There were no obsidian pillars or portals.

But there were many chorus fruit trees, and their strange appearance reminded Yang Bo of the purple tentacle monster.

There are also a large number of Endermen living in groups on the island.

At this time, Yang Bo was frowning and thinking about something.

Speaking of which! If I didn't have to crawl in just now, could I just reach in and teleport directly?

Yang Bo felt a little uncomfortable when he remembered that he looked like a white creature just now!

He walked towards the chorus fruit tree and chopped it with an ax at the root. The chorus fruit tree was very easy to be damaged, and as long as one section was damaged, the entire chorus fruit tree would burst.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of a large number of chorus fruit tree trunks cracking was heard, and Yang Bo felt it was very pleasant.

Picking up the fallen chorus fruit, Yang Bo ate one directly.

‘Whoosh! ’ Yang Bo’s figure disappeared again and appeared not far away.

It tastes pretty good! But you can't just eat it casually on an empty island!

The effect of the chorus fruit is that after eating it, it can be teleported a certain distance randomly. If it is eaten on an empty island, it can basically be regarded as a suicide artifact.

At this time, Yang Bo suddenly thought of a question.

How do I go back???

Now Yang Bo has no mini map or teleportation stone at all. After being teleported to the high island in the end by the warp gate, he can't find the way back at all, and he doesn't have the coordinates yet! ! !

Yang Bo was dumbfounded at this moment.

Do you really want to jump into the void??

Although he knew that he could be resurrected and that he would not fall when he died, Yang Bo was still a little unwilling to die for no reason.

Forget it, take one step at a time. If you can't find the jump door to go back, just jump into the void and try the taste of death!

Yang Bo collected some chorus fruits, ran up on the block and collected some chorus flowers. The chorus flowers must be destroyed separately to obtain. If you cut down a tree below, even if there are flowers on it, it will not fall down. .

Looking at the building made of lavender squares in front of him, Yang Bo ran over excitedly!

“I finally found it!!”

Yang Bo, who had been searching for a long time, finally arrived at the End City.

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the city at the end of the game! 】

After Yang Bo walked into the end city, he heard the sound of a box being opened.

Looking at the corner of the room, a purple shulker secretly opened its shell and shot out something white.

This white thing is the shulker missile.

Hidden well! But under my eyes, everything is meaningless! The art of shuriken! Yang Bo's Chuuni soul began to burn.

While the shell of the shulker was still opening, Yang Bo took away the life of the shulker with two boomerangs.

Picking up the fallen shulker shell, Yang Bo continued to explore the building.

The higher Yang Bo climbed, the more shulker shells there were.

Several white shulker missiles were tracking Yang Bo from behind. Yang Bo hurriedly hid behind a shulker. At this time, the shulker next to him opened its shell and had not yet waited for it to attack Yang Bo.

The shulker missiles that followed Yang Bo directly hit the shulker, and then the shulker was teleported directly to the side, leaving a shulker of the same color in its place.

Shulkers do not generate naturally at all, but when a shulker with its shell opened is hit by a missile launched by another shulker (or itself), there is a probability that a new shulker of the same color will be generated around it. This will create a shulker farm.

Yang Bo watched this scene and started a massacre. He didn't care about the 80% damage-free effect when the shulker shell closed its shell, and directly used the boomerang to eliminate all the shulker shells.

What the shulker launches is really a missile??? Why does it still have a reproductive effect? ​​What if it gets stuck in the face by this missile...

Yang Bo thought about the scene and couldn't help but shuddered.

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