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Chapter 111 Emerald Farm and Tony Stark

【Construction Staff Module】

【Simple and easy-to-use, the best assistant for building platforms or buildings. 】

[ps: Handicapped people please use it with caution! Otherwise you'll end up trying to accidentally build an extra layer which would be a pain! 】

【Points 50】

Yang Bo glanced at the huge platform just built with a black line on his head.

Tell me, are you sent by my brother to play with me?

Yang Bo worked hard to expand the empty island in a large circle, then opened the shop in the chat group, and saw the construction staff module lying brightly inside.

Spend 50 points to buy a construction staff. There are four types of construction staffs, stone, iron, diamond and indestructible! Generally, sky islands will have this module.

Stone and iron construction staffs can only be placed horizontally.

The Diamond Construction Staff can also place blocks wherever you want, which is very practical, but it also has durability limitations.

However, if the construction staff is not destroyed, there is no durability setting. Unfortunately, it cannot be obtained in survival mode unless it is a magically modified sky island.

Yang Bo took the materials and synthesized the diamond construction staff directly in the workbench.

Looking at the surrounding area, it had expanded very much. Yang Bo didn't know what to do with the construction wand for a while!

How about finding an open space and building an emerald farm?

Yang Bo thought to himself that he had no shortage of emeralds, but the totem of immortality was a good thing!

Just do it.

Yang Bo went directly to the lower realm through the gate of hell. Taking advantage of the fact that one square distance in the lower realm is equal to eight square distances in the main world, he built a direct road through hell!

In this way, you can quickly travel to further places in the main world.

In the originally empty void in the main world, a dark portal suddenly appeared in the void.

Then Yang Bo's figure appeared here through the portal.

A new, open area was chosen because the raid's raider spawn will detect villagers and worker blocks, all blocks in the surrounding 64 blocks, and will only spawn on the topmost block within range.

Yang Bo quickly built a platform and then started building blocks on it.

After some time, a raider farm has been built.

Yang Bo looked at the fruits of his labor and clapped his hands.

Everything is ready, all we need is the captain!

To start an attack, you must first kill a raider captain carrying a flag and obtain an ominous sign.

Walking within a three by three radius of a villager with a bad omen triggers an attack.

But the captain doesn't just show up immediately if you miss him. Even after staying on the empty island for so long, Yang Bo has not encountered a predator patrol.

Then Yang Bo thought of the wandering businessman again!

No! I've never met a wandering merchant either!

I really don’t know if Yang Bo’s face is too dark, or if it’s because Yang Bo is so lucky that he has never seen these two special creatures.

Yang Bo, who had nothing to do, could only stay in the monster spawning tower, constantly brushing up the level of the boomerang.

Marvel world.

Frank has taken over the task of saving Tony Stark.

Now he has arrived in the desert of Afghanistan where Tony Stark was attacked.

In the command center of the military base, Punisher Frank saw Tony's friend James Rhodes, the future war machine!

Rhodes looked anxious at the moment and was giving orders.

Send a helicopter to search where Tony Stark may be hiding!

Seeing Frank's arrival, Rhodes also walked over and stretched out his hand: James Rhodes, Frank Custer, nice to meet you!

SHIELD had already informed the military of Frank's arrival, and Frank was also a member of the military before. Although Rhodes had never met Frank, he had heard of Frank's name.

Frank himself was a warrior and was not too polite to Rhodes.

Colonel Rhodes, I want to go directly with the helicopter to find Tony Stark. You know this is my mission.

Rhodes agreed directly. Frank was an elite sent by SHIELD to assist him in finding Tony Stark, and he might really bring hope.

Under the scorching sun, the desert reflects golden colors, and the huge propeller sound of the helicopter makes no other sounds heard.

Frank was constantly observing the situation below.

Frank was thinking about the opponent's base scene and some details in the plot, and shouted to the driver loudly: Drive towards the mountains to the west!

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