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Chapter 112 Frank’s solo performance

The helicopter pilot heard Frank's order and headed toward the mountains to the west.

Frank kept scanning the situation on the ground. After being strengthened by the chat group, Frank's physical fitness now completely exceeded the so-called human body limit.

But it's still hard to tell when you meet the captain. After all, the captain is 50-50 with everyone!

Frank soon discovered something was wrong on the ground. There were some unusual traces on the desert, and the other party also made traces. Even an experienced person like Frank almost ignored them.

Get down!

The helicopter landed slowly on the gentle sand. Frank jumped out of the helicopter and walked towards the problem area.

As we got closer, more clues were revealed. There were a large number of vehicles driving past here, but the traces had been cleaned up.

Frank asked the American soldier who came with him: Are there any villages near here?

The American soldier frowned and checked the information: Sir, there is no village registration information here!

After receiving the answer, Frank looked deeply at the hills not far away.

It should be right here!

After half a day of searching, Frank finally found the base of the terrorist organization hidden in the valley. The enemy made a lot of camouflage at the base, and there was no problem at all visible in the sky.

Frank said to the soldier: Notify the command post and find the enemy's base, but we are not sure whether it is the person who kidnapped Tony Stark!

Frank and his team did not come by helicopter, but explored on foot, which is why it took so long.

If you fly a helicopter, it is easy to alert the enemy, and the enemy also has advanced weapons, which were sold to these people privately by Obadiah Stan.

Frank was still unsure of how to withstand an enemy missile and chose to explore on foot.

Frank checked the weapons he carried and slowly touched them by himself.

The military quality of these terrorists is not very high. They only have some open sentinels, but no hidden sentries!

One or two... Frank counted the number of enemies outside the cave entrance in his mind. There were nearly 20 enemies, but Frank was not panicking at all now.

He is now completely a dead-shooter in the DC universe with enhanced physical fitness, and he can basically hit the target without missing a beat.

Bang! With a gunshot, a terrorist's head exploded.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The assault rifle in Frank's hand sprays a large number of bullets, and every bullet is a call to death.

Inside the cave, Tony Stark is assembling his armor. At this moment, he has completely lost his playboy image.

At this time, there was a loud noise inside the cave.

Dr. Ethan! What are they saying outside? Tony couldn't understand what the locals said, so he could only ask Dr. Ethan, who was treating him.

Dr. Ethan listened carefully and then said: Tony seems to have an intruder! I can't hear the rest clearly!

After hearing this, Tony said seriously: Maybe someone from the military has found me, but we must speed up building armor now.

Otherwise the other party will kill us!

What Tony said was reasonable. If a large military force came over, the other party would most likely kidnap him and escape or kill them directly.

But Tony had no idea there was only one person out there.

Without anyone's interference, the assembly of Tony's armor progressed very quickly.

But at this time, intensive gunshots came from the cave outside. Tony stood inside the armor, staring nervously at the door of the cell.


The lock on the door was opened directly by someone outside with a gun.

Frank's muscular figure walked in.

Tony Stark! Your vacation is over!

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